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Pod Cast for Luke Study 2007.

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1 Pod Cast for Luke Study 2007

2 Luke Chapter 2 Outline I. The 1st appearance of JC/The Lamb of God (Birth: The Christmas Story) v1-7 II. The 1st Witnesses of Birth: Shepherds Visit The Lamb of God v8-20 III. The 1st blood of Lamb/JC shed (circumcision) v21 IV. The 1st visit of Lamb/JC to temple (dedication) v22-24 V. 2 Witnesses of JC v25-35 VI. Growth & Early Development v39-40 VII. 1st Recorded Words: v41-50 VIII. Continued Growth of JC v51-52

3 Luke 1:26,36 Incarnation of Jesus Christ 40 weeks gestation (280d) End Chapter 1 John 1:14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt (tabernacled) among us Birth: Jesus Christ Start Chapter 2


5 Characteristics of Simeon 1. Just, devout v25 2. Waiting for Messiah: were people outside Pharisees who were walking with Lord and waiting. Knew scriptures Daniel etc v25 3. Servant of Lord: “your” God owned him like Paul as bondservant. v29 4. Holy Spirit: –Spirit upon him (empowerment) v25, –Spirit revealed to him (relationship) v26, –Spirit led (surrender/walking in Spirit) v27 5. Name means one who hears/obeys

6 Simeon’s Description of Jesus: 1. Lords Messiah v27 2. Salvation v30 3. All people v31 4. Light & revelation to Gentiles v32 5. Glory of Israel v32 6. Fall & Rising of many in Israel v34 7. Sign that will be opposed v34 8. Thoughts of hearts revealed by Him v35

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