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Дмитрий ВавиловИФВЭ 2005, 19 Декабря1 New results on rare kaon and pion decays from BNL E949 Dmitry Vavilov E949 is an high rate K + decay at rest experiment.

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Presentation on theme: "Дмитрий ВавиловИФВЭ 2005, 19 Декабря1 New results on rare kaon and pion decays from BNL E949 Dmitry Vavilov E949 is an high rate K + decay at rest experiment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Дмитрий ВавиловИФВЭ 2005, 19 Декабря1 New results on rare kaon and pion decays from BNL E949 Dmitry Vavilov E949 is an high rate K + decay at rest experiment with the primary goal of measuring |Vtd| via a measurement of the branching ratio of the ultra-rare charged kaon decay K + K + K +  + . The report mostly concerns related limits from the decays K +   + , K +   +  and  0  .

2 Дмитрий ВавиловИФВЭ 2005, 19 Декабря2 E949 Collaboration US BNL, FNAL, New Mexico Canada Triumf, UBC, Alberta Japan Fukui, KEK, Kyoto, Osaka Russia IHEP, INR

3 Дмитрий ВавиловИФВЭ 2005, 19 Декабря3 E949 Detector in LESB II at BNL IHEP contributions: MC calculation for micro-Collar, Downsteam PV, RS Monitoring system, Slow Control, Data Analysis

4 Дмитрий ВавиловИФВЭ 2005, 19 Декабря4 E787 / E949 Data Taking Summary

5 Дмитрий ВавиловИФВЭ 2005, 19 Декабря5 K +  +  n 3d candidate event “E949A” found Updated branching Br(K +  + ) = (1.5 +1.3 -0.9 ) x 10 -10 SM predicted branching Br(K +  + ) = (0.78±0.12 ) x 10 -10 n PNN2 analysis is in progress Goal is to reach S/N1 at comparable to PNN1 sensitivity 2x Acc and 5x Rej improvements needed E787AE787CE949A 0.0060.020.07

6 Дмитрий ВавиловИФВЭ 2005, 19 Декабря6 K + K +   +  Introduction

7 Дмитрий ВавиловИФВЭ 2005, 19 Декабря7 K + Offline Analysis K +   +  Offline Analysis Backgrounds: K +   +  0 (K  2)  + kinematics measured Photon energies/angles mis-measured Or photon overlaps charged track K  2 with K  Decay In Flight (DIF)  + Kinematics measured Fakes K decay at rest K +   + ,  0  +  or K  2 with  DIF  + kinematics measured   e decay sequence fooled Two beam particles Suppressed with good segmentation and timing in the K tracking system

8 Дмитрий ВавиловИФВЭ 2005, 19 Декабря8 Backgrounds, Acceptance, Sensitivity BackgroundsNumber of Events K  2 0.017 ± 0.006 Overlapping Photon 0.065 ± 0.065 Muon 0.090 ± 0.020 K decay in flight 0.025 ± 0.014 Two Beam<0.006 (90%CL) Total 0.197 ± 0.070

9 Дмитрий ВавиловИФВЭ 2005, 19 Декабря9 K + K + K +   +  K +   +  results Blind analyses No events seen in signal boxes Br(K +   +  ) < 8.3 x 10 -9 (90%CL) p(  ) > 213 MeV/c Assuming spectrum from ChPT with unitarity corrections (c = 1.8) Factor of 8 sensitivity improvement over E787; but, cannot confirm or rule of unitarity corrections. Same data set is used to search for K +   +  which violates angular momentum conservation and gauge invariance Br(K +   +  ) < 2.3 x 10 -9 (90%CL) Factor of 160 improvement over E787

10 Дмитрий ВавиловИФВЭ 2005, 19 Декабря10  0   Forbidden by angular momentum conservation if W’s and neutrinos are purely left handed. Can proceed if neutrinos have mass. Br(  0   ) < 1.1 x 10 -9 for m(  )<18.2 MeV/c 2 Best previous limit comes from E787 Br(  0   ) < 8.3 x 10 -7 (90%CL) Method: Copious supply of clean  0 from K +   +  0 tagged by monochromatic  +. Look for K  2 events with no activity other than K + and  +. Trigger sample is same as K +   + . Select K  2 events; apply tightest photon veto. Tune photon veto on 1/3 of data, use other 2/3 for search.

11 Дмитрий ВавиловИФВЭ 2005, 19 Декабря11  0    0 Rejection Maxed out at ~4x10 6 99 events survive all cuts

12 Дмитрий ВавиловИФВЭ 2005, 19 Декабря12  0   Results n 99 events remain after all photon veto cuts We presume these to be  0   with undetected photons –The e949 photon veto inefficiency in not known and probably not knowable at this level. –A background subtraction is not a reasonable option. n The corresponding branching ratio upper limit is: Br(  0   ) < 2.7 x 10 -7 (90%CL) Factor of 3 improvement beyond E787

13 Дмитрий ВавиловИФВЭ 2005, 19 Декабря13 Conclusions  Present E949 results Br(K +  +  ) = (1.5 +1.3 -0.9 ) x 10 -10 [3 events, E787(2) + E949(1)] Br(K +   +  ) 213 MeV/c Br(K +   +  ) < 2.3 x 10 -9 (90%CL) Br(  0   ) < 2.7 x 10 -7 (90%CL)  Expected new E949 Results Br(K +  +  ) from region below Kp2 peak  Further Progress in ultra-rare Kaon decays P326(Cern), Jparc(Japan) References K +   +  Phys.Rev.Lett. 93 (2004) 031801, hep-ex/0403036 K +   +  K +   +  T. Yoshioka, Univ. of Tokyo thesis, KEK K-decay Report 2005-2, Hep-ex/0505069, Phys.Lett.B 623 (2005) 192-199  0   K.Mizouchi, Kyoto Uinv. Thesis (in preparation), hep-ex/0506028, submitted to Phys.Rev.D. Rapid Communications

14 Дмитрий ВавиловИФВЭ 2005, 19 Декабря14 K + K +   +  in Chiral Perturbation Theory

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