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 Is the process of conducting an exhaustive physical examination and thorough inspection of all operational systems and procedures of a facility.

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Presentation on theme: " Is the process of conducting an exhaustive physical examination and thorough inspection of all operational systems and procedures of a facility."— Presentation transcript:


2  Is the process of conducting an exhaustive physical examination and thorough inspection of all operational systems and procedures of a facility.

3  To determine existing state of security  To locate weakness in defenses  To determine recommendations establishing a total security program

4  Staff personnel or  Qualified security specialists(both of whom should have had training in the field)

5 A security survey is known by a number of different terms such as: - Risk analysis - Risk assessment

6  Key steps in a risk assessment process: - To determine value, impact and cost of any asset should it be lost due to natural or man- made forces. - To determine the degree of probability that natural or man-made forces will strike at any given facility.

7  The “vulnerability of a facility” to damage or attack may be determined by a number of ways: - An inspection of the facility by the experienced inspector. - Examination of the facility’s record of losses. - A determination whether the high-value property or items are properly safeguarded from theft by insiders.

8  Security Surveys as a general rule cover one or more of the following objectives: - To determine existing vulnerabilities to injury, death, damage or destruction by natural causes. - To determine existing vulnerabilities of corporate assets due to outside criminal activity. - To determine existing vulnerabilities of corporate assets due to criminal activity within organizations.

9 - To determine existing conditions of physical security of corporate property. - To measure effectiveness of current security police. - To measure compliance of employees to security rules. - To conduct internal audit to determine fraud. - To inspect overall condition within facility which cause security problems. - To investigate environmental conditions in the community from a standpoint of interaction within the facility.

10  Some key points relative to conducting a security survey: - Written authority to conduct the survey should be obtained. - Any previous surveys should be reviewed. - An orientation tour should be made. - Photographs should be taken of objects or situations that are difficult to describe. - There should be a review with local plant supervisors of all deficiencies noted during the survey so immediate corrective action can be taken.

11 - Follow-up survey should be conducted to ascertain if deficiencies have been corrected. - A cost-benefit analysis should be prepared. - A cost-benefit analysis is a direct comparison of the costs of the operation of the security unit and all security measures with the amount of corporate property saved or recovered as well as reduction of losses caused by injuries and lost production time. - No security measure be recommended which is not cost-effective.

12 - is a process of conducting physical examination to determine compliance with established security policies and procedures as a result of a security survey.

13  Security Survey - Defensive type process/service. - Detailed study of the existing security measures. - Conducted to determine the level of security required consistent with the mission. - Broader in scope. - Non-recurring type of service.

14  Security Inspection - Defensive type service. - Limited check of the security measures already adopted. - Conducted to determine the degree of compliance with directed security measures. - Limited in scope. - Recurring type of service.

15  Announced – conducted normally on duty hours.  Unannounced – conducted normally on non- duty hours.  Penetration.

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