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RC LACE 25th EWGLAM Meeting 6-9 October 2003, Lisbon1.

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2 RC LACE 25th EWGLAM Meeting 6-9 October 2003, Lisbon1

3 2 Austria Croatia Czech Republic Hungary Slovenia Slovakia

4 RC LACE 25th EWGLAM Meeting 6-9 October 2003, Lisbon3 New Motivations and Goals Network of NWP partners in Central Europe  Common R&D on meso-scale NWP  Individual operational applications, dedicated to end-users

5 RC LACE 25th EWGLAM Meeting 6-9 October 2003, Lisbon4 RC LACE new structure 2nd RC LACE MoU (2003-2005) Council LACE Steering Committee Management Group »Project Leader »ALADIN System Co-ordinator »Data Manager Working Group Leader for »Data Assimilation »Dynamics and Coupling »Physics

6 RC LACE 25th EWGLAM Meeting 6-9 October 2003, Lisbon5 Common objectives Maintenance of ALADIN code ARPEGE LBC for LACE domain (00 and 12 UTC, 3h freq.) Telecommunications Satellite dissemination RETIM2000 - DVB equivalent for 128 kBps link

7 RC LACE 25th EWGLAM Meeting 6-9 October 2003, Lisbon6 Decentralized responsibilities Operational Applications (AU,CR,CZ,HU,SI) Archiving Local and decentralized R&D

8 RC LACE 25th EWGLAM Meeting 6-9 October 2003, Lisbon7 Scientific Plan for year 2003 General goals to keep the level of R&D from previous period (40% of ALADIN human power) to continue the work on opened subjects to add more networking to organize R&D stays of the scientists to organize training, workshops

9 RC LACE 25th EWGLAM Meeting 6-9 October 2003, Lisbon8 Scientific Plan for year 2003 Local research and missions Each service organized environment for local research and R&D visits Visits are financed by LACE 15 person/months R&D missions : 4 person/months R&D stays par each WG 3 person/months equivalent for workshops and meetings Total R&D: ~90 person/months for 2003

10 RC LACE 25th EWGLAM Meeting 6-9 October 2003, Lisbon9 Scientific Plan for year 2003 Working group plans Working Group Plans Projects Subjects Workshops and training Link with ALADIN and ALATNET subjects 1st LACE Steering Committee Meeting

11 RC LACE 25th EWGLAM Meeting 6-9 October 2003, Lisbon10 Working Group for Dynamics and Coupling Non-hydrostatic dynamics Interative schemes Choice of additional NH variables Bottom boundary condition Dynamics – other topics Horizontal diffusion Radiative UBC Physics/dynamics interface Coupling Spectral coupling Surface pressure tendency coupling Two-time nesting Coupling files initialization

12 RC LACE 25th EWGLAM Meeting 6-9 October 2003, Lisbon11 Results from WG for Dynamics and Coupling Mini-coupling workshop (Ljubljana, 17-21 February 2003) part of ALATNET activities

13 RC LACE 25th EWGLAM Meeting 6-9 October 2003, Lisbon12 Results from WG for Dynamics and Coupling NH Dynamics Reformulation on Bottom Boundary Condition for term non hydrostatic pressure departure to cure the problem of “chimney effect” in SL scheme Before: believe that chimney problem is specific to SL advection Results find: turning ON horizontal diffusion can create chimney effect in vertical velocity even in Eulerian advection stronger diffusion caused stronger chimney to continue with 2D academic tests

14 RC LACE 25th EWGLAM Meeting 6-9 October 2003, Lisbon13 Working Group for Physics . Shallow convection / PBL cloudiness Prognostic cloud water Subgrid -scale cloudiness Non-local vertical transport Radiation . CAPE & deep convection triggering . Orographic drag  V. Physics/dynamics interface (AROME)

15 RC LACE 25th EWGLAM Meeting 6-9 October 2003, Lisbon14 Results from WG for Physics Deep convection triggering - overestimation of convective precipitation and cloudiness over Alps (to wide domains, to long prec. events) 1-Threshold for second KUO-type triggering 2-Cumulated moisture convergence -as condition for triggering 3-Time delay equation for moisture convergence

16 RC LACE 25th EWGLAM Meeting 6-9 October 2003, Lisbon15 Results from WG for Physics Orographic drag study - for ALADIN and ARPEGE - reduction of envelope presentation of orography - optimization of sub-grid drag parameterization Results: some form of semienveloped orography

17 RC LACE 25th EWGLAM Meeting 6-9 October 2003, Lisbon16 Working Group for Data Assimilation I.Methods - Algorithmic aspects Biperiodic 3d-VAR analysis increments Moving to 3d-FGAT Study of vertical structure of 3d-VAR analysis increments Design of an explicit blending . Methods - Cycling Comparison of "DFI" and "explicit" blending Blendvar cycling experiments 3d-VAR cycling experiments to elaborate cold air-pad cases

18 RC LACE 25th EWGLAM Meeting 6-9 October 2003, Lisbon17 Working Group for Data Assimilation (cont.) . Observations Implementation of ODB – training Assimilation of ATOVS data; Radar data; AMDAR data  V. Surface Implementation of CANARI/Diag-pack Smoothing of Soil Wetness Index Assimilation of 10m wind data

19 RC LACE 25th EWGLAM Meeting 6-9 October 2003, Lisbon18 Results from WG for Data Assimilation LACE ODB training (Budapest, 14-18 April, 2003) Observation Data Base from AL25t2 cycle - implementation of ODB - technical exercises - compilation, tutorials

20 RC LACE 25th EWGLAM Meeting 6-9 October 2003, Lisbon19 Results from WG for Data Assimilation Study of vertical structure of 3d-VAR analysis increments - NMC and “lagged” statistics for Background error covariance matrix B - vertical structure of NMC and “lagged” statistics - AIREP, Temp Study of vertical structure of 3d-VAR analysis increments - lagged statistics is responsible for reduction of analysis increments and more mesocsale structure of correlation functions - reduction is smaller on lower levels, because small scale processes are more intensive in lower atmosphere

21 RC LACE 25th EWGLAM Meeting 6-9 October 2003, Lisbon20 Results from WG for Data Assimilation Smoothing of Soil Wetness Index (SWI) over LACE Domain - problem: stationary hot spots in 2m Temperature field - same problem in ARPEGE and ALADIN/France caused by to warm soil

22 RC LACE 25th EWGLAM Meeting 6-9 October 2003, Lisbon21 Future Actions LACE Data Assimilation Training and Workshop (Budapest, 20-22 October, 2003) 13th ALADIN Workshop (Prague, 24-28 November,2003) 2nd RC LACE Steering Committee Meeting (Prague/Ljubljana, mid December, 2003) Final report of R&D 2003; SP for 2004

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