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Review Please hand in your practicals and homework Regular Expressions with grep.

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1 Review Please hand in your practicals and homework Regular Expressions with grep

2 Today Quizzes Back Extra Credit More regular expressions – sed Cheatsheets! And better!

3 Extra Credit Whitepaper is now marketing – Interpreting them is fun (sometimes) I want (in no more than two pages) – OS and version needed – Dependencies – “Business Case” – what business sectors & what size companies it’s targeted at, as well as the purpose and benefits – Limitations or “gotchas” Get a holistic view of a Linux-based toolset, how it fits into a company, etc…

4 So Compare 2 Whitepapers Either of these: Implementing RHEL 6 on HP Servers Intel HA RHEL Solution To either of these: RHEL Value Compared to Win2k8 RHEL Migration Best Practices


6 Quick Refresh The grep commands allows for ‘regular expressions’ Sets of characters that allow us to define what to match and print – Static characters don’t change – Metacharacters allow for more broad matching – [] matches on one character – Can match on several different things – [A-Zqpr4-8] will match any uppercase letter OR q OR p OR r OR 4, 5, 6, 7, OR 8

7 Character Classes We can capture “digits” like 1, 42, or 7656784 – \d We can capture “word characters” like a, the, supercalafragilisticexpalidocious, and asdfjkl – \w We can capture “whitespace” like spaces, tabs, and “newlines” – \s \d and \w look between whitespaces

8 Character Type Opposites We can capture “non-digits” like whitespace or letter characters – \D We can capture “non- word characters” like digits and whitespaces – \W We can capture “non-whitespace” like numbers and letters – \S

9 Character Class Practice grep ‘\w’ teams.txt What is the command to match any line that starts with a digit?

10 Implementations Each language implements regex’s differently – PERL, Python, Shell, Java, C++, Ruby, etc… For example, I can’t explain this: \d should be ‘digit’ but I don’t see one in there \D non-digit returns NOTHING

11 sed So grep deals with lines which makes manipulating data difficult There are ‘capture groups’ in grep the () – so ([A-Za-z]+) would catch any letter collection But how would you replace? So we have sed Stands for ‘stream editor’ Same thing, on any match, perform an action

12 sed breakdown First – let’s match (like grep) Usage: sed ‘ / / ’ grep ‘[Ss]eattle’ teams.txt sed -n ‘/[Ss]eattle/p’ teams.txt -n suppresses full output (the rest of the file) ‘/[Ss]eattle is our regex /p’ is print teams.txt is our file

13 sed matching sed -n ‘/[Ss]eattle/p’ teams.txt Without –n a copy of the file is printed, and the matches are duplicated; with –n just matches are printed Between ‘/ and /p’ is our regex [Ss]eattle – same as with grep The /p’ closes the regex and gives an action – print; this overrides the –n so our matches go to STDOUT

14 Only Difference is –n

15 So What Does This Do? sed -n ‘/[s]ea/p’ teams.txt sed -n ‘/^Bears.*Superbowl$/p’ inMyDreams.txt

16 sed replacement But sed is mostly used for replacing Usage: sed ‘ / / / ’ sed ‘s/sea/Sea/g’ teams.txt No flag ‘s/ is substitute sea/ is what we’re matching on Sea/ will replace what we match on g’ is ‘global’ – do all; not just one teams.txt is our file

17 Your Turn Again sed ‘s/Chicago Bears/Best Team Ever/g’ teams.txt Our ‘start’ script we made isn’t working. What is the regex to match anything not starting with a S or a K? ls /etc/rc3.d |

18 Extremely Powerful The sed utility is frequently said to be a min- programming language in itself These are the basic usages we will frequent Cheatsheet!

19 Regex Cheatsheet “Anchors” - ^StartAnchor and EndAnchor$ “Sample Patters” – Examples! “Character Classes” - \d \w \s “Quantifiers” - * and + and more “Ranges” – [0-9] [a-z] etc… “Metacharacters” – bottom left We’re not covering POSIX Character Classes, Assertions, String Replacements, or most Special Characters

20 Finally Online Regex Utility e-bash-regex-checker/ e-bash-regex-checker/ – Will break down a regex and tell you what each part does – This means I’ll probably ask you to create your own – But then you can test yours on that utility – And you should use it on the homework/practical

21 No Class Monday It’s Memorial Day – You can come, I won’t be here And I will not be responsive this weekend – My brother-in-law is forcing me to go to Packer territory  – I will try to have everything graded on Wednesday, it may not happen

22 Own Study sed “Sed is the ultimate stream editor. If that sounds strange, picture a stream flowing through a pipe. Okay, you can't see a stream if it's inside a pipe. That's what I get for attempting a flowing analogy. You want literature, read James Joyce. Anyhow, sed is a marvelous utility. Unfortunately, most people never learn its real power. The language is very simple, but the documentation is terrible. The Solaris on- line manual pages for sed are five pages long, and two of those pages describe the 34 different errors you can get. A program that spends as much space documenting the errors as it does documenting the language has a serious learning curve.”

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