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Ministry of Higher Education Sohar College of Applied Sciences IT department Comp1411 - Introduction to Programming Using C++ Fall, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Ministry of Higher Education Sohar College of Applied Sciences IT department Comp1411 - Introduction to Programming Using C++ Fall, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ministry of Higher Education Sohar College of Applied Sciences IT department Comp1411 - Introduction to Programming Using C++ Fall, 2011

2 In this Lecture Course Instructor Course Description Course Objectives Course Assessment Brief Introduction to Programming Problem Solving and Algorithms

3 Course Instructor Mr. Yahya Al-Azri IT department, office: 7 Email: Feel free to contact me any time!

4 Course Description Compulsory for all engineering students Introduction to software development using the high level programming language C++. Students are expected to know the basic principles of a computer system such as file management. The course includes topics like: data types, operators expressions, functions, and loops. Textbook: Engineering Problem Solving using C++, Deores M. Etter and Jeanine A. Ingber, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2008

5 Course Objectives At the end of this course, students should be able to: Understand the syntax of C++ programs including functions and looping Formulate simple and moderate numerical engineering problems into a computer program. Design, edit, compile, execute, test, and debug a program.

6 Course Assessment Assignments: 10% Practical Tests: 10% Quizzes: 15% Programming Task: 10% Mid Exam: 20% Final: 35%

7 Brief Introduction to Programming What does programming mean? Example programs from real life How to write a program Programming Languages Why is programming important to engineers?

8 Problem Solving and Algorithms Programming is all about problem solving What needs to be done before solving a problem? The concept of algorithms Use of flow charts

9 Software Download software used for this course from website: Also try this link: You can also get the file from me

10 Detailed Assessment Plan (Semester work) Check the document “COMP1411_course_outline.doc” for detailed plan for this semester.

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