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12/15/14 Starter: How is the genetic code used to build proteins? Practice: Watch video and write five things you learn.

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Presentation on theme: "12/15/14 Starter: How is the genetic code used to build proteins? Practice: Watch video and write five things you learn."— Presentation transcript:

1 12/15/14 Starter: How is the genetic code used to build proteins? Practice: Watch video and write five things you learn. =0Elo-zX1k8M =0Elo-zX1k8M 12/15/14 Protein Synthesis Simulation 119 120 Application/Connection/Exit: Protein Synthesis Simulation

2 December 15, 2014 AGENDA B.6 C Students will explain the purpose and process of transcription and translation using models of DNA and RNA. by reading and writing during an activity. 1 Starter 2. Activity

3 Date Lecture/ Activity/ Lab Page 11/20 DNA Model 99-100 11/21 DNA Writing 101-102 12/1 DNA Replication Activity 103-104 12/2 DNA Replication Model 105-106 12/3 Cell Cycle Notes 107-108 12/4 Cell Cycle Lab 109-110 12/5 Cell Cycle Writing 111-112 12/8 Cell Cycle Activity 113-114 12/10 RNA Notes 115-116 12/11 Transcription and Translation 117-118 12/15 Protein Synthesis Simulation 119-120 Table of Contents 11/19 DNA notes 97-98

4 12/15/14 Starter: How is the genetic code used to build proteins? Practice: Watch video and write five things you learn. =0Elo-zX1k8M =0Elo-zX1k8M 12/15/14 Protein Synthesis Simulation 119 120 Application/Connection/Exit: Protein Synthesis Simulation

5 5. Three Types of RNA Messenger RNA (mRNA) copies DNA’s code & carries the genetic information to the ribosomesMessenger RNA (mRNA) copies DNA’s code & carries the genetic information to the ribosomes Ribosomal RNA (rRNA), along with protein, makes up the ribosomesRibosomal RNA (rRNA), along with protein, makes up the ribosomes Transfer RNA (tRNA) transfers amino acids to the ribosomes where proteins are synthesizedTransfer RNA (tRNA) transfers amino acids to the ribosomes where proteins are synthesized copyright cmassengale

6 6 Messenger RNA Long Straight chain of Nucleotides Made in the Nucleus Copies DNA & leaves through nuclear pores Contains the Nitrogen Bases A, G, C, U ( no T ) copyright cmassengale

7 7 Messenger RNA (mRNA) Carries the information for a specific proteinCarries the information for a specific protein Made up of 500 to 1000 nucleotides longMade up of 500 to 1000 nucleotides long Sequence of 3 bases called codonSequence of 3 bases called codon AUG – methionine or start codonAUG – methionine or start codon UAA, UAG, or UGA – stop codonsUAA, UAG, or UGA – stop codons copyright cmassengale

8 8 Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) rRNA is a single strand 100 to 3000 nucleotides longrRNA is a single strand 100 to 3000 nucleotides long Globular in shapeGlobular in shape Made inside the nucleus of a cellMade inside the nucleus of a cell Associates with proteins to form ribosomesAssociates with proteins to form ribosomes Site of protein SynthesisSite of protein Synthesis copyright cmassengale

9 9 The Genetic Code A codon designates an amino acid An amino acid may have more than one codon There are 20 amino acids, but 64 possible codons Some codons tell the ribosome to stop translating copyright cmassengale

10 10 The Genetic Code Use the code by reading from the center to the outside Example: AUG codes for Methionine copyright cmassengale

11 11 Name the Amino Acids GGG? UCA? CAU? GCA? AAA? copyright cmassengale

12 12 Remember the Complementary Bases On DNA: A-T C-G On RNA: A-U C-G copyright cmassengale

13 13 Transfer RNA (tRNA) Clover-leaf shape Single stranded molecule with attachment site at one end for an amino acid Opposite end has three nucleotide bases called the anticodon copyright cmassengale

14 14 Transfer RNA amino acid attachment site UAC anticodon copyright cmassengale

15 15 Codons and Anticodons The 3 bases of an anticodon are complementary to the 3 bases of a codon Example: Codon ACU Anticodon UGA UGA ACU copyright cmassengale

16 12/15/14 Starter: How is the genetic code used to build proteins? Practice: Watch video and write five things you learn. =0Elo-zX1k8M =0Elo-zX1k8M 12/15/14 Protein Synthesis Simulation 119 120 Application/Connection/Exit: Protein Synthesis Simulation

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