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UCL Xmas 2006 : Dec 18 1 From the Tevatron to the Zevatron Mark Lancaster Simon Bevan, Amy Connolly, Ryan Nichol, Dave Waters.

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Presentation on theme: "UCL Xmas 2006 : Dec 18 1 From the Tevatron to the Zevatron Mark Lancaster Simon Bevan, Amy Connolly, Ryan Nichol, Dave Waters."— Presentation transcript:

1 UCL Xmas 2006 : Dec 18 1 From the Tevatron to the Zevatron Mark Lancaster Simon Bevan, Amy Connolly, Ryan Nichol, Dave Waters

2 UCL Xmas 2006 : Dec 18 2 Open Cosmic Ray Questions - what is their primary composition : protons or heavier - what / where is their origin for E > 10 20 eV E (eV) Want to probe 10 20 eV region - inconsistent CR data here -  s ~ 400 TeV (>> LHC) Best probes of this region are

3 UCL Xmas 2006 : Dec 18 3 Present / Planned UHE v Experiments Optical : ICECUBE (ice), BAIKAL(ice), ANTARES (water) - limited energy reach to 10 15-17 eV (attenuation length, cost) - limited information from high energy atmospheric neutrinos - no guaranteed source of point(ing) / direct ATM (CR + N(atm)) ATM Direct

4 UCL Xmas 2006 : Dec 18 4 Beyond IceCube E > 10 17 eV only possible via radio/acoustic detection via Askaryan effect. In the 10 20 region: - guaranteed flux of UHE from GZK process - pointing information (primary p not bent or are from point source) LHC 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 log 10 [E (eV)] GUT Photons HESS 1 per km 2 /century/sr AUGER Protons ICECUBEANITA/ARIANNA Neutrinos GZK Sun SN1987

5 UCL Xmas 2006 : Dec 18 5 Beyond IceCube : getting to physics Rates in the 10 20 region are low. Need > 1000 km 3 detectors & a plan 1. establish Askaryan effect & optimise simulations - 1979 (acoustic) - 2001-5 (radio) 2. pioneering radio experiments (Moon, Greenland, Antartica, satellites) with limits - FORTE/GLUE/RICE/ANITA-lite : radio Askaryan : 2001-2005 3. R&D acoustic experiments - ACORNE, SAUND, SPATS : 2003-2008 4. discovery radio experiments - ANITA / LOFAR (?) : 2006-2010 5. physics experiments : large volume fixed arrays with radio+acoustic - ARIANNA, KM3(?), AURA : 2010-2020

6 UCL Xmas 2006 : Dec 18 6 Acoustic Askaryan 32 GeV p at BNL in 1979 into water

7 UCL Xmas 2006 : Dec 18 7 Radio Askaryan Effect Established Verified P  E 2 2005 e - excess moves v > c media

8 UCL Xmas 2006 : Dec 18 8 Existing Limits FORTE GLUE RICE AMANDA GZK p GZK Fe TD ANITA-lite Z-burst Need improvement of factor ~ 100 in radio to “discover” GZK neutrinos And then further factor of 10 to do physics. Already some extreme beyond SM models (TDs) have been excluded Acoustic still in R&D mode Acoustic SAUND optical LHC

9 UCL Xmas 2006 : Dec 18 9 ANITA experiment Sees earth skimming neutrinos via coherent Cerenkov radio pulse Views 1.5 x 10 6 km 3 of ice (cf IceCube 1km 3 )

10 UCL Xmas 2006 : Dec 18 10 ANITA experiment - took off on Friday at 1am.

11 UCL Xmas 2006 : Dec 18 11 ANITA: Where is it now

12 UCL Xmas 2006 : Dec 18 12 ANITA: Planned UCL Role Improve sensitivity by factor of 2 for next (2008/9) flight - improve trigger : lower threshold 10 18  10 17 eV - improve DAQ / firmware : lower deadtime - improve the simulation And hence hopefully “discover” the GZK neutrinos

13 UCL Xmas 2006 : Dec 18 13 Towards a Physics Detector : ARIANNA Ice shelf Reflected Ray Direct Ray Array of 100x100 antennas atop the Ross Ice Shelf looking down – No deep holes (cost effective) – Build on ANITA DAQ & Simulation experience

14 UCL Xmas 2006 : Dec 18 14 ARIANNA Status Feasibility studies just started : attenuation measurements etc UCL: Simulation Electronics Commoditisation

15 UCL Xmas 2006 : Dec 18 15 ARIANNA Reality

16 UCL Xmas 2006 : Dec 18 16 LOFAR 77 fields in Holland each with 96 two-band radio antenna. Expect 2 fields in UK (£700k) + 20 in rest of EU. Truly digital radio telescope with no moving parts

17 UCL Xmas 2006 : Dec 18 17 LOFAR - Each station sending data at 3 Gb/sec - Central hub (IBM blue-gene : 34 Tflops, 1Pb memory) correlates data at 800Gb/sec  effective dish size ~ 100 km - Sees whole sky at once UHE Radio shower MOON Operating at low frequency where signal is small but compensated by wide Cerenkov cone GUT

18 UCL Xmas 2006 : Dec 18 18 ACORNE Status Acoustic Pressure Waves Hydrophone Array Work at UCL - developing reconstruction algorithms to track position of hydrophones - code to extract flux UHE limit from data

19 UCL Xmas 2006 : Dec 18 19 ACORNE Simulated events -Track position of hydrophones with background events. - Combinatorics : problematic in finding the true  2 minima

20 UCL Xmas 2006 : Dec 18 20 ACORNE : Acoustic Pulse Simulation Profile of acoustic pulse - differences between published (SAUND) curves & more recent simulations (ACORNE & ANTARES)

21 UCL Xmas 2006 : Dec 18 21 If observed then what : A single UHE will be interesting to astro-physicists NASA SWIFT X-ray satellite AGN map

22 UCL Xmas 2006 : Dec 18 22 N Cross Section at  s = 400 TeV Upper SM limit Vary extra-dimensions ARIANNA 50% precision: 2 years LHC x ~ 10 -5

23 UCL Xmas 2006 : Dec 18 23 phenomenology over very large baselines Large L/E should give ~ flavour isotropy at earth LV can circumvent GZK cut-off Usual kinematic constraints altered.  tend to be depleted Neutrino Decay e  GZK  GPc No new physics  Lorentz Violation

24 UCL Xmas 2006 : Dec 18 24 Wimpzillas, Topological Defects String Resonance increasing  ( N) for E > 10 18 eV T [log10(eV)] 25 23 Grand-unified-theory (GUT) phase transition ?? 12 10 Electro-weak phase transitions: known 8 Quark-hadron phase transition: known 6 Nucleosynthesis phase transition: known Gravitons & super-massive relic (“WimpZilla”) particles form near GUT phase Expect +  flux from cascade decay of such particles SM

25 UCL Xmas 2006 : Dec 18 25 Conclusions If there is anything astronomically odd or new particle physics > 10 TeV then UHE offer an opportunity to see it

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