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Published byKathlyn Beasley Modified over 8 years ago
f February 27, 2006 Fermilab Budget Briefing 1 Fermilab Budget Overview International Linear Collider FY05 - FY08 Bob Kephart February 27, 2006
f Fermilab Budget Briefing 2 Outline Fermilab ILC Goals Goals of FNAL ILC R&D Program GDE activities RF infrastructure Industrialization Program for FY05-06 Program for FY07 with PBR & flat to FY08 Funds needed in FY07-08 to support an FY12 ILC start at FNAL Conclude
f February 27, 2006 Fermilab Budget Briefing 3 Goals of Fermilab’s ILC R&D As part of the Global Design Effort (GDE) our goal is to help design the machine, estimate the cost, and gain international support. We also must establish credentials in machine design and SCRF technology such that FNAL is the preferred international site to host the ILC. This is not the responsibility of the GDE and is not funded via the FNAL/GDE MOU in FY06 In what follows this effort is summarized under the budget line “RF infrastructure”. In FY06 it is funded via FNAL’s core budget
f February 27, 2006 Fermilab Budget Briefing 4 FNAL: Global Design Effort Working with international partners to develop a feasible ILC machine design FNAL has focused on the Main Linac and Civil Design, these represent the bulk of the ILC cost Goal: Reference Design Report and cost by 2006 FNAL has taken on many RDR leadership and engineering tasks in FY06 at request of GDE GDE Directed R&D Program: FNAL effort is focused on R&D to produce SCRF cavities that reliably achieve E acc =35 MV/M FY06 funds allow a significant start on the ILC
f February 27, 2006 Fermilab Budget Briefing 5 RF infrastucture Goals: Host the ILC at FNAL Acquire needed ILC Accelerator & SCRF expertise Develop the required SCRF infrastructure to build & test the components of the ILC main linac Develop U.S. Industry for high volume components Develop good U.S. cost estimates Develop civil designs for specific sites near FNAL Many aspects are not fully funded by GDE in FY06 Funding this from FNAL “core” program A separate DOE funding stream (ie not via the GDE) needs to be created to support these activities
f February 27, 2006 Fermilab Budget Briefing 6 SCRF Infrastructure A cold ILC require extensive infrastructure Bare cavities Fabrication facilities ( e.g. Electron beam welders) Buffered Chemical Polish (BCP) and Electro-polish (EP) facilities Ultra clean H 2 0 & High Pressure Rinse systems Vertical Test facilities ( Cryogenics + low power RF) Cavity Dressing Facilities ( cryostat, tuner, coupler) Class 100 clean room Horizontal cavity & Coupler test facility ( RF pulsed power) String Assembly Facilities Large class 100 clean rooms, Large fixtures Class 10 enclosures for cavity inner connects Cryomodule test facilities Cryogenics, pulsed RF power, LLRF, controls, shielding, etc. Beam tests electron source (e.g. FNPL Photo-injector) Some example slides attached at end of the talk
f February 27, 2006 Fermilab Budget Briefing 7 Following the technology choice in Aug 04 FNAL launched a major effort to develop the needed SCRF infrastructure and experience The required infrastructure is complex It takes time to develop It takes time to train personnel to achieve cavities with high operating gradients Major investment required! DESY spent > $ 150 M M&S on TTF and the associated infrastructure Our ability to make progress is funding limited SCRF infrastructure
f February 27, 2006 Fermilab Budget Briefing 8 SCRF Infrastructure DESY Collaboration Fermilab and DESY have collaborated on SCRF for many years as part of the Tesla collaboration (TTF & FNPL) Currently Fermilab is building a 3.9 GHz cryomodule for the TTF VUV-FEL (Deliver in 2007) Serving as a pilot program for much of our FNAL SCRF infrastructure (cavities, processing, cryomodule design, etc) DESY will send us parts in 2007 to build a complete 8 cavity 1.3 GHz TTF cryomodule (i.e. ILC like) 1st ILC type cryomodule built in the U.S. Current plan is to assemble & test it in 2007
