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MID DAY MEAL SCHEME MEGHALAYA 1. Snap Shots 2 3 Population as per Provisional 2011 Census 2011 S. No DistrictsMaleFemale Total 1East Khasi Hills 410360413699.

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2 Snap Shots 2

3 3 Population as per Provisional 2011 Census 2011 S. No DistrictsMaleFemale Total 1East Khasi Hills 410360413699 824059 2Ri-Bhoi 132445125935 258380 3West Khasi Hills 194628190973 385601 4Jaintia Hills 195641197211 392852 5East Garo Hills 161372156246 317618 6West Garo Hills 324900318023 642923 7South Garo Hills 7332269252 142574 Total 149266814713392964007

4 4 Literacy Rate as per Provisional 2011 Census 2011 S. NoDistricts Male % Female % Total % 1East Khasi Hills 85.2684.15 84.70 2Ri-Bhoi 79.5675.85 77.22 3West Khasi Hills 80.2978.30 79.30 4Jaintia Hills 59.7566.71 63.26 5East Garo Hills 78.5271.32 75.51 6West Garo Hills 73.3163.34 68.38 7South Garo Hills 76.7767.72 72.39 Total 77.1773.78 75.48

5 Assessment of MDM Implementation (April–December, 2010) Achievements : Physical – Schools covered : Primary– 6930 EGS Centres– 492 Total- 7422 Upper Primary - 2652 G. Total No. of Schools- 10074 Children who Availed MDM (Average ) Primary- 338263 Upper Primary- 121462 Total- 459725 Kitchen Sheds -Primary&Upper Primary- 5768 Through Convergence (LP/UP)- 705 Total- 6473 5

6 Assessment of MDM Implementation (April–December, 2010) contd… Achievements : Physical – Kitchen Devices-Primary- 7422 Upper Primary- 1952 Total- 9374 Foodgrain – 6 AllocationOBLiftingAvailibility LPS6967.42338.774542.504881.27 UPS4082.43845.682187.403033.08 Total11049.851184.456729.907914.35

7 Assessment of MDM Implementation (April–December, 2010) contd… Achievements : Financial – (In Lakhs) Released GOIExpenditure Cooking Cost (+OB 259.46) 1 604.44 2144.00 * Cost of Foodgrain334.45 280.55 MME (OB 16.82+released 19.82) 36.6429.66 Kitchen sheds(upto 2009-10)5530.084792.71 Kitchen devices (upto 2009-10) 468.70468.70 Cook-cum-helpers (+OB 140.67)931.72770.88 NB: * The schools are using their own resources which the same will be reimbursed with the release of the 2 nd Installment by GOI, which the same has been received during March 2011. Amounts are cumulative for Kitchen sheds and kitchen devices. 7

8 NUMBER OF SCHOOLS (Primary Schools) Source: O/O Deputy Inspector of Schools As on 31-12-2010 8 Primary Schools Sl.District EGS/AIE centres Madarsa s/ Maqtab Total Govt. including SSA Govt. Aided col. 3+ col.4 + col.5 + col.6 1234567 1East Khasi Hills 475 732 18 11226 2Ri-Bhoi 419 174 0 593 3West Khasi Hills 567 738 0 1305 4Jaintia Hills 649 213 225 1087 5East Garo Hills 707 215 89 1011 6West Garo Hills 1204 291 100 1595 7South Garo Hills 433 112 60 605 Total4454247549217422

9 ENROLMENT (Primary) (As on 30.9.2010) Source: DISE 2010-11 9 PRIMARY SCHOOLS Sl.No. District (Govt. + GA + SSA) EGS Centres Madarsas/ Maqtab Total col. 3+ col.4 + col.5 1 23456 1 East Khasi Hills9334333315093826 2 Ri-Bhoi4051000 3 West Khasi Hills7365800 4 Jaintia Hills442915888050179 5 East Garo Hills444401800046240 6 West Garo Hills921195559097678 7 South Garo Hills308481543032391 Total41920915123150434482

10 NUMBER OF SCHOOLS (Upper Primary Schools) As on 31.12.2010 Source: O/O Deputy Inspector of Schools 10 UPPER PRIMARY SCHOOLS Sl. No.District Govt. including SSAGovt. AidedTotal 12345 1East Khasi Hills324214538 2Ri-Bhoi17186257 3West Khasi Hills294184478 4Jaintia Hills21197308 5East Garo Hills22292314 6West Garo Hills291257548 7South Garo Hills15158209 Total16649882652

