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1 Quarter 2: Performance Department of Home Affairs 2012/13 20 November 2012 Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Home Affairs.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Quarter 2: Performance Department of Home Affairs 2012/13 20 November 2012 Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Home Affairs."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Quarter 2: Performance Department of Home Affairs 2012/13 20 November 2012 Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Home Affairs

2 2 Table of Contents 1. Background 2.Twelve Government Priorities Outcomes 3.Department of Home Affairs Performance Agreement with the President 4.Department of Home Affairs Outcomes and Strategic objectives 5.Reporting Format 6.Progress against targets for the 2012-2013 financial year 7.Progress against performance audit issues 8.Key priorities going forward

3 3 Background Five-year Electoral Mandate of ruling party 12 Outcomes of Government Performance and Delivery Agreements and Programmes of Action of Clusters Strategic Plan of Home Affairs – Vision, Mission, Values – 5 Year strategic priorities Three Outcomes of DHA supported by 11 Measurable Objectives 3 Year rolling Annual Performance Plan 1-4 Targets supporting each Objective

4 4 The Medium Term Strategic Framework (MTSF) of government has twelve priority outcomes. The DHA contributes directly to three of the twelve outcomes: 1.Improved quality of basic education 2.A long and healthy life for all South Africans 3.All people in South Africa are and feel safe 4.Decent employment through inclusive economic growth 5.A skilled and capable workforce to support an inclusive growth path 6.An efficient, competitive and responsive economic infrastructure network 7.Vibrant, equitable and sustainable rural communities with food security for all 8.Sustainable human settlements and improved quality of household life 9.A responsive, accountable, effective and efficient local government system 10.Environmental assets and natural resources that are well protected and continually enhanced 11.Create a better South Africa and contribute to a better and safer Africa and World 12.An efficient, effective and development oriented public service and an empowered, fair and inclusive citizenship

5 5 Department of Home Affairs Performance Agreement with the President: Completion of all strategic information and identification projects within already defined budgets and time frames Effective and efficient refugee management strategies and systems Contributing to the level of skills and general economic development in South Africa targets by realising a positive skills migration trend of around 50,000 migrants annually. The focus should be on critical skills shortages, supportive of the medium term strategies and government’s outcomes. The registration of every child birth within 30 days of delivery. The issuing of identity documents to every South African 16 years and above. Improving the turnaround times for all services, queuing times and unit costs per service. Determining and improving the maximum distance for a citizen to travel to access Home Affairs services.

6 6 The Strategic Plan is grounded on three Outcomes Outcome 1: Secured South African citizenship and identity Outcome 2: Immigration managed effectively and securely in the national interest including economic, social and cultural development Outcome 3: A service that is efficient, accessible and corruption free

7 7 Outcome 1: Secured South African citizenship and identity Measurable Objectives To ensure that registration at birth is the only entry point for South Africans to the National Population Register (NPR) To issue Identity Documents (IDs) to citizens turning 16 years of age and above To ensure the registration and identification of all South African citizens, foreign residents, refugees and asylum seekers to enhance the integrity and security of identity

8 8 Outcome 2: Immigration managed effectively and securely in the national interest including economic, social and cultural development Measurable Objectives To ensure a secure, responsive and flexible immigration regime in support of national security, priorities and interests To implement effective and efficient asylum seeker and refugee management strategies and systems To facilitate the efficient movement of bona fide travellers to support national interests and priorities, and to prevent and prohibit the movement of undesirable persons in the interest of national security To contribute towards realising a positive skills migration trend of around 50 000 migrants annually

9 9 Outcome 3: A service that is efficient, accessible and corruption free Measurable Objectives To transform the culture of the organization in support of securing identity, citizenship and international migration To ensure ethical conduct and a zero tolerance approach to corruption To obtain a clean audit report To ensure secure, effective, efficient and accessible service delivery to clients

10 10 THE REPORTING FORMAT 1.Each Outcome is attained by the achievement of strategic objectives linked to specific targets. 2.The Strategic Objectives in the tables that follow are to be achieved within the period 2012 – 2015. 3.The targets are for the financial year 2012 – 2013. 4.Performance is reported against each target, with performance for the second quarter and mid-year. 5.Where necessary, an explanation is given for non- achievement or challenges; and a way forward or remedial action indicated.