f February 27, 2006 Fermilab Budget Briefing 9 Fermilab Cryomodules 1 st TTF Type III Cryomodule (2007) Assemble from the “kit” of part provided by DESY 2 nd TTF Type III Cryomodule (2008) 1 st to use cavities that are processed and tested in the US Still must buy the rest of parts from Europe in FY06 3 rd -4 th Cryomodules (2008-09) 1 st type IV ILC cryomodules built anywhere ( try for 35 MV/M) Begin industrial production of components in U.S. in FY07 Only cavity work and the Type IV cryomodule design are funded via the GDE MOU in FY06
f February 27, 2006 Fermilab Budget Briefing 10 Near-term Plan Overall objective is to assemble one, then two ILC RF units in New Muon building (ILCTA_NM) 1 st by about 2009, 2 nd a year or so later 3 Cryomodules Modulators 10 MW Klystrons Waveguide and RF distribution LLRF & controls Move FNPL photo injector to provide electron beams Initially we plan to use components assembled in U.S. labs using parts produced in industry Next step: Cryomodules, klystrons, modulators fully built by industry but using laboratory infrastructure One ILC RF unit Meas acc gradient, emm preserv, wakeflds
f February 27, 2006 Fermilab Budget Briefing 11 ILC Industrialization Goal is to establish in US industry the capability and infrastructure to mass produce high volume components Another important goal is cost reduction ~ 2000 Cryomodules ~ 16000, SCRF Cavities, RF couplers,Tuners ~ 600 Klystrons, modulators A host of other RF & vacuum components, etc. Civil construction ( huge: ~ 40% of the ILC cost) US industrialization for ILC is just beginning Industrial Forum in 2005 Plan the 1 st U.S. industrial involvement in cost estimates in FY06 However, we really need to build things in U.S. industry ! Funding levels must allow this to happen Need experience in fab to get good est? PO: Is it US goal to build technical components? RS only goal is get ILC here; if it requires tech comp., so be it.
f February 27, 2006 Fermilab Budget Briefing 12 ILC Systems Tests It is Fermilab’s opinion that a significant systems test will be required in advance of ILC construction to verify: Technical performance of critical/cost driving components Systems integration U.S. vendor performance Reliability of cost estimate Should include ~2 % of ML cryomodule, modulator, and klystron count, produced by vendors in a pre-production run Could include a demonstration damping ring FNAL will propose to host such a facility Believe the correct approach is to develop requirements first, then evaluate existing or newly constructed facilities. Our plan is to engage the GDE to help develop the requirements.
f February 27, 2006 Fermilab Budget Briefing 13 Industrialization of Cryomodules Cryomodules are complex Need to evolve for ILC U.S. Industry needs to learn how to build these DESY TTF ILC cryomodule Blade-TunerCavity, RF Coupler ILC Type IV
f February 27, 2006 Fermilab Budget Briefing 14 A Path to Industrialization Main Linac System Test Assume 1/3 built in US; start in FY12; production up in FY14; latency in industry – 2yrs. Similar for klystrons XFEL ~80 cryomodules
f February 27, 2006 Fermilab Budget Briefing 15 It takes about ~2 yrs from the time one spends money on parts for ML components until the component is finished and ready for test. True for cryomodules, klystrons, & modulators = bulk of ILC ML cost The plot assumes: 1/3 of the technical components for the ILC ML come from the U.S. Required infrastructure is in place when required. E.g. Electron beam welders, clean rooms, vertical and horizontal test facilities, cryomodule, coupler & klystron test facilities 1-2 yr delay if we must establish these AFTER project approval Plot assumes that after a 2012 ILC project start U.S. industry can produce 48 ILC quality cryomodules in ~2014 This will require extensive infrastructure and industrial experience SCRF infrastructure and Industry
