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COMENIUS PROJECT. Second meeting of our Comenius Project has been held in Madrid, Spain. We visited our Spanish partner school Ana Maria Matute School.

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Presentation on theme: "COMENIUS PROJECT. Second meeting of our Comenius Project has been held in Madrid, Spain. We visited our Spanish partner school Ana Maria Matute School."— Presentation transcript:


2 Second meeting of our Comenius Project has been held in Madrid, Spain. We visited our Spanish partner school Ana Maria Matute School.

3 We met our partners at school.

4 Here are some pictures from the Ana Maria Matute School.


6 We visited the classes and informed the students about Türkiye and Jale Tezer College.

7 We had the students complete a Turkish puzzle working in groups.

8 The students and the teachers enjoyed the activities a lot. We talked about the previous activities and future activities of our project with our partners. The meeting was completed successfully.


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