11 11 The targets outlined below are to support the achievement of the following Outcome. Outcome 1: Secured South African citizenship and identity

12 12 Strategic Objective: To ensure that registration at birth is the only entry point for South Africans to the National Population Register BASELINEANNUAL TARGETQUARTER 2 TARGET Projected 528 000 births registered within 30 days of the birth event as a percentage of total births (48% of total births) Projected increase of 6% of births registered within 30 days of the birth event against the estimated 1.1 million births per annum (54% of total births or 594 000 births registered) 149,540 projected births registered Progress at Midyear: 2% more births were registered than was projected, which was the total of 303, 882 (for quarter 1 and 2) Achieved: 25,47% which is 0,3% over planned target 151,290 births registered against a quarterly baseline of 149,540.

13 13 Strategic Objective: To ensure that registration at birth is the only entry point for South Africans to the National Population Register BASELINE ANNUAL TARGETQUARTER 2 TARGET 72 health institutions connected for 2011/12 making a total of 233 80 additional health institutions with maternity facilities connected for online birth registration 23 health institutions operational Progress at Midyear: 15 out of a targeted 42 facilities were connected (Quarter 1 – 7; Quarter 2 – 8). Challenges: Freeze on movement of assets due to the audit process. In some instances, accommodation was also withdrawn from by health facilities with the result that new accommodation must be re-negotiated. Way forward: Finalize the audit of assets and release equipment required for the connectivity of health facilities. Re- negotiate accommodation with provincial health authorities and related hospitals where accommodation was withdrawn. Not Achieved 8 health facilities were connected: WC – Mosselbay; KZN - G J Crookes KZN – Newcastle; KZN – eDumbe; LP- Thabazimbi; MP – Vlaklaagte; NC – Noupoort; NC – Kagisho.

14 14 Strategic Objective: To ensure that registration at birth is the only entry point for South Africans to the National Population Register BASELINE ANNUAL TARGETQUARTER 2 TARGET 254 stakeholder forums launched and 5 district forums 15 additional stakeholder forums launched and functional - comprising of 7 provincial, 3 metro, 5 district forums 4 (Mpumalanga Provincial Stakeholder Forum, KwaZulu Natal Provincial Stakeholder Forum (resuscitation), Gauteng Provincial Stakeholder Forum, Western Cape Overberg District) launched Progress at Midyear: 5 out of 7 Forums targeted were launched (Quarter 1 - 3, Quarter 2 – 2 forums launched (Limpopo: carry over from quarter 1). Way Forward Meeting held with Sukumu Sakhe leadership in KZN leadership to discuss cooperation. Gauteng Provincial Stakeholder Forum to be launched during the 4th quarter of the 2012/13 financial year following delays. Partially Achieved: Two stakeholder forums were launched: LP - Provincial Stakeholder Forum (carry- over); MP - Provincial Stakeholder Forum.

15 15 Strategic Objective: To ensure that registration at birth is the only entry point for South Africans to the National Population Register BASELINEANNUAL TARGETQUARTER 2 TARGET (New process to be implemented in 2012/13) 95% of LRB applications for the age group 31 days and above finalized within 6 months Not Applicable 95% of LRB applications for the age group 31 days and above finalized within 6 months Progress at midyear: 96% of cases finalized within 6 months Achieved: 99% of LRB applications for the age group 31 days and above were finalized within 6 months.

16 16 Strategic Objective: To ensure that registration at birth is the only entry point for South Africans to the National Population Register BASELINEANNUAL TARGETQUARTER 2 TARGET NA2nd Civil Registration and Vital Statistics African Ministerial Conference hosted The hosting of the CRVS Conference Progress at midyear: The CRVS Conference was successfully held at the International Convention Centre, Ethekwini. Achieved: The conference was hosted from the 3rd-7th of September 2012

17 17 Strategic Objective: To issue Identity Documents (IDs) to citizens 16 years of age and above BASELINEANNUAL TARGETQUARTER 2 TARGET A projected number of 1 164 000 IDs (first issue) issued to citizens 16 years of age and above An increase of 5% in the issuance of Identity Documents (first issue) to citizens 16 years of age and above in relation to the baseline (1 222 200) A projected number of 391 104 (32%) IDs (first issue) issued to citizens 16 years of age and above. Progress at Midyear: 10% fewer than projected or 571, 929 first issues as against projected 611,100 (Quarter 1 – 304,967; Quarter 2 – 266,962) Challenges: Skynet employees embarked on strike action (truck drivers' strike) and this impacted on the receipt of applications. Way forward: Implement live capture; monitor and enforce compliance; collaborate with Stats SA to validate trend analysis; work with the Dept. of Basic Education to obtain a database of all scholars who are 15 years or above. Partially achieved: 266, 962 were issued and this equates to 21,84% of the baseline projection compared with 32% in the target.

