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TM Copyright © 2009 NMQA Ltd. Behaviour Driven Testing with.

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Presentation on theme: "TM Copyright © 2009 NMQA Ltd. Behaviour Driven Testing with."— Presentation transcript:

1 TM Copyright © 2009 NMQA Ltd. Behaviour Driven Testing with

2 TM Copyright © 2009 NMQA Ltd. The Traditional Test methodology :

3 TM Copyright © 2009 NMQA Ltd. The Common Test methodology :

4 TM Copyright © 2009 NMQA Ltd. The Behaviour Driven Testing methodology :

5 TM Copyright © 2009 NMQA Ltd. Helps with STORY DEFINITION to avoid ILL DEFINED requirements Focuses on identifying BUSINESS VALUE and not ABSTRACT IDEAS Focuses on CUSTOMER USE over the TECHNICAL IMPLEMENTATION Focuses on FINDING BUGS and not on CONFIRMING COMPLETNESS Focus on value to the user The Behaviour Driven Testing methodology :

6 TM Copyright © 2009 NMQA Ltd. Stakeholder / User Business Analyst Stories / Requirements / Needs Business Analyst Tester Refined (Test) Scenarios / Automated Tests Tester Developer Code Deploy / Test Execution / Accepted system  Strengthened relationships through BDT :

7 TM Copyright © 2009 NMQA Ltd. BUSINESS ANALYST identifies the FEATURES the CUSTOMER/USER wants FEATURES are captured in Vienna as REQUIREMENTS TEST SCENARIOS are written in Vienna as Test Cases Developer writes code that make TEST CASES PASS The flow of the BDT methodology:

8 TM Copyright © 2009 NMQA Ltd. TEST CASES get AUTOMATED by the testers Code is DEPLOYED and Testers perform a Vienna Test Run BUGS get fixed, automated tests run as REGRESSION TESTS When done Customer / User ACCEPTS the software (Acceptance & Quality Criteria met) The flow of the BDT methodology:

9 TM Behaviour Driven Testing Copyright © 2009 NMQA Ltd. Exploratory Testing Learn, plan and execute at once Look for bugs, missing features and opportunities for improvement Combination/Interaction Testing Focus on interactions between features Scenario Testing Use combined real-world scenarios that exercise multiple stories Business Cycle Testing Execute scenarios based on end of day/month/qtr/year business tasks Non-Functional / Para-Functional Testing Performance, Security, Accessibility, Compatibility SEMI AUTOMATED / MANUAL TEST EXECUTION 

10 TM Copyright © 2009 NMQA Ltd. Behaviour Driven Testing and Vienna Manage FEATURES as FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS Manage SCENARIOS as TEST CASES Use all other modules as standard to manage testing

11 TM Copyright © 2009 NMQA Ltd. Requirements written in NATURAL LANGUAGE Easy for all project participants to work with and contribute to Creates Requirements Documentation linked with other artefacts Behaviour Driven Testing and Vienna

12 TM Copyright © 2009 NMQA Ltd. Test Cases provide Context, Purpose and Expected Outcome This format makes it easy for ‘non-testers’ to add tests Developers can implement the Test Cases so they pass Behaviour Driven Testing and Vienna

13 TM Copyright © 2009 NMQA Ltd. The BDT Test methodology :

14 TM Copyright © 2009 NMQA Ltd. Vienna – Running a Selenium-Ruby Automated Test

15 TM Copyright © 2009 NMQA Ltd. The BDT Test methodology :

16 TM Vienna Test Management Thank you for your time Any Questions?

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