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Digital Pong Maisee BrownChris AndrewsHoang NguyenOmar Alattar.

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Presentation on theme: "Digital Pong Maisee BrownChris AndrewsHoang NguyenOmar Alattar."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital Pong Maisee BrownChris AndrewsHoang NguyenOmar Alattar

2  A machine that allows two players to play the game of pong  One player begins the game by triggering the IR sensor adjacent to a row on the LED matrix which causes a “ball” of light to launch towards the opposite side  The opposing player triggers the IR sensor corresponding to the same row to nullify the “attack” then responds by launching his own ball  If a player is unable to “block” an oncoming ball, the other player receives a point  As the game goes on, it increases in difficulty by increasing the ball speed more and more, requiring quicker reaction times from both players  The game ends when one player’s score reaches 9

3  Two players communicate with the device by triggering one of the three IR sensors situated at their respective end of the board  Two 7-segment displays on the front of the board display the current score, the one on the right for player 1 and the one on the left for player 2.  The 5 x 16 LED matrix on the top is the game play interface; it displays the “ball” and scoring and game messages


5  Fulfill project requirements  Simple  Feasible in terms of knowledge  Feasible in terms of time  Interesting  Exciting  Captivating  Easy to use, intuitive  Adequately demonstrate our team’s skill at engineering  The objective of our project was a working prototype

6  There are many pong games out there, some played on the computer, some played on a gaming specific console.  Alternatives to our design  We considered using accelerometer  Considered using a wireless push button controller  Considered using buttons on the device itself  Finally decide on using IR sensors because they had a wireless element but were still practical. Chris will talk more about our IR sensor choice

7 Need Motivation Objectives Alternatives

8  Wanted something cool  With lights  And wireless  And a game  And exciting  And captivating

9  The objective of the project was a working prototype  The prototype would allow two players to play the game  The prototype had to be fun  Demonstrate skill at engineering  We feel that it succeeded in doing each of those things

10 Approach Design Implementation Testing

11  Concurrently Worked on Software and Hardware  Built small prototypes at every step to verify each piece of the design  Ran software to insure we could interface each component the way we expected  Fully prototyped before sending layout

12 Player 2 Signal Interrupt Player 1 IR emitter Player 2 IR Detector Player 2 IR emitter Player 2 IR Detector Player 1 Signal Interrupt

13  Provides novel and intuitive interface between player and Pong board  Provides a “wireless” feel without wireless interfacing

14  Must have an interface between the player and machine that is without wires or buttons during play mode.  Must be playable indoors with respect to signal interference. Motivation for choosing IR technology : Provides novel and intuitive interface between player and Pong board Provides a “wireless” feel without wireless interfacing

15 Source: Fluorescent and halogen lights have a reduced spectrum emission at 950nm


17 Hoang Nguyen






23 Maisee Brown

24  Use SPI interface clock serial data into shift register  Shift Register acts as a serial to parallel converter  Use decoder to select row to be on  Lights were the row is selected and there is a 0 from the shift register will be on  To scroll you just << the data word you are sending to the SPI and re-send

25  Cannot light multiple columns at the same time  To write a message:  Combine multiple letters  Select each row very quickly  Appears to human eyes all lights are on  Load data1 into shift reg  Select row one  Load data 2 into shift reg  Select row two …

26  Only flashes through the rows one at a time and shifts data words out to the shift registers



29 Chris Andrews

30 Requirements  Must be assembled using materials, skills, and tools available.  Should have an attractive physical case. Other considerations that guided housing design  Must provide mounting and shielding (physical and EM) for IR arrays.  Must hold LED matrix and 7 segment displays for easy viewing  Must have components accessible for inspection and rework

31 If you must use cables…  Connect components with headers and bus cables  Label and document all connections  Account for the physical space of the cable in the housing design Many bugs traced to cabling problems and last minute design changes traced to cabling problems.

32 Omar Alattar

33  Modular testing  Shift register test  BCD to 7 segment test  Microcontroller test  Power system test  OR gate interrupt test  3-8 decoder test  IR function test  Incremental/concurrent testing  Integration testing  Criteria for knowing our project worked

34 Power Supply Test Micro-Controller Test 3-8 Decoder Test BCD-7 Segment Decoder Test Shift Register Test OR Gate Interrupt Test IR Test Integration Test 1

35 Setup:Solder capacitors 3 and 5(.01 uF), IC3 and 4 (74HCT4511D,652), and SV4 and 5 to the board. Plug two seven segment LED's into SV4 and SV5 Step ActionExpected Result Pass Fail N/A Comments 1 Plug AVR programmer into ISB header pins X 2 Open Pong_BCDTest X 3 Progam the board and watch both 7- segment displays Both 7 segments should run through the numbers 0-9 X Overall test Result: X BCD - 7 and 7 segment displays functional

36 Omar Chris Hoang Maisee

37  Add light to show whose turn it is  Add buffer to IR circuit  Perhaps use capacitive buttons  Perhaps implement a real pong where the position of the paddle is controlled by IR sensors detecting the position of a player’s finger

38  Make a project schedule!  Keep the project as simple as possible  Stay up-to-date  Technical experience  Experience with Eagle  Experience soldering  Experience wiring circuits  Greater microcontroller knowledge  Knowledge of how to design IR circuits


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