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September 1, 2011.  -Introduction  -Curriculum  -Assessments  -Homework  -Newsletter  -Rockstar Folders  -Discipline  -Dismissal and Parent Pick-up.

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Presentation on theme: "September 1, 2011.  -Introduction  -Curriculum  -Assessments  -Homework  -Newsletter  -Rockstar Folders  -Discipline  -Dismissal and Parent Pick-up."— Presentation transcript:

1 September 1, 2011

2  -Introduction  -Curriculum  -Assessments  -Homework  -Newsletter  -Rockstar Folders  -Discipline  -Dismissal and Parent Pick-up  -Parent Conferences (Each teacher has a sign up sheet. Please sign up tonight. )  -Lunch & Snacks

3  Our curriculum is based on the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS)  For specific objectives you may visit the TEA website at

4  Spelling  Writing  Grammar  Phonics

5  Writer’s Workshop  Six Traits Writing (Ideas, Organization, Word Choice, Sentence Fluency, Voice, Conventions)  Writer’s Notebooks  WOW journals  Handwriting Without Tears – see handout  Lucy Calkins

6  Complete Sentences  Punctuation  Parts of Speech (Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives, Adverbs, Pronouns)

7  Phonics  Pretest on Monday (instant words, rime patterns, frequently misspelled words)  Challenge List  Test on Friday

8  Guided Reading Groups  Reading Strategies (Decoding)  Comprehension  Reading Skills (Main Idea, Summary, Sequencing, Story Elements, Predictions, Cause and Effect, Making Inferences, Drawing Conclusions)  Test taking strategies  Independent Reading

9  DRA2  iStation  ITBS (Standardized achievement test in November)

10  Our local community, past and present; government and citizenship; our country’s history; working together, our environment.  Social Studies is integrated into reading.

11  Calendar, Daily Problem Solving  Time, money, measurement, place value, number concepts to 999, two digit addition & subtraction with & without regrouping, fractions, graphing, probability, geometry, introduction to multiplication and division, problem solving  CBA’s will be at the end of each unit of study with 1 cumulative test given in the spring.  TEMI Math Assessment  First Steps Math Interventions

12  Experiments using the scientific method  Matter & Energy, Force & Motion, Organisms & Environments, Earth & Space  CBA’s at the end of the units of study

13  Read Daily (Guided Reading Books) & sign Reading Calendar in Planner/Agenda  Spelling Words  Daily math flash card practice (addition & subtraction cards)  Sign the Planner/Agenda daily

14  Rockstar folder  Look for graded work and flyers in blue take-home folders daily.  Agendas/planners  Spelling Homework  Please sign daily.  Behavior Chart/Conduct  Good source of communication between parent and teacher.

15  Located at  Important information and dates  Spelling words  Reminders to parents  Rockstars of the Week

16 * Please notify your child’s teacher of any food allergies.  *Our snack time is in the morning.  *Birthdays can be celebrated at the end of the school day. Treats must be store bought and peanut-free. Donuts and cookies are the best!!  We welcome parents to come and have lunch with their children. Please be sure to sit at the designated lunch tables with just your child.  Please do not bring or share food with anyone except your child.  Lunch – 11:45 – 12:15

17  Stick to It!  Consequences: Uh-oh Note, Conduct Calendar signed, Phone Call Home, Office Visit  Rewards: stay on purple, tickets, stickers, smellies, character referrals, verbal praise, note or phone call home

18 Computers Art Music PE Conduct Slip Student Name: ________________ Date:_______________ Classroom Teacher: ___________________ At Sonntag, we pledge to be Sonntag Strong, all day long. I did not make a STRONG choice today in Specials. S afety First T reat others with respect R esponsible choices O pen minds N ever give up G o the extra mile Notes:___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________ Please sign and return to the following Specials teacher: Computers ______________ Art ______________ Music______________ PE______________ _____________________ Student Signature Parent Signature This is the behavior report for all Specials classes. If your child receives one of these slips, please sign it and return the slip to the appropriate Specials teacher. These slips can affect your child’s conduct grade. These slips are meant to communicate inappropriate behaviors and are similar to a folder/planner signature. If you have questions regarding a conduct slip that was sent home, please contact that Specials teacher.

19  *Please make sure your child makes contact with his/her teacher before they leave.  *Younger siblings will meet their older sibling outside the pod for carpool only. The older sibling will pick up the younger and go out to car pool.  *Walkers will meet their siblings outside the front of the building.  *Please send a note if your child goes home a different way than usual and notify the office. Please let your child know also.

20 -Monday, October 10, 2011  -Each second grade teacher has a sign up sheet, please schedule a conference time before you leave.  THANK YOU!

21 Have a wonderful evening!

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