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Medford Public School District Math Intervention Program Elementary Level K-4.

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1 Medford Public School District Math Intervention Program Elementary Level K-4

2 Tier One Universal Curriculum (everyone gets it) Core instruction that takes place within the regular ed. classroom Core instruction that takes place within the regular ed. classroom Everyday Math curriculum Everyday Math curriculum In-class remediation by the classroom teacher In-class remediation by the classroom teacher

3 Tier Two Selected Intervention (This is in addition to the universal curriculum and is developed by the classroom teachers) Using the results of grade-level developed common assessments, ALL grade-level students are divided into three areas:  exceeding benchmark  at benchmark  below benchmark

4 It Takes a Village Using this philosophy, all of the grade level teachers share the responsibility for Intervention with all of the students. Using this philosophy, all of the grade level teachers share the responsibility for Intervention with all of the students. Teachers work together to develop the specific Intervention that will take place at each of the 3 levels, based on essential outcomes. Teachers work together to develop the specific Intervention that will take place at each of the 3 levels, based on essential outcomes. The teacher(s) working with the students who are below benchmark, work with a smaller group of students and utilize an additional resource Intervention teacher. The teacher(s) working with the students who are below benchmark, work with a smaller group of students and utilize an additional resource Intervention teacher.

5 When is it done? Math Intervention takes place during an ADDITIONAL 30 minute time slot 3-5 times each week. This is our Intervention time. Math Intervention takes place during an ADDITIONAL 30 minute time slot 3-5 times each week. This is our Intervention time. Students switch classes/teachers and are ability grouped for that 30 minutes. Students switch classes/teachers and are ability grouped for that 30 minutes. Intervention for a specific skill may last from 1-3 weeks depending on the decision rules of the grade level teachers for that identified skill. Intervention for a specific skill may last from 1-3 weeks depending on the decision rules of the grade level teachers for that identified skill.

6 When do the teachers plan? Planning takes place during one or more of the following scheduled times:  Professional Learning Communities (early release days, in-service)  Common planning time (requested by staff, carved out by administration)  Lunch/recess 55-60 minute period  After dismissal (stipends may be paid)  Other as requested by grade level staff.

7 Support for Math Intervention Administrative support is essential Administrative support is essential School board support and on-going updates School board support and on-going updates Intervention Team Intervention Team PLC required initiative PLC required initiative TIME for staff to evaluate, meet and develop TIME for staff to evaluate, meet and develop Scheduling allowances Scheduling allowances

8 Program Evaluation A pre-test is given to all students before the universal curriculum is taught A pre-test is given to all students before the universal curriculum is taught A staff developed common assessment identifies proper Intervention for each student A staff developed common assessment identifies proper Intervention for each student After Intervention for the identified skill, all students are given a common post-test After Intervention for the identified skill, all students are given a common post-test

9 Using Assessment Information Common assessments are really 'probes' aligned with the Response to Intervention concept Common assessments are really 'probes' aligned with the Response to Intervention concept Student progress is tracked by the grade level as a whole Student progress is tracked by the grade level as a whole Students identified as needing additional Intervention (GT or remediation), may be referred to other resource personnel Students identified as needing additional Intervention (GT or remediation), may be referred to other resource personnel

10 Tier Three Targeted This is a specifically targeted group of students  Fewer students  Pull-out program  Programming is tailored to individual student needs

11 Developing Tier Three At this time, the Medford District is developing Tier Three Math Intervention using special teachers (GT, LD, remediation teachers, etc.).

12 Pre-kindergarten Pre-kindergarten During a 15 minute time block that is specific to the teacher, one Intervention teacher will go into the class for 15 minutes each day. During this time, the class will be working on a project/task which includes at least one essential outcome.

13 Kindergarten During a common Intervention time, one Intervention teacher will pull out struggling math students from all of the K classes for 30 minutes twice a week to work on essential outcomes. During a common Intervention time, one Intervention teacher will pull out struggling math students from all of the K classes for 30 minutes twice a week to work on essential outcomes. The other 3 days, the intervention teacher will go into the classrooms to assist. The other 3 days, the intervention teacher will go into the classrooms to assist.

14 Is it working? After the first year of implementation, district math test scores (at the elementary level) rose 9% After the first year of implementation, district math test scores (at the elementary level) rose 9% Individual students showed gains Individual students showed gains Suggestions for improvement made by staff and the Intervention Team Suggestions for improvement made by staff and the Intervention Team A work in progress! A work in progress!

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