f February 27, 2006 Fermilab Budget Briefing 16 SCRF infrastructure and Industry It is unlikely that the 1 st industrially produced cryomodules will meet the requirements of ILC… cryomodules are just too complex! need a program to ramp this up Similar plot for U.S. produced 10 MW 1.3 GHz klystrons Can argue about details, but the bottom line is inescapable To build the ILC in the U.S. on anything like the schedule being discussed the U.S. must make big investments in SCRF infrastructure and industrialization very soon. Technically a schedule with Project approval in ~2012 and start of construction in ~2014 is still achievable but will slip by one year if no FY07 funds are available for industry
f February 27, 2006 Fermilab Budget Briefing 17 FY 2005 & FY 2006 Analysis No M&S for 2 nd cryomodule In FY06 Available M&S x2 down vs going up ! # FTE Planned 64115 Shift to GDE Directed R&D Direct Funds only More labor = good! GDE funded
f February 27, 2006 Fermilab Budget Briefing 18 FY 2005 – FY 2006 ILC Program FNAL has taken on major GDE responsibilities for the main linac design, engineering, and cost estimates FY06 Budget supports increased labor for ILC and SCRF infrastructure (~64 FTE in FY05 to ~115 FTE in FY06) This is great ! However, even at these funding levels the physicists & engineers working on the RDR are not fully funded by GDE (FNAL core funds) The FY06 budget does not support sufficient M&S funds to acquire needed SCRF infrastructure AND experience Without $ 2.5 M supplemental funds in FY06 we cannot: Finish cryomodule test facility 1 yr delay in test of 1 st U.S. cryomodule Buy the parts to build the 2 nd U.S. cryomodule (U.S cavities) 1 yr delay Finish outfitting the New Muon building, and move the FNPL photo- injector in 2006 one year delay in putting ILC-like beam through a high gradient cryomodule Facility in New Muon in jeopardy
f February 27, 2006 Fermilab Budget Briefing 19 FY2007 funding at the PBR # FTE Planned11517459 Machine design RDR TDR requires larger SWF Budgets will not support sufficient M&S for SCRF infrastructure Labor but NO M&S for cryomodules & infrastructure No Industry! Need M&S for cryomodule parts & infrastructure Proposal Direct Funds only
f February 27, 2006 Fermilab Budget Briefing 20 FY07 ILC Program At the PBR FNAL will be able to further increase labor on ILC design and SCRF infrastructure ( Good!) However, the budget does not support adequate M&S An ILC funding stream dedicated to supporting the ILC in the U.S. in general, and the ILC at Fermilab in particular should be established in FY07 Funds should be allocated to develop the required expertise and SCRF infrastructure at FNAL Funds should be allocated to support industrialization of high volume ILC components in U.S. industry Funds should be allocated to support U.S. A&E firms to develop ILC sites on or near the Fermilab site. The last 3 items all require M&S but are not the responsibility of the GDE
f February 27, 2006 Fermilab Budget Briefing 21 FY2007 at PBR and Flat to FY08 # FTE Planned 64115 174218 No M&S for infrastructure No Industry Direct Funds only Labor overbalance; would not want but need to retain
f February 27, 2006 Fermilab Budget Briefing 22 FY07 at the PBR and Flat to FY08 Assuming PBR in FY07 & flat to FY08 we cannot: Start serious U.S. Industrialization of ML components Start serious work with A&E firms to developing the design for an ILC site near FNAL Complete the required SCRF infrastructure at FNAL ( no M&S) A sensible industrialization plan would fund one industrially produced ILC RF unit in FY07-08, 2 nd in FY08-09. Have an industrial estimate of $ 17 M per RF unit Delivery could be expected 2-3 yrs after order. Without additional funds U.S. industrialization and Civil work to develop of a U.S. site near Fermilab will be delayed 2 yrs All this will jeopardize our opportunity to host the ILC industry would need infrastructure at FNAL