11 ENROLMENT (Upper Primary) (As on 30.9.2010) Source: DISE 2010-11 11 UPPER PRIMARY SCHOOLS Sl. District(Govt. + GA + SSA)Total No. 1234 1East Khasi Hills36256 2Ri-Bhoi10028 3West Khasi Hills18848 4Jaintia Hills13590 5East Garo Hills14679 6West Garo Hills32892 7South Garo Hills8373 Total134666

12 Monitoring Measures State Govt. has notified the Education Dept., Govt. of Meghalaya as the Nodal Dept. for the purpose of implementation of Mid Day Meal Programme in the State State Govt. has constituted the State Level Steering cum Monitoring Committee with Chief Secretary, Meghalaya as the Chairman. 12

13 Monitoring Measures (Contd.) Necessary instructions have been issued for providing cooked meals with required calories and proteins including fruits and bananas. Agency for supervising the Programme: School Level – SMC, VEC Block Level – Block Mission Coordinator, Block Resource Persons, Cluster Resource Coordinators Sub-Divisional Level – D/I of Schools/ Sub-Inspector of Schools District Level– Dy. Commissioner and District Steering cum Monitoring Committee State Level – State Level Steering cum Monitoring Committee and DSEL Quarterly Assessment- DIETs 13

14 14 Initiative taken by the department improvement of education in the State 1. GIS School mapping have been done. 2. Eight year elementary cycle introduced. 3. Evaluation & Monitoring strengthened. 4. Monitoring formats are introduced. 5. Third party evaluation of programmes introduced. 6. Redresal grievance – Deputy Commissioners have been instructed to install toll free telephone no. for receiving/ redresal of complains. 7. During 2010-11 each sub-division has been provided with Data Entry Operator-cum-Office Assistant. At the State level more MDM Staff like Accounts assistant, Civil Work Coordinator have also been appointed for better implementation of the scheme.

15 Capacity building and Training measures Capacity Building and Training conducted by different categories of persons involved in the Mid Day Meal Programme under programmes of SSA, DIETs, etc. Capacity building and trainings have been imparted to the Head Teachers and Members of the SMCs in many parts of the State. Training of cooks is being taken up in collaboration with the Dy. Commissioners and Food & Nutrition Board. In the training for CRCs Coordinators one training module has been made for training on Mid Day Meal Programme. DIETs has developed MDM manuals for the School Managing Committees. Officers of the supply Department have been sensitised. 15



18 Problems and Constraints Absence of formal village Governance structures (e.g. Panchayats) and lukewarm community participation Inhospitable terrain Inadequate infrastructure (electricity, water access, etc.) Fund Flow Rates of transportation by head load yet to be notified by Supply Department. SMCs have taken inordinately long time to complete construction of kitchen sheds and furnish the names of cooks-cum-helpers. 18

19 Features of AWP&B 2011-12 Formulation The exercise of bottom-up approach starting from the school level has been followed. Trainings have been conducted for all the Districts/Sub- Divisional Officers and their inspecting staff to familiarise them with the various steps required for the preparation of the AWP&B 2011-12. The Districts /Sub-Divisional Officers have been clearly instructed to base all their data by taking into consideration all the records of implementation maintained by the schools as per relevant proforma prescribed by the State. 19

20 The major findings of the NEHU monitoring institution have been taken into account, i.e, The DCs and their entire supply machinery have been fully involved. The FNB have been approached for designing of MDM Menu. NRHM has been involved in school health programme. Progress of Construction of kitchen sheds will be closely monitored. 20 Features of AWP&B 2011-12 Formulation Contd…

21 PROPOSAL FOR 2011-12 Schools to be covered : Primary– 7422 Upper Primary - 2652 Total No. of Schools- 10074 Physical target: Primary- 338263 Upper Primary- 121462 Total- 459725 NB: As Class-V enrolment has been included in this year AWP&B in Primary, the enrolment to be approved for 2011-12 for Primary may be given at the enrolment of 391500 and not at the average enrolment of 338263. Number of school days to be covered under MDM Primary - 200 Upper Primary- 220 21

22 PROPOSAL FOR 2011-12 contd.. 22 Rs. In Lakhs Central Assistance S. NoItemPhyPryPhyU.Pry Total (Col.4+6) 1234567 1Cooking Assistance3382631758.971214621042.142801.11 2Cost of Foodgrain 6765.26 Mts 382.23 4008.25 Mts 226.23608.46 3Transport Assistance 6765.26 Mts 38.06 4008.25 Mts 22.4960.55 4Cooks134071206.633847346.231562.85 5Kitchen Devices 70035.00 6MME89.51 7 Kitchen sheds (LPS + UPS) 31097847.24 Total13004.72


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