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Copyright © - The OWASP Foundation Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation.

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Presentation on theme: "Copyright © - The OWASP Foundation Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Copyright © - The OWASP Foundation Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License. The OWASP Foundation OWASP Education Working Session Sebastien Deleersnyder, Martin Knobloch Nov, 2008

2 OWASP 2 Goal Set 2009 goals for the OWASP Education project

3 OWASP 3 Education Project continuously deliver education material about OWASP tooling and documentation  Low entry level  OWASP word can be spread in a controlled manner and deliver high quality training  both inside and outside of the OWASP community

4 OWASP 4 Aims  creating education documentation papers  screen scrape video courses  setting up an OWASP Boot camp

5 OWASP 5 Aims  controlled education process of a standardized quality  setup and standardize OWASP trainings manuals

6 OWASP Projects Link  Trainings about the OWASP tooling and projects will have to be reviewed by the Projects. 6

7 OWASP Already available  2 educational tracks  Web Application Security Primer Track for beginners (4 hours)  What Developers Should Know on Web Application Security Track for developers (4 hours)  Consolidation page of OWASP presentations  OWASP Education Presentations  OWASP Project Presentations  OWASP Conference Presentations  Web Application Security Presentations  Chapter Presentations 7

8 OWASP Summit08 Working Session  How to improve knowledge transfer from OWASP projects towards the community,  How to create training material (lessons, classes, courses) from OWASP project material?  How to set up an OWASP education baseline,  How to setup an OWASP Boot Camp,  How to connect to organisation to promote OWASP education content: e.g. universities, other non-profit (or profit?) education organisations,  How to organize the OWASP / Conference trainings to make them the best in the world?  Can we integrate this into OWASP certification projects?  How to setup an OWASP Boot Camp? 8

9 OWASP Participant input  how we can "internationalize" the content for training  how the educational initiatives can be liaised with Universities / High schools  how we spread the word to non-technology professions - business owners, procurement specialists, project managers, marketers, graphic designers. 9

10 OWASP Outcome?  Winter of Code 2008 project(s)  Candidates?  Objectives?  Focus?  Guideline about creating training material 10

11 OWASP 11 Subscribe to Education mailing list  Keep up to date!  Contribute to discussions!

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