18 18 Strategic Objective: To ensure the registration and identification of all South Africa Citizens, foreign residents, refugees and asylum seekers to enhance the integrity and security of identity BASELINEANNUAL TARGETQUARTER 2 TARGET National Population Register and existing Immigration Systems (e.g. Movement Control System, National Immigration Information System) New National Identity System designed, which includes details of South African citizens and foreign nationals User requirements defined and approved Affected business processes reviewed (re- engineered) Way forward: IS Branch will host 2 Joint Application Development sessions during Oct/Nov with Civics and Immigration Services to produce the 1st draft User Requirements Specifications. Partially Achieved: A definitive agreement was signed at the end of June 2012

19 19 Strategic Objective: To ensure the registration and identification of all South Africa Citizens, foreign residents, refugees and asylum seekers to enhance the integrity and security of identity BASELINEANNUAL TARGETQUARTER 2 TARGET 40 offices with passport live capture functionality and no offices with ID live capture Live capture functionality for passports and IDs (first and re- issues) rolled out to 167 offices (40 offices already equipped with passport live capture) 66 Offices ready for live capture roll out Training conducted at 66 offices. Challenges: Development on the actual system will only start once the contract between DHA and Service providers has been finalised. Way forward: IS team will meet the SARS team to draft project and resources plan and establish the costs implications of increasing the hours on the project to possibly meet the deadlines or reduce the delays. Partially Achieved: Functional specification for the Live Capture of Passports, First-Issue and Re-Issue of ID Documents developed

20 20 Strategic Objective : To ensure the registration and identification of all South Africa Citizens, foreign residents, refugees and asylum seekers to enhance the integrity and security of identity BASELINEANNUAL TARGETQUARTER 2 TARGET Crew Member Certificate rolled out as part of ID Smart Card ID Smart Card piloted with population of 2000 Issuance of 1000 ID Smart Cards Testing the functionality of the 1000 ID Smart Cards issued Progress at Midyear: 100 pilot ID Smart Cards issued and functionality and durability for Smart ID Card tested. Achieved: Currently working on finalizing the Technical Specifications for Smart ID Card. The following 3 documents are documents that will form part of the Technical Specifications and have been completed: a) User Requirements Statement ; b)Smart Card Requirements analysis Document c) Inputs document; Issued Smart ID Cards were tested for durability and functionality

21 21 Strategic Objective : To ensure the registration and identification of all South Africa Citizens, foreign residents, refugees and asylum seekers to enhance the integrity and security of identity BASELINEANNUAL TARGETQUARTER 2 TARGET First version of Electronic Document Management System (EDMS) or EDMS prototype Electronic Document Management System (EDMS) resuscitated to enable retrieval of existing EDMS records Development of new scripts to export images (Phase 3) Progress at Midyear: Current EDMS environment De-commissioned and re-commissioned. Data recovery in progress; Scripts developed to export images as per Phase 3 of Electronic Document Management System resuscitation Achieved: Scripts developed to export images as per Phase 3 of Electronic Document Management System resuscitation

22 22 Strategic Objective : To ensure the registration and identification of all South Africa Citizens, foreign residents, refugees and asylum seekers to enhance the integrity and security of identity BASELINEANNUAL TARGETQUARTER 2 TARGET Visa SystemE Permitting and Visa system designed Business Processes review, based on developed User requirements, completed Progress at Midyear: The strategy is dependent on the new Immigration Regulations Way forward: Finalisation of the new IMS Regulations Not achieved: Reliance on new Immigration Regulations which have not yet been finalized, as there may be areas of overlap.

