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Building Bridges A Closer Look at Today’s English Language Learners By: Hayley Minner.

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1 Building Bridges A Closer Look at Today’s English Language Learners By: Hayley Minner

2 Objective All students, whether English Language Learners or not, learn best when immersed in a comfortable, non- threatening learning environment where a relationship is established between the teacher and the student

3 Motivation The majority of English Language Learners are not receiving the education they deserve. Many are forced to sit in core classrooms, where they are uncomfortably ignored and excluded because the teacher either does not have the training, or the experience, in working with this unique population.

4 Concern A firm relationship/connection between the English Language Learner and the core teacher is nonexistent in most situations. However, to maximize learning, this bond is necessary. How can you teach a child when you don’t know their strengths and weaknesses, their likes and dislikes, their cultures and traditions or when they are not comfortable in your classroom?

5 Background Information Cristy Sanchez 8 th Grade at SDMS 14 years old Bubbly, Giggly, Fun-loving, Happy, Friendly

6 Cristy First entered an English-speaking school on October 1, 2003 Cristy arrived to this area from Vera Cruz, Mexico Had 6 years of formal schooling in her native language, Spanish Cristy is currently taking Algebra I, Integrated Language Arts, Social Studies, Visual Arts, Physical Education, Fast Forword, and ESL

7 Cristy’s Proficiency Levels Grammatical – Low Academic – Low Social – Low Cristy is identified as a beginner with low English Proficiency in Reading, Writing, and Speaking. Cristy is an introvert when it comes to the L2 but is an extrovert in L1 Cristy rarely uses English to communicate only when necessary.

8 Integrated Language Arts The teacher is not educated on how to include English Language Learners in to the classroom on a daily basis. Relies heavily on the ESL teacher and the Special Education Teacher for assistance Realizes that she is not doing all that she should be doing for the students, but she’s doing all that she knows how to do. Integrates some ELL-friendly ideas/activities: *Regular Ed. Students reading in Spanish *Read Aloud – stop to check for understanding *Uses guides/charts/maps for organization of ideas *Teacher-led instruction with examples before individual completion *Group work/Pairs *Extended time or exempt from some assignments

9 Mathematics Currently more comfortable in class because it is instructed by a student intern. He includes the ELLs in discussion and activities. Offers help even with the ESL teacher present Routine established Greets them in Spanish – makes them feel welcome. (Although all he knows how to say is, “Hi. My birthday is…” in Spanish) This small gesture, broke down a wall that was present in 2 of my students and in its place, he began “building a bridge”

10 What Works for Cristy Group work/Pairs Visual Learner Scaffolding Integrating the native language in to instruction Repetition Hands-on activities Constantly checking for meaning and allowing time for internalization

11 What Can Be Done? Teachers can be educated on the basic strategies for teaching English Language Learners through workshops or through information included in an “ELL Handbook”

12 References Brown, C. (2004) Powerful strategies for strengthening the literacy and academic proficiency of your ESL students. WA: Bureau of Education and Research. Brown, H. (2000) Principles of Language Learning and Teaching, 4 th Edition. NY: Addison Wesley Longman, Inc. Peregoy, S., Owen, B. (2001) Reading, writing, & learning in ESL. NY: Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.

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