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Application Development Project Autumn 2010. Content  Market research  Marketing plan  Product  Before launching.

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Presentation on theme: "Application Development Project Autumn 2010. Content  Market research  Marketing plan  Product  Before launching."— Presentation transcript:

1 Application Development Project Autumn 2010

2 Content  Market research  Marketing plan  Product  Before launching

3 Market research  88 responses of which 51% Nokia phones  Usefulness 79%  Willing to pay 39%

4 Market research Closeness to unknown population parameter can be estimated calculating the confidence interval  Population parameter (intrest to our product) with 95% certainty lies in between the (73%, 84%)  Correspondingly the willingness to pay (1€ or 2€) with 95% certainty in between (29%, 49%)

5 Competitive Advantage The first mobile schooling timetable in the mass markets that students can download easily and access everywhere A unique combination of individual service and communal contribution We offer: Functional application – in a few month More advanced application – end of 2nd semester Completed application – within a year

6 Potential market share and sales First half of year 2011: 250 users Second half of 2011 : 500 users Second half of 2013: 40000 users – Break even point Approx. Sales revenue: 80000€

7 Pricing First functional application for free  Low value for the user, highest value for us  The first users are our most important marketing activity and R&D input  In order to create positive viral and network effects we have to engage users First users input from the financial point of view The demand is very elastic relative to price 2€ or more for downloading the advanced application  Very elastic demand relative to price  Possibility of new entrants – price on the markets?

8 Pricing in OVI-store OUR CALCULATIONS AND ESTIMATES DO NOT TAKE ACCOUNT THE FOLLOWING:  We select the nominal global price point that we wish to charge for the app  Selected nominal global price point is mapped to a specific local retail price by Nokia  In OVI-store local retail pricing is in Nokia’s sole discretion and may vary  Nokia shall pay seventy percent (70%) of the Net Revenue attributable to purchases of our app by end users that pay by credit card; and sixty percent (60%) of the Net Revenue  Payment to us will be made frequently on a calendar monthly basis following the end of each calendar month

9 Promotion  Aggressive targeted promotion as the first application appears – speed as asset – Investors input  Buzz  Positive viral effects  Visibility through networking and user referrals – a channel for users to communicate  Word-of mouth  PR with the schools – they are the secondary beneficiaries of our service

10 Place ”People move, data transfers” Internet  No physical or local barriers  Unlimited network effects  A channel for user referrals and feedback in OVI and Web

11 Product  The first mobile social schooling timetable  Makes possible to access and view the lessons everywhere by mobile phone  Enables editing timetables in real-time (advanced  The most urgent changes in schedule are shared with the group-tool  Connected with Journey Planner and Google Maps

12 Before launching  Mass product, mass marketing  Attract investors  Attract partners – universities and UASs  Constantly review the price on the markets  Continuos R&D in order to develop the product ”more mobile”  Map promotor’s and advertiser’s intrest to advert their products using our application interface (adds – in etc.)

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