23 23 Strategic Objective : To ensure the registration and identification of all South Africa Citizens, foreign residents, refugees and asylum seekers to enhance the integrity and security of identity BASELINEANNUAL TARGETQUARTER 2 TARGET SITA proposal concept document Trusted Traveller Programme piloted at a land port of entry Current proposal on Trusted Traveller Programme revised New user requirements drafted Way Forward: To develop the proposal and user requirements into an IS solution. Achieved: Proposal on Trusted Traveller Programme revised and new user requirements drafted

24 24 Strategic Objective : To ensure the registration and identification of all South Africa Citizens, foreign residents, refugees and asylum seekers to enhance the integrity and security of identity BASELINEANNUAL TARGETQUARTER 2 TARGET 47 out of 72 ports of entry equipped with current Enhanced Movement Control System Remaining 25 ports of entry equipped with current Enhanced Movement Control System (as well as 3 rollovers from previous financial year) Improvements to EMCS identified to inform further rollout Rollout to 6 POE completed Challenges: Delay in roll-out of the system was due to procurement of equipment Way forward: Fast-tracking implementation of the project plan Partially Achieved: Development of identified improvements to EMCS has been completed. Equipment has been procured and a project plan developed for the roll-out.

25 25 Strategic Objective:To ensure the registration and identification of all South Africa Citizens, foreign residents, refugees and asylum seekers to enhance the integrity and security of identity BASELINEANNUAL TARGETQUARTER 2 TARGET Current Electronic Movement Control System Pilot programme conducted for roll out of biometric technology (fingerprint and facial recognition solutions) at OR Tambo International Airport (ORTIA) Proposal developed in conjunction with service provider New user requirements drafted (including system design) Achieved: Revised business specifications and user requirements.

26 26 Strategic Objective: To ensure the registration and identification of all South Africa Citizens, foreign residents, refugees and asylum seekers to enhance the integrity and security of identity BASELINEANNUAL TARGETQUARTER 2 TARGET 12 Per cent of identified cases resolved for multiple persons sharing the same ID number (6 799 out of 54 416) 100% of identified ID duplicate cases resolved (multiple persons sharing same ID number) - 38 000 9500 (25%) ID duplicate cases resolved (multiple persons sharing same ID number). Progress at Midyear: 44% of 19, 000 target cases (Total of Quarter 1 - 946 and Quarter 2 - 1016). Challenges: Poor response from clients; Incomplete supporting documents from clients; outdated contact details. Misrepresentation of some cases that are pending in Court. Way forward: Home visits by provinces to trace affected clients. A circular and checklist to be forwarded to provinces to improve the overall quality and completeness of applications. Mark records of illegal foreigners. Work with stakeholders (e.g. SABRIC, SAPS). Not Achieved: The total cases resolved during the review period is 1,016.

27 27 Strategic Objective To ensure the registration and identification of all South Africa Citizens, foreign residents, refugees and asylum seekers to enhance the integrity and security of identity BASELINEANNUAL TARGETQUARTER 2 TARGET 88 Percentage of identified cases resolved for one person with multiple ID numbers (47 617 out of 54 416) 50% of ID duplicate cases resolved (one person with multiple ID numbers) – 41 500 10 375 (25%) of ID duplicate cases resolved (one person with multiple ID numbers) Progress at Midyear: Under-achieved by 19%: 12, 741 cases of targeted 20, 750. (Quarter 1 – 7215 ; Quarter 2 – 5526) Challenges: Poor response from clients; Incomplete supporting documents; delays due to renouncement of ID numbers (IDN) with marriage, registered children, permanent residence or passport; applicants not willing to be allocated with a new IDN due to qualifications. Way forward: Home visits by provinces to trace affected clients and assist with fraud investigations; create a new function to block IDN of those who have been identified as foreigners. Partially Achieved: 5, 526 applications resolved out of a target of 10,375

28 28 Strategic Objective : To ensure the registration and identification of all South Africa Citizens, foreign residents, refugees and asylum seekers to enhance the integrity and security of identity BASELINEANNUAL TARGETQUARTER 2 TARGET Average of 12 weeks Newly reported ID duplicate cases resolved within an average of 12 weeks from the capturing of the case (applicant's details) until finalization thereof Newly reported ID duplicate cases resolved within an average of 12 weeks from the capturing of the case (applicant's details) until finalization thereof. Progress at Midyear: A total of 372 new cases were received of which 56 were resolved within the planned 12 week period. Challenges: Incomplete documents from clients. Lengthy investigations of cases involving foreigners; and applicants not willing to be allocated a new ID number due to qualifications. Way forward: Improve the overall quality and completeness of applications; create a new function to block IDN of those who have been identified as foreigners. Not Achieved: 372 newly reported ID duplicate cases were received and 56 were finalized within 12 weeks.

