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Judaism What are the beliefs, history, and influence of Judaism?

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1 Judaism What are the beliefs, history, and influence of Judaism?

2 Anthropomorphic  Having human-like characteristics, behaviors, and emotions For they provoked Him with their high places, And aroused His jealousy with their graven images (Psalm 78:58)

3 Covenant  An agreement or legal contract

4 Exile  To be banished from one’s homeland

5 Diaspora  Jews living outside of Israel—the scattering of the Jews

6 Origins of Judaism  Judaism is the religion of the Hebrews and dates back to around 2000 BCE  Judaism developed in the land of Canaan also known as the Levant (modern-day Israel and Palestine)  The city of Jerusalem is considered the birth-place  Judaism is often regarded as the first monotheistic religion  They believe in an all-powerful single god

7 Origins of Judaism  The religion traces its root back to Abraham and his covenant with YHWH (Yahweh—I am that I am)  Yahweh is Hebrew for God  The Covenant as told by God to Abraham states that Abraham will be the father of a great nation as long as he and his people obey God’s commands

8 Origins of Judaism  Jews are an ethnoreligious group— meaning one can be born Jewish (ethnic group) or one can convert to Judaism (which is a difficult process)

9 Beliefs of Judaism  The Jews are God’s chosen people  The Ten Commandments as given to Moses are the law code of the Jews  Males are circumcised at 8 days old  One must observe and keep the Sabbath  Eat Kosher foods—dietary laws, regulations and customs

10 Beliefs of Judaism  Belief in the messiah—the belief that a great king (descended from David) will bring the Jews back to the land of Israel, construct the third temple, and bring back peace  Jews believe in the after-life but it is not a primary focus nor is there much written about the subject

11 Sacred Texts  The Torah is the foundational text of Judaism and is part of a larger text known as the Tanakh  The Torah is also the first 5 books of the Old Testament (Christian Bible)  Other texts include the Talmud and Mishnah

12 Holy Days  Rosh Hashanah—marks the start of the Jewish New Year and beings a 10 day period of atonement leading up to Yom Kippur  Yom Kippur—is the day of atonement and the holiest day in Judaism  Hanukah—Known as the “Festival of Lights” marks the re-dedication of the Temple

13 How did Judaism spread?  The spread of Judaism was mostly involuntary  The Jews have been forced into exile several times throughout their existence  Upon exile began the diaspora or the scattering of the Jews  Today roughly 40% of Jews live in Israel, another 40% live in North America, and the remaining Jews primarily live in Europe

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