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Danube-INCO.NET and EUREKA Elke Dall (ZSI), Ulrike Kunze (DLR), Ralf König (FFG) December 11, 2014 Joint EUREKA Danube-INCO.NET Workshop, Vienna.

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Presentation on theme: "Danube-INCO.NET and EUREKA Elke Dall (ZSI), Ulrike Kunze (DLR), Ralf König (FFG) December 11, 2014 Joint EUREKA Danube-INCO.NET Workshop, Vienna."— Presentation transcript:

1 Danube-INCO.NET and EUREKA Elke Dall (ZSI), Ulrike Kunze (DLR), Ralf König (FFG) December 11, 2014 Joint EUREKA Danube-INCO.NET Workshop, Vienna

2 What is Danube-INCO.NET Coordination and Support Action for International Cooperation in Research and Innovation Project start: January 1, 2014 Project duration: 36 months Received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration (FP7) under grant agreement no 609497 EC funding: approx. 2 Mio. EUR

3 19 partners …

4 … from 14 countries

5 Workpackage structure WP1 - Project Management WP2 - Policy Dialogue WP3 - Tackling Societal Challenges: Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy in a Bio-based Economy WP4 - Analytical Evidence on Research and Innovation in the Danube Region WP5 - Promoting Innovative and Inclusive Danube Societies WP6 - Scaling up Danube Funding Mechanisms WP7 - Communication and Dissemination

6 Coordinating and supporting Sharing information on projects and their results, networking and funding opportunities, etc.

7 Core activities of interest Policy coordination and support – Priority Area 7 (Knowledge Society) – Priority Area 8 (Competitiveness) – Stakeholder Analysis – Workshops and cross-fertilization

8 Core activities of interest Analysis – Priorities, co-publications, co-patents, projects, barriers Pilot Activities – Energy.bioeconomy, Danube Transfer Centers, peer review and matchmaking based on Smart Specialization Strategies, Labelling Support to non-EU members – Policy mix peer review, implementation of acquis (Innovation Union and ERA)

9 Selected deliverables Support of working groups for priority areas of EUSDR Stakeholder mapping, database (selected societal challenges) Report on Innovation Union/ERA Framework implementation Analysis of energy/bio-economy field (stakeholders, working groups, funding, pilot actions) Analysis of transferability of RTDI results Co-patenting and co-publishing analysis Study on cooperation barriers Policy Mix Peer Reviews Smart Specialization peer reviews (IPTS) Danube Technology Transfer Centers Support to ‘Project Labelling’ Creation of a funding parties platform, scaling up of joint funding mechanisms, support to DRRIF, Roadmap towards Article 185 for Danube

10 Danube-INCO.NET and coordination of RTDI funds Supporting the PA7 Working group Supporting the discussions related to the development of any “Danube Region Research and Innovation Fund” (e.g. outline of possibilities such as ERA-NET COFUND, Article 185, etc.) Supporting the generation of projects and dissemination of funding opportunities Implementing a Work Package “Scaling up Danube Funding Mechanisms”

11 WP 6: Scaling up Danube Funding Mechanisms T6.1 Support to the Funding Parties Platform (FPP) Task Lead: FFG (Austria) T6.2 Scaling up joint funding mechanisms Task Lead: DLR / BMBF (Germany) T6.3 DRRIF Contact Points / Secretariat Task Lead: DLR / BMBF (Germany)

12 Objectives of the Work Package  assess options for joint funding mechanisms in the Danube region (existing or under preparation) in collaboration with concerned stakeholders  support coordination of joint Danube funding mechanisms  examine possibilities for scaling up funding mechanisms towards an Art. 185 TFEU measure (= joint programme with EU contribution)  consider role of planned DRRIF (Danube Region Research and Innovation Fund), a flagship project of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region

13 Task 6.1 Support to the Funding Parties Platform 1.Setting-up of a Danube region „Funding Parties Platform“ (FPP) 2.Preparation of a possible Danube call for STI  cooperation with EUREKA: this Workshop today, call foreseen in spring 2015  cooperation with (other) Funding Agencies: meeting in spring 2015 foreseen 13

14 Task 6.2 Scaling up joint funding mechanisms: Objectives 1.Develop a vision for a Joint Danube Programme – considering role of DRRIF (Danube Region Research and Innovation Fund); and cooperating with concerned stakeholders 2.Examine framework conditions and assess options for a roadmap towards a possible Art. 185 Danube measure

15 Task 6.2 Scaling up joint funding mechanisms: Activities 1.Cooperation with relevant stakeholders/initiatives - exchange information and use synergies EU Strategy for the Danube Region: Priority Area 7 – Knowledge Society, Danube Region Research and Innovation Fund (Working Group, Feasibility study), initiative „Scientific Support to the EUSDR“ by EU Joint Research Centre Relevant Programmes: f. ex. EUREKA, Ulm Follow Up Group, Danube Region Programme, …

16 2.Develop a roadmap towards a possible Art. 185 DANUBE programme ─examine need, framework conditions, existing structures, ongoing programmes, experiences from other projects, recommendations from other Art. 185 initiatives (BONUS for the Baltic Sea, PRIMA for the Mediterranen countries, EUROSTARS, SEE-ERA.NET PLUS Era Net for South East Europe… First draft about to be finalised. Task 6.2 Scaling up joint funding mechanisms: Expected results

17 Possible activities for promotion Workshops in spring 2015 – energy.bioeconomy related clustering workshops – Policy coordination workshop under discussion – Specific workshop involving PA7 / PA8 ? Information campaign on website / social media

18 Danube-INCO.NET website

19 Danube-INCO.NET portal (statistics) Total of > 19.000 unique visitors since launch – Approx. 4.000 unique visitors per month now Total of > 34.000 visits – 7 pages per visit – Approx. 20 hits per visit

20 Danube-INCO.NET newsletter Currently a bi-weekly information service conveying all news, calls, events, etc. published on the project website First issue on 28/05/2014 9 issues sent so far, 1 more to come in 2014 11.973* recipients (+1.507 recipients in 7 months) Reach us at * As of 03/12/2014

21 Danube-INCO.NET on social media After 7 months of project implementation currently active on … – FACEBOOK (492) – TWITTER (72) – LINKEDIN (65) Campaign together with EUREKA-NETWORK suggested Media cooperation?

22 Reaching out through partners

23 Thank you for your attention! Elke Dall (Coordinator) Centre for Social Innovation Phone: +43 (0)1 / 4950442 - 62, Ulrike Kunze (WP6 Lead) Project Management Agency c/o German Aerospace Center (DLR) Berlin, Germany Phone:+49 (0)30 / 67055 - 7981 Ralf König (Task 6.1) Austrian Research and Promotion Agency (FFG) Vienna, Austria Phone:+43 (0)57755 - 4601 Desiree Pecarz (Dissemination) Centre for Social Innovation,


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