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The Human Visual System Dr shabanzadeh A. Neuroscientist Department of Medicine University of Tehran.

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Presentation on theme: "The Human Visual System Dr shabanzadeh A. Neuroscientist Department of Medicine University of Tehran."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Human Visual System Dr shabanzadeh A. Neuroscientist Department of Medicine University of Tehran

2 University of California, Davis Visualization and Graphics Research Group CIPIC Hardware Flow Visualization Overview Physiology of the human eye The eye and how light is recognized Vision What does it mean for image synthesis?

3 University of California, Davis Visualization and Graphics Research Group CIPIC Hardware Flow Visualization Physiology of the human eye

4 University of California, Davis Visualization and Graphics Research Group CIPIC Hardware Flow Visualization Breakdown…

5 University of California, Davis Visualization and Graphics Research Group CIPIC Hardware Flow Visualization Outer shell Sclera is the white of your eyes –22mm in diameter and 1 mm thick –Gives the eye it’s structural integrity –Totally opaque Cornea is the transparent semi-spherical shell that covers the front of your eye where there is a break in the sclera –Radius of curvature of 8mm –Refractive index of 1.37 – causes the convergence of rays of light within the eye! Aqueous humor is the fluid behind the cornea –Basically just water, with refractive index 1.33 –Carries nutrients to cornea

6 University of California, Davis Visualization and Graphics Research Group CIPIC Hardware Flow Visualization Pupil The iris is the the colorful part of the eye, connects with the choroid –The opening centered within the iris is the pupil –The iris consists of delicate muscle which dilates and contracts to allow various amounts of light through the pupil –Pupil diameter ranges from about 2mm on a bright day to 8mm under dark conditions –Both pupils dilate or contract at the same time regardless of whether lighting is consistent for both eyes – called the consensual pupillary reflex

7 University of California, Davis Visualization and Graphics Research Group CIPIC Hardware Flow Visualization Lens The lens is also called the crystalline lens –Refractive index of 1.4 at center to 1.38 at the outside –Gives fine vision adjustment known as accommodation which helps you focus objects of different distance to the eye –This is controlled by muscles, and is why you get eye strain from focusing on things too close, and why looking far away helps relax it

8 University of California, Davis Visualization and Graphics Research Group CIPIC Hardware Flow Visualization Retina The retina is the light sensitive layer –Purpose is to form an appropriate real image of the world –The image which “exposes” onto the retina is actually inverted, but our brain “reverts” it The fovea is on the central axis of the retina, and is the area of greatest visual acuity –This is what is “exposed” when we “look at” something –Only 0.25 mm in diameter, so represents very small portion of our field of view We all have a blind spot in each eye –Caused because of the optic nerve about 5mm from central axis –Take a look at the book Rods and cones are actual light receptors which make up retina –Each retina has about 120 million rods and 6 to 7 million cones

9 University of California, Davis Visualization and Graphics Research Group CIPIC Hardware Flow Visualization Physiology of the human eye

10 University of California, Davis Visualization and Graphics Research Group CIPIC Hardware Flow Visualization

11 University of California, Davis Visualization and Graphics Research Group CIPIC Hardware Flow Visualization More on Rods and Cones They are about 0.05 mm long and 1 to 3 micrometers in diameter Necessarily small because we need resolution! Cones are responsible for –High light level vision (photopic) –High resolution –Color Rods are responsible for –Low light and night vision (scotopic) Changing between the two is called adaptation –Adaptation from light to dark can take 20 to 30 minutes –From dark to light takes a few tenths of a second

12 University of California, Davis Visualization and Graphics Research Group CIPIC Hardware Flow Visualization

13 University of California, Davis Visualization and Graphics Research Group CIPIC Hardware Flow Visualization

14 University of California, Davis Visualization and Graphics Research Group CIPIC Hardware Flow Visualization14 Light and dark adaptation: rhodopsin decrease

15 University of California, Davis Visualization and Graphics Research Group CIPIC Hardware Flow Visualization Photon-metarhodopsin ii-transducin(A)-phosphodistrase(A)-cGMP hydrolysis and decrease-Na (dark)current decrease Rhodoposin kinase inhibits metarhodopsin II