29 29 The targets outlined below are to support the achievement of the following Outcome. Outcome 2: Immigration managed effectively and securely in the national interest including economic, social and cultural development

30 30 Strategic Objective: To ensure a secure, responsive and flexible immigration regime in support of national security, priorities and interests BASELINEANNUAL TARGETQUARTER 2 TARGET Policy document drafted and considered by departmental retreat focusing on 5 areas (Draft Immigration Policy Framework developed) Immigration policy document gazetted after public consultation process finalisation Immigration policy paper drafted incorporating inputs emanating from government consultation as per stakeholder consultation plan Way forward: Revised policy document and consultation plan will be implemented through consultation with additional stakeholders. Partially Achieved: A draft paper was written after consultation with stakeholders; but full consultation plan has not yet been implemented.

31 31 Strategic Objective: Strategic Objective: To ensure a secure, responsive and flexible immigration regime in support of national security, priorities and interests BASELINEANNUAL TARGETQUARTER 2 TARGET Visa facilitation service introduced at three (3) high volume foreign missions - Angola and DRC (2) Visa facilitation service implemented at six (3) foreign missions Visa application centre in Angola implemented Progress at Midyear: 1 Visa facilitation service centre implemented in Angola. Achieved: Visa Facilitation Services implemented in Angola

32 32 Strategic Objective: To implement effective and efficient asylum seeker and refugee management strategies and systems BASELINEANNUAL TARGETQUARTER 2 TARGET Organogram developed, costed and approach to establish SDCs developed One (1) Status Determination Committee (SDC), with sub-committees, established in each of the existing refugee reception offices Refugee Status Determination Officers (RSDOs) designated as SDC members Way forward: Fast track the adoption of Regulations to enable the full implementation of the Refugees Act and its Regulations which will translate into the definition and the recruitment of members of SDC to ensure the effective and efficient implementation of the Refugees Amendment Act. Not Achieved: Regulations to the amended Refugees Act to define the composition of the SDC members not yet finalised.

33 33 Strategic Objective: To implement effective and efficient asylum seeker and refugee management strategies and systems BASELINEANNUAL TARGETQUARTER 2 TARGET One refugee reception office established (Musina) One Refugee Reception Office established (Lebombo) Proposed office model layout plan finalised Progress at Midyear: Proposed office model layout based on ASM business processes and proposed organogram was developed Achieved: Proposal submitted to the Department of Public Works

34 34 Strategic Objective: To facilitate the effective movement of bona fide travellers to support national interests and priorities, and to prevent and prohibit the movement of undesirable person in the interest of national security BASELINEANNUAL TARGETQUARTER 2 TARGET N/AImproved residential and office infrastructure provided at 6 ports of entry (Maseru Bridge, Beit Bridge, Oshoek, Lebombo, Cape Town and Durban harbours) according to set standards Needs analysis for identified Ports of Entry drafted and submitted to the Department of Public Works Feasibility study conducted Progress at Midyear: Consultation in progress. Information collection commenced. Partially Achieved: Needs analysis report submitted to the Department of Public Works. Standards for Ports developed to form the basis for the feasibility study.

35 35 Strategic Objective : To contribute towards realising a positive skills migration trend of around 50 000 immigrants annually BASELINEANNUAL TARGETQUARTER 2 TARGET Current permitting processes Permitting processes redesigned to facilitate the attraction and retention of foreign migrants with critical skills Permitting processes redesigned based on SOPs (in consultation with Foreign Offices Coordination and Legal Services) and approved Way forward: Continue engagement with President’s Skills Infrastructure Presidential Project and the Draft Immigration Review Policy to ensure that the strategy does not deviate from the reviewed immigration policy and new Immigration Regulations.. Not Achieved: The strategy could not be developed fully in isolation from the draft document on Immigration Policy or new regulations as there may be areas of overlap or contradiction.

36 36 Strategic Objective: To contribute towards realising a positive skills migration trend of around 50 000vmigrants annually BASELINEANNUAL TARGETQUARTER 2 TARGET NAStrategy developed and approved to facilitate the attraction and retention of foreign migrants with critical skills Draft strategy submitted to Department structures (DMC, Exco, EMC) for approval Way forward: The consultation process will be fast-tracked in order to provide inputs for the immigration policy in this area. A further meeting with the main Departments involved has recently taken place (DTI, Labour, HET, DS&T, DED) Not Achieved: The strategy could not be developed fully in isolation from the draft document on Immigration Policy. Consultations with stakeholders not yet completed.

