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Globalization What’s the upside and downside of globalization? WG.7.D examine benefits and challenges of globalization, INCLUDING connectivity, standard.

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Presentation on theme: "Globalization What’s the upside and downside of globalization? WG.7.D examine benefits and challenges of globalization, INCLUDING connectivity, standard."— Presentation transcript:

1 Globalization What’s the upside and downside of globalization? WG.7.D examine benefits and challenges of globalization, INCLUDING connectivity, standard of living, pandemics, and loss of local culture [SUPPORTING STANDARD] YSLETA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT SOCIAL STUDIES INSTRUCTIONAL TEAM

2 Which words are you familiar with, and which do you not yet know? ConnectivityGlobalizationPandemic Standard of Living Negative effectLocal culture BenefitImprovedChallenge

3 What changes come from globalization? Connectivity

4 Is that a benefit or a challenge? Connectivity

5 What changes come from globalization? Improved Standard of Living

6 Is that a benefit or a challenge? Improved Standard of Living

7 What changes come from globalization? Pandemics

8 Is that a benefit or a challenge? Pandemics

9 What changes come from globalization? Loss of local culture

10 Is that a benefit or a challenge? Loss of local culture

11 Let’s see what we know… Which are you ready to answer, and which do you need a peek? Which of the following is a likely cause of improved standards of living around the world? F environmentalism G globalization H political control J planned economies Which of the following is a benefit of globalization? A pandemics B increased standard of living C loss of local culture D widespread environmental impacts

12 Let’s see what we know… Which are you ready to answer, and which do you need a peek? Which of the following is a negative effect of globalization on the cultures of the world? F connectivity to others G loss of local culture H higher standard of living J local dependency

13 Talk to each other, and then talk to me… WG.7.D examine benefits and challenges of globalization, INCLUDING connectivity, standard of living, pandemics, and loss of local culture What’s the upside and downside of globalization? Use the word wall words to answer.

14 Resources accelerate-commerce/ accelerate-commerce/ ausage_15027.html ausage_15027.html dness.php dness.php http://rtf305-f10-07810- globalization.htmlhttp://rtf305-f10-07810- globalization.html

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