f February 27, 2006 Fermilab Budget Briefing 23 An additional $13 M is needed in FY07 vs PBR In FY08 the shortfall is ~ $ 31 M vs Flat FY08 FY07-08 Funding Request to support a 2012 ILC construction start @ FNAL Direct Funds only $ 2.5 M supl request
f February 27, 2006 Fermilab Budget Briefing 24 Conclusions Fermilab has a large and growing ILC R&D effort Our prime objective is to achieve technical excellence in the Main Linac systems and to position ourselves to be a strong candidate to host the ILC We work closely with international partners in the GDE on: ILC machine design (RDR) and the cost estimate High Gradient SCRF Cavity R&D We are trying to acquire the SCRF expertise and extensive infrastructure required to support a U.S. bid-to-host the ILC at FNAL A separate funding stream should support this activity Progress on ILC and our hopes to host this machine in the U.S. are at risk given the available funding Robin; no Japan interest in host and apart from CERN, none in EU Are we underinvested or behind? Bob – both! SNS is not a guide in gradient, and were difficulties in processing. Robin: argument for shifting money within FNAL budget. Proton driver = $10M; why? Argument need intermediate effort works for Nova, can’t see it with PD work. Pier: high intensity sources are important to develop. Robin: but $10M over 3 yrs is noticeable.
f February 27, 2006 Fermilab Budget Briefing 25 Additional Information Cavity R&D SCRF infrastructure Cryomodule assembly area Various SCRF Test Areas
f February 27, 2006 Fermilab Budget Briefing 26 SCRF Cavity R&D The goal is to rapidly advance the intellectual understanding of SCRF surface physics and establish process controls to reliably achieve high gradient ( 35 MV/M) SCRF cavity operation Approach: Establish a “tight loop” processing and test infrastructure in the U.S. Tight loop elements: Cavity fabrication improvements ( e.g. single crystal) BCP & Electro-polish facilities High purity water and High pressure rinse Vertical test facilities SCRF experts & materials program to interpret results Portions of our RDR work and of this R&D effort are funded via specific tasks listed in an MOU with GDE
f February 27, 2006 Fermilab Budget Briefing 27 TJNL e-beam welding Chemistry TJNL Electro polish Horizontal Test of Dressed Cavity @ DESY Examples: SCRF infrastructure Cryomodule Test at DESY TTF
f February 27, 2006 Fermilab Budget Briefing 28 The inter-cavity connection is done in class 10 cleanroom Examples: Cryomodule Assembly Assembly of a cavity string in a Class 100 clean room at DESY Cryomodule Assemby at DESY Lots of new specialized SCRF infrastructure needed for ILC!
f February 27, 2006 Fermilab Budget Briefing 29 FNAL SCRF Infrastructure CAF-MP9 Class 10 and 100 clean rooms ordered, operational by Summer 06 A Cryomodule Assembly Facility (CAF) is being built in (MP9) Vertically tested cavities will be dressed (He vessel, coupler, etc) in smaller clean rooms prior to horizontal test Horizontally tested cavities assembled into a string in large clean room before final Cryo-module assembly takes place Parts for new Cryomodule Assembly fixture in IB4 Plan = expand CAF into Industrial Center Bldg after LHC quads
f February 27, 2006 Fermilab Budget Briefing 30 ILC Test Areas (ILCTA) SCRF test facilities are needed to carryout the ILC program Vertical Test (bare cavities) IB1 IB1 has 60 W @ 1.8 K now Horizontal Test (dressed cavities) IB1 & Meson Bldg (PD) Meson will have 60 W @ 1.8 K soon Cryomodule test facility Cleaning out New Muon Lab Remove CCM install cryogenics Photo injector moves e beam Power 1 st cryomodule in 2007 RF Power & Cryogenics These are Big expensive facilities! Industrial Building 1 New Muon Lab
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