16 University of California, Davis Visualization and Graphics Research Group CIPIC Hardware Flow Visualization

17 University of California, Davis Visualization and Graphics Research Group CIPIC Hardware Flow Visualization Even more on Rods and Cones Rods and cones contain visual pigment Rods have one kind of pigment Cones have 3 kinds of pigment Somehow the light bleaches out a pigment when it is exposed, this triggers a nerve impulse The pigment in rods is much more sensitive than the kind in cones

18 University of California, Davis Visualization and Graphics Research Group CIPIC Hardware Flow Visualization

19 University of California, Davis Visualization and Graphics Research Group CIPIC Hardware Flow Visualization Spectral Response It has been shown that different wavelengths have different ability to produce a brightness response The most effective wavelength for scotopic vision is 507 nm For photopic its 555 nm This leads to funny phenomenon called the Purkinje Effect –Blues and greens become brighter relative to reds and yellows as light fades

20 University of California, Davis Visualization and Graphics Research Group CIPIC Hardware Flow Visualization

21 University of California, Davis Visualization and Graphics Research Group CIPIC Hardware Flow Visualization Color blindness Protanope Deutranope

22 University of California, Davis Visualization and Graphics Research Group CIPIC Hardware Flow Visualization Light and dark adaptation: rhodopsin decrease Light rhodopsin decrease Dark rhodopsin increase

23 University of California, Davis Visualization and Graphics Research Group CIPIC Hardware Flow Visualization

24 University of California, Davis Visualization and Graphics Research Group CIPIC Hardware Flow Visualization Temporal Response Rods and cones wait until pigment is completely bleached This is a summing action, and causes a temporal effect Also related is critical fusion frequency or critical flicker frequency –This ranges in general from 5 to 55 Hz depending on brightness –Can be more pronounced though and if things are very incoherent can be higher than 55 Hz (think flight simulators) –Even though film is 24 frames per second, the shutter is flickering in excess of 60 times per second, so we’re okay

25 University of California, Davis Visualization and Graphics Research Group CIPIC Hardware Flow Visualization Next please… After the rods and cones, the signal is sent down “nerves” The signal hits “bipolar cells”, and then “ganglion cells” which connect to the brain Processing is done in the bipolar cells before it is done in the brain –Even though there are 127 million light receptors, the signals are send over less than 1 million fibers The nerve bundles from each eye (optic nerves) actually cross over in what is called the optic chiasma and some of the vision from each eye goes into each side of the brain –This may be a preemptive coping strategy in case damage occurs somewhere along the way

26 University of California, Davis Visualization and Graphics Research Group CIPIC Hardware Flow Visualization Vision Humans like to see things in 3D – our eyes are already adapted for this –Leads to funny optical illusions

27 University of California, Davis Visualization and Graphics Research Group CIPIC Hardware Flow Visualization Vision

28 University of California, Davis Visualization and Graphics Research Group CIPIC Hardware Flow Visualization Vision This is one reason why stereo is great – it helps us with our natural depth resolution

29 University of California, Davis Visualization and Graphics Research Group CIPIC Hardware Flow Visualization Color Vision One clue that we perceive everything in terms of 3 colors (RGB) is that we can construct any other color from combinations of them We even get bonus colors! White light is not in the spectrum, nor is purple, but we can get them from combinations of RGB colors Still not sure exactly how “color” is transmitted to the brain, though it is thought that there are three color pigments in the cones There are other theories with 4 color receptors – red, green, blue, and yellow Most scientists believe the tristimulus color theory

30 University of California, Davis Visualization and Graphics Research Group CIPIC Hardware Flow Visualization What does it mean for image synthesis? We need to keep in mind that the world doesn’t work in RGB –We should use spectral colors to avoid losing information, and then convert to RGB only at the end If we really want people to believe these images are real, stereo is important – gives depth information (unfortunately, we’re not doing this in the class) In the end product, we can get away with a lot –People can see the same color given an infinite number of spectral combinations

31 University of California, Davis Visualization and Graphics Research Group CIPIC Hardware Flow Visualization

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35 University of California, Davis Visualization and Graphics Research Group CIPIC Hardware Flow Visualization

36 University of California, Davis Visualization and Graphics Research Group CIPIC Hardware Flow Visualization References Principles of Digital Image Synthesis, Volume 1, Andrew S. Glassner, 1995, Morgan Kauffman Introduction to Light; The Physics of Light, Vision, and Color, Gary Waldman, 2002, Dover Publications

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