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Global Environmental Change and Food Systems Insights from the Southern African Millennium Ecosystem Assessment.

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Presentation on theme: "Global Environmental Change and Food Systems Insights from the Southern African Millennium Ecosystem Assessment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Global Environmental Change and Food Systems Insights from the Southern African Millennium Ecosystem Assessment

2 SAfMA scope: food systems Human well-being Hunger & Nutrition Livelihoods Determinants Production Access Impacts & trade-offs Biodiversity Water Scenarios

3 Hunger and nutrition are significant ~75% of protein is from vegetable sources, esp cereals Important contributions from ‘wild foods’

4 7 12 Both production and access are important Misselhorn 2005 Global Environmental Change

5 Food systems – key characteristics Production potential is more than adequate to meet demand, but restricted by: Lack of capital – technology Marketing constraints – SADC & intl. agreements, infrastructure Impact of climate change small compared to difference between actual & potential production Access key issue, even where production is adequate Large fraction of people base livelihoods on agriculture – subsistence or agricultural labour Livestock acts as capital investment Not driven only by food demands

6 Scenarios Several recent scenario exercises exist for SADC region Synthesized using MA conceptual framework African Patchwork African Partnership – NEPAD documents

7 Key drivers within scenarios Governance critical uncertainty at all scales Effectiveness of policy, regional integration & stability Economic growth, trade Infrastructure Science and technological investment & growth Population growth, urbanization Rising demand for meat products – chicken, beef, fish HIV/AIDS – primarily affects work force and skills

8 20002030 African Patchwork African Partnership Weak central governance Low economic growth Poor regional cooperation Strong central governance High economic growth Strong regional cooperation IMAGE land-cover model Significant expansion of agricultural land

9 Suggests link btw ecosystem service degradation & social tension Likely to be a two-directional pathway Important interconnections

10 GECAFS Southern Africa workshop Top 10 emerging and key stressors


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