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For The RHIC Spin Collaboration Yousef Makdisi (BNL)

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Presentation on theme: "For The RHIC Spin Collaboration Yousef Makdisi (BNL)"— Presentation transcript:

1 For The RHIC Spin Collaboration Yousef Makdisi (BNL)

2 A Short History and Precursors The Spin physics concept came to RHIC after HI physics S. Nagamiya was instrumental in uniting the two physics camps at both STAR and PHENIX Several issues needed to be resolved to assure a successful Spin Physics program: – AGS beam polarization (A partial snake, CNI polarimeter experiment) – RHIC polarimeter (inclusive pion production from C-target AGS experiment) – Construction of helical magnets (snakes and rotators) – Concerns about RHIC polarimeter calibrations (Jet target) – The physics program and requisites (the 5% requirement) Independent groups yet overlapping interests and imapct – Accelerator physics, Experimental physics, Theoretical physics The birth of the RHIC Spin Collaboration

3 The RSC Collaboration Early Leaders Aki Yokosawa (ANL) and Gerry Bunce (BNL) RBRC workshops, proceedings, travel support for theorists, coffee and cookies over the years Frequent 1-day meetings at BNL as needed. Meetings in conjunction with SPIN Symposia: – 1996 Marseille, 2000 Kyoto, 2004 Torino, 2006 RIKEN (Tokyo) 2006 ( for ex. monthly meetings) as RHIC prepared for the full complement of a polarized proton run. Later: a meeting just before the start of a RHIC run and weekly meetings during the polarized proton portion

4 The RSC model A good platform for exchange of ideas and interest A healthy medium for communicating changes or issues that could impact several constituencies A side benefit the experimenters develop a familiarity with accelerator issues The EIC could benefit from a similar setup

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