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Baird Claytor Hydroelectric Project Sedimentation Study.

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Presentation on theme: "Baird Claytor Hydroelectric Project Sedimentation Study."— Presentation transcript:

1 Baird Claytor Hydroelectric Project Sedimentation Study

2 Baird Overview I. Project Description II. Objectives III. Relicensing Relevance IV. Project Tasks V. Project Schedule Baird

3 I. Project Description The proposed tasks are specifically designed to meet the objectives of the Sedimentation Study Plan for Claytor Lake and the integrated licensing process. They include; u bathymetric analyses, u watershed sedimentation models, u watershed, river, and reservoir field surveys, u reservoir sedimentation models, u literature reviews Baird

4 I. General Area - Claytor Watershed

5 Baird I. Claytor Lake

6 Baird I. New River to Hwy 460 Bridge, Glen Lyn

7 Baird II. Objectives 1. Update surface area and storage volume curves, 2. Determine areas of sediment accumulation, 3. Determine sediment accumulation rate during existing and new license terms, 4. Determine flow modification impacts on downstream sediment dynamics, including; 1. assessment of how altered sediment dynamics affect downstream channel morphology, 2. Identify how physical changes have impacted beneficial uses, 3. and characterize attenuation in sediment impacts from Claytor Dam to Rte. 460 Bridge at Glen Lyn.

8 Baird II. Objectives, contd. 5. Identify the extent of problems associated with the accumulation of sediments within the reservoir and downstream of the dam, including impacts on recreation, the fisheries, and aesthetