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Stable isotopes: can they serve as tracers of fish farm effluents in all environments? Sonja Lojen Department of Environmental Sciences, Jožef Stefan Institute,

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Presentation on theme: "Stable isotopes: can they serve as tracers of fish farm effluents in all environments? Sonja Lojen Department of Environmental Sciences, Jožef Stefan Institute,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Stable isotopes: can they serve as tracers of fish farm effluents in all environments? Sonja Lojen Department of Environmental Sciences, Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia, with great support of all Biofaqsers prepared by

2 Podgorica Piran Ljubljana


4 Why stable isotopes of C and N? = tracers for material flow = enrichment in the food-chain “You are what you eat plus 3‰” (1984) δ 15 N organism = δ 15 N food + ε Prof. Wada

5 What we wanted to do: = Trace the debris from fish cages in the sediment (δ 13 C) = Estimate the amount of debris from the cages in POM (δ 13 C, δ 15 N) = Estimate the amount of debris from cages recycled by organisms colonising biofilters (δ 15 N) Xδ 13 C A + Yδ 13 C B = δ 13 C A+B, X+Y=1 δ 15 N organism = δ 15 N food + ε Xδ 15 N A + Yδ 15 N B = δ 15 N food, X+Y=1

6 Sampling, sample preparation, analyses Stable C and N isotope analyses of sedimentary organic matter, faecal material, suspended particulate organic matter (POM, collected in traps), fish food and fouling organisms at the fish cages and control sites Number of replicate analyses: 1 -12

7 POM collected at the cages = fish food + faeces + “background” POM X faeces + Y pellets Assumed the same as at the control site Go to library Ye et al., 1991, salmonid farm: 55% faeces, 45% pellets Lefebvre et al., 2001, sea bass farm: 37% faeces, 63% pellets X + Y = 1; X, Y = ?

8 Results I.: suspended material

9 Theoretical isotopic composition of POM deriving from fish cages

10 Who has DATA on F:P ratio in debris released from fish farms?

11 Results II. : sediment influence of terrestrial debris transported by the river with  15 N about +1‰ Influence of debris and effluents from fish cages

12 Whom we wish to have on biofilters = Active suspension feeders = Sessile or strongly sedentary in habit = Able to ingest and retain particles in size range released in aquaculture effluents = Able to survive and grow on a diet of non-living organic detritus = High pumping and clearance rates

13 What we got: = Piran: predominantly bryozoa = Crete: predominantly bryozoa = Oban: predominantly tunicates = Eilat: tunicates, mussels, worms, sponge, sea anemone, Thyroscopus fructisosus

14 Results: fouling organisms, Piran Influence of 13 C depleted fish food, terrestrial input? Influence of 15 N depleted riverine input of POM indirectly

15 Stable isotope composition of bryozoans collected in Piran

16 Temporal variations of  13 C of particulate organic matter and bryozoans collected in Piran

17 Temporal variations of  15 N of particulate organic matter and bryozoans collected in Piran

18 Results: fouling organisms, Crete Indirect influence of fish farm effluents

19 Results: fouling organisms, Oban No significant differences due to turbulent environment

20 Similar effect as in Piran Results: fouling organisms, Eilat enrichment in average Sensitive to dissolved nitrogen

21  13 C vs.  15 N of Pteria aegiptiaca, collected in Eilat in April 2002

22  15 N of Pteria aegiptiaca collected in April 2002 in Eilat vs. its size

23 Estimation of retained N from fish cages ε = δ 15 N organism, control - δ 15 N POM, control δ 15 N food, cage = δ 15 N organism, cage - ε

24 Conclusions - particulate organic matter = controversial data from the literature = it was not possible to determine the source of POM only from stable C and N isotopic composition, or to quantitatively estimate the amount of organic debris originating from the fish farm = seasonal variation in carbon and nitrogen isotopic composition of phytoplankton  common scheme of production regime for modern environments: nitrate based in the spring and nitrogen fixation in summer, resulting in lower δ 15 N = large isotopic fractionation during degradation processes of particulate nitrogen = the suspended material is thoroughly mixed and the influence of a fish farm on the concentration and isotopic composition of suspended material is spatially very limited due to dispersion and dilution

25 Conclusions- sediment = the degree of remineralisation of organic particulates during sedimentation depends upon many biotic and abiotic factors - temperature, turbulence, stratification, biotic community composition and food conditions = no systematic variations in δ 13 C, systematic enrichment in 15 N (except in Piran) = rapid remineralisation of fine POM in turbulent environments = rapid sedimentation of large particles  in environments with low organic matter content and where oxic conditions prevail during the year, the  15 N of sedimentary organic matter can undergo considerable changes toward more positive  15 N values with respect to the primary signal = findings consistent with data from literature

26 Conclusions - fouling organisms = questionable effect of bryozoans = effective consumption of farm-POM by sponge and worms = partially effective: tunicates, mussels

27 = Need data on average isotopic composition of POM for each growing period = then we could estimate the amount of debris retained by biofilters = need data on increase of biomass in each growing period

28 Thank you!

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