37 37 The targets outlined below are to support the achievement of the following Outcome. Outcome 3: A service that is efficient, accessible and corruption free

38 38 Strategic Objective: To transform the culture of the organisation in support of securing identity, citizenship and international migration BASELINEANNUAL TARGETQUARTER 2 TARGET N/AStrategy developed and approved to reposition DHA as a learning organisation Draft Strategy developed Challenges: Research took longer than anticipated Way forward: Finalisation of the strategy. Not achieved: The Learning Academy is working towards the finalization of a draft strategy to reposition the DHA as a learning organisation.

39 39 Strategic Objective: To transform the culture of the organisation in support of securing identity, citizenship and international migration BASELINEANNUAL TARGETQUARTER 2 TARGET N/A100 Managers enrolled and trained in outbound management and leadership development programmes. Progress report submitted (with regard to training managers in outbound management and leadership development programmes) Progress at Midyear: 22 Senior Managers, 26 Middle Managers, 38 Junior Managers trained in Blocks 3, 4 & 5 of the Management development training Programmes. Achieved Partly achieved and training is on track.

40 40 Strategic Objective: To transform the culture of the organisation in support of securing identity, citizenship and international migration BASELINEANNUAL TARGETQUARTER 2 TARGET N/ACadet programme designed, developed and approved A Workshop conducted for inputs with stakeholders (Department of Defence, Transport and DIRCO) Progress at Midyear: Draft concept paper has been developed and awaits intra departmental consultation to finalise. Achieved: Achieved during First Quarter

41 41 Strategic Objective: To ensure ethical conduct and a zero tolerance approach to corruption BASELINEANNUAL TARGETQUARTER 2 TARGET BMD and Permitting processes approved and verified 4 critical processes security evaluated to identify security gaps and reports issued (Missions, Ports of Entry, Supply Chain Management and Deportations) Security evaluations performed on processes at Ports of Entry. Progress at Midyear: In Quarter 1 security evaluations were performed on processes at 9 Missions; and 3 ports of entry in Quarter 2. Partially Achieved: Security evaluations were performed on processes in the three (3) Ports of Entries (Durban Harbour, Beit Bridge Border Post and Cape Town International Airport).

42 42 Strategic Objective: To ensure ethical conduct and a zero tolerance approach to corruption BASELINEANNUAL TARGETQUARTER 2 TARGET Database accessible to DHA only DHA database accessible to two JCPS cluster departments to strengthen counter corruption within the JCPS cluster. Database tested with 1 stakeholder. Challenge: To integrate inputs from stakeholders: namely the Inspectorate, Internal Audit and Employee Engagement. Way forward: The complete design will be confirmed and proceed to go to tender. Not Achieved: Database is still at design stage with IS.

43 43 Strategic Objective: To ensure ethical conduct and a zero tolerance approach to corruption BASELINEANNUAL TARGETQUARTER 2 TARGET 70% of misconduct cases finalized within 60 days 100% of new misconduct cases finalised within 60 days. 100% of new misconduct cases finalized within 60 days Progress at Midyear: A total of 65 cases was the target for Q1 of which 41 cases were finalised within 60 days (24 cases are still in progress carried over to Q2). Challenge: Late submission of Presiding Officers' reports. Employees on sick leave or maternity leave, therefore hearings were unable to proceed until the employees are able to attend Way forward: Meeting with all trained Chairpersons to address the challenges. Referral of employees who purport to be sick, to be evaluated by an independent medical practitioner. Partially Achieved: A total of 63.08% was achieved

44 44 Strategic Objective: To obtain a clean audit report BASELINEANNUAL TARGETQUARTER 2 TARGET Approval granted for the opening of a separate bank account for the trading account Trading Account established for all Civic and Immigration income generated products Develop accounting policies governing the trading account as well as normal policies and procedures (including consultation with relevant stakeholders : eg. National Treasury Compiling of Quarterly Financial statements on the account Challenges: Due to the audit on revenue being extended, there was a delay in the completion of the set target. Way forward: Catch up plan to ensure the overall timeframe is met despite the delays Partially Achieved: Draft accounting policy developed and waiting for approval.

