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The visible waves in the electromagnetic spectrum.

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1 The visible waves in the electromagnetic spectrum

2  Each color has a different wavelength and frequency.  Substances either reflect or absorb different wavelengths.  The color of an object is the color of light it reflects.  All colors reflected make “white”.  All colors absorbed make “black”.

3  If light hits a red tulip, all colors are absorbed except red. Red is reflected.  As it hits the leaf, all colors are absorbed except green. Green is reflected.  What happens when light hits a skunk?

4  Dark colors absorb light and heat  Light colors reflect light and heat  Think about choosing to wear dark or light colors the summer  Which pug stays cooler in the summer, Zeus or Zoey?

5  Red has the longest wavelength and shortest frequency.  Violet has the shortest wavelength and highest frequency.  When listing colors, order is important.  Colors & wavelengths: red 620–750 nm (a nanometer=10 -9 ) orange 590–620 nm yellow 570–590 nm green 495–570 nm blue 450–495 nm violet 380–450 nm

6  A rainbow is an event in nature when the spectrum of light appears in the sky as the sun shines on droplets of water.  What do you see about the order of colors in a rainbow?  Why do you think this happens? Look at this double rainbow.

7  Traditional color theory—less accepted today.  All pigment colors can be mixed by combining primary colors of Red, Yellow, & Blue (RYB).

8  Subtractive—used in mixing pigments.  All colors can be mixed to absorb different wavelengths of color using primary pigment colors of Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, & Black (CMYB).

9  Additive—mixing colors of light.  All colors of light can be produced by mixing primary light colors: Green, Red, & Blue (GRB).

10  Some animals perceive different wavelengths than humans.  see-the-world.html see-the-world.html

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