45 45 Strategic Objective: To obtain a clean audit report BASELINEANNUAL TARGETQUARTER 2 TARGET 100% of valid invoices settled within 30 days of receipt and approval Monthly monitoring of open orders and outstanding payments Challenges: Lack of response from some suppliers to confirm banking details. Delayed responses (certification and/or submission) by business units. Delays in shifting funds to ensure budget available. Submission of invoices by business units. Progress at Midyear: The payment process was mapped and measures put in place that have reduced turnaround times. Way forward: Suppliers are requested to submit their banking details on an on-going basis. Business will allocate a nodal official to liaise with finance and supply chain management. Weekly monitoring and reporting of payment statistics. Partially Achieved: The department managed to pay 54% of valid invoices submitted within 30 days, which is an improvement.

46 46 Strategic Objective: To ensure secure, effective, efficient and accessible service delivery to clients BASELINEANNUAL TARGETQUARTER 2 TARGET Access norm developed Access strategy developed and approved to bring DHA services closer to the people Research- benchmarking - conducted Challenge: Dependency on availability of the CSIR and DPSA Team. Way forward: Ongoing consultation with CSIR and DPSA. Consideration of the DPSA final report recommendations. This final report will be made available during November 2012 after due consultation with national and provincial departments. Not Achieved: As planned, consultations were to have taken place with stakeholders and research conducted during the review period. A geographical report was obtained from the studies conducted by CSIR and DPSA and the final report was furnished to DHA. Research on the recommendations has not yet taken place.

47 47 Strategic Objective: To ensure secure, effective, efficient and accessible service delivery to clients BASELINEANNUAL TARGETQUARTER 2 TARGET Vacant funded posts filled within 8 months on average Vacant funded posts filled within 3 months on average Vacant posts filled within 3 months on average Progress at Midyear: Quarter 1 – 2.7%; Quarter 2 – 8.6% vacant funded posts were filled. As at 30 September 2012, 1391 (74%) vacant funded posts (including natural attrition) had been advertised, 685 (36.42%) shortlisted, and 569 (30.25%) interviewed with appointment submissions en route for approval. Way forward : Use of media to support the recruitment; Relief staff to be appointed on 3-month tenure via DoD; Decentralization of HR delegations and functions. Costed HR provisioning plan (including employment equity targets), to be concluded by end of February by Business Units. Not Achieved: 212 of 1881 (11.27%) vacant funded posts (inclusive of natural attrition posts) only filled within the average 3 months turn-around time.

48 48 Strategic Objective: To ensure secure, effective, efficient and accessible service delivery to clients BASELINE)ANNUAL TARGETQUARTER 2 TARGET 63% of IDs (First issues) issued within 54 days 95% of IDs (First issues) issued within 54 days Progress at Midyear: 92,1% of IDs were issued within 54 days. 526,765 ID first issues were issued within 54 days and 45,164 IDs were issued above 54 days (total issued is 571,929). Challenges Skynet employees embarked on strike action (truck drivers' strike) impacting on collection and delivery Way forward Live capture implementation; Rollout of ID Smart Card; Compliance monitoring and enforcement where required; working with Statistics SA to improve projections; Approach DoBE to obtain the database (including contact details) of all scholars from 15 years and above. Partially achieved: 89.5% of IDs were issued within 54 days. 238,889 ID first issues were issued within 54 days and 28,073 IDs were issued above 54 days (total issued is 266,962). (Quarter 1 – 287,876; Quarter 2 – 238,889)

49 49 Strategic Objective: To ensure effective, efficient and accessible service delivery to clients BASELINEANNUAL TARGETQUARTER 2 TARGET 76% of IDs (Re- issues) issued within 47 days 95% of IDs (Re- issues) issued within 47 days Progress at Midyear: 97,8% of IDs were issued within 47 days. 437,759 ID Re-issues were issued within 47 days and 9514 IDs were issued above 47 days (total issued is 447,273). (Quarter 1 – 215,046; Quarter 2 – 222,713) Achieved: 98.3% of IDs were issued within 47 days. 222,713 ID Re-issues were issued within 47 days and 3,741 IDs were issued above 47 days (total issued is 226,454).

50 50 Strategic Objective: To ensure effective, efficient and accessible service delivery to clients BASELINEANNUAL TARGETQUARTER 2 TARGET 95% of machine readable passports issued within 24 days (manual process) Progress at Midyear: 95.7% of passports (manual) were issued within 24 days. 184,749 machine readable passports (manual) were issued within 24 days and 8,170 passports were issued above 24 days (total issued is 192,919). (Quarter 1 – 86,433; quarter 2 – 98,316) Achieved: 95.9% of passports were issued within 24 days. 98,316 machine readable passports (manual) were issued within 24 days and 4,158 passports were issued above 24 days (total issued is 102,474).

51 51 Strategic Objective: To ensure effective, efficient and accessible service delivery to clients BASELINEANNUAL TARGETQUARTER 2 TARGET 97% of applications for machine readable passports issued within 13 days (live capture process) Progress at Midyear: 96,6% of passports (live capture) were issued within 13 days. 76,874 machine readable passports (live) were issued within 13 days and 2,685 passports were issued above 13 days (total issued is 79,559). (Quarter 1 – 41,605; Quarter 2 – 35,269) Achieved: 97.49% of passports were issued within 13 days. 35, 269 machine readable passports (live) were issued within 13 days and 905 passports were issued above 13 days (total issued is 36,174).

52 52 Strategic Objective: To ensure effective, efficient and accessible service delivery to clients BASELINEANNUAL TARGETQUARTER 2 TARGET 56% of permanent residence permits (PR) issued within 8 months 75% of permanent residence permits issued within 8 months 60% of permanent residence permits issued within 8 months Not achieved: The department has quantified its PR backlog that stood at 11 000. Capacity was deployed to concentrate and clear temporary residence applications backlog. Overtime was later approved to eliminate PR backlog. The department is presently eradicating the PR backlog and aims to complete it during the remainder of the financial year.

53 53 Strategic Objective: To ensure effective, efficient and accessible service delivery to clients BASELINEANNUAL TARGETQUARTER 2 TARGET 43% of temporary residence permits (work, business, corporate) issued within 8 weeks 75% of temporary residence permits (work, business, corporate) issued within 8 weeks 60% of temporary residence permits issued within 8 weeks Way forward: Capacity has been increased. New employees appointed from 01 October 2012: 85 level 6, 5 level 8 and 7 level 9 were appointed. Achieved: 60% The department eradicated more than 46 000 backlog of temporary residence permits in July 2012. There is tremendous improvement of adjudicating temporary residence as the department adopted daily adjudication strategy.

54 54 Progress against performance audit issues 1.The Department has embarked on correcting ambiguities in the 2012-1013 Annual Performance Plan to ensure that they meet the SMART principle in consultation with the Audit General: Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Time-bound 2.The strategic intent and the scope of targets will not change. 3.The amendments to the Plan will be taken to Minister for approval and thereafter presented to the Portfolio Committee.

55 55 CURRENT TARGETPROPOSED CHANGE Trusted Traveller Programme piloted at a land port of entry Trusted Traveller Programme piloted (system developed and tested) at a land port of entry (Maseru Bridge) 75% of permanent residence permits issued within 8 months 75% of permanent residence permits issued to the office of application within 10 months for applications collected abroad 75% of permanent residence permits issued to the office of application within 8 months for applications collected within the RSA 95% of IDs (1 st issues) issued within 54 days 95% of IDs (1 st issues) issued to the office of application within 54 working days from the date of receipt Examples of work in progress on refining targets

56 Key priorities going forward 1.The announcement that the DHA must play a leading role in establishing and managing the Border Management Agency will enable the DHA and its partners to ensure a secure and efficient flow of people and goods through ports of entry and establish risk-based systems. 2.The recent audit of the DHA has revealed that the formulation of a number of targets has to be improved without changing their strategic intent. The DHA intends to revise the formulation of these targets and keep the Portfolio Committee fully informed. 3.A specific area of concern that must be addressed is the continued dependence on the Department of Public Works that is blocking progress of key initiatives, such as improving poor infrastructure at ports of entry. 4.The management of asylum seekers and refugees and the modernization of DHA systems are critical areas of that will receive focused attention; as well as immigration issues in general. 5.The hosting of the 2013 AFCON Cup which have budgetary implications 6.The provision of bandwidth by SITA. 7. Continue with the transformation of the DHA

57 57 Questions Comments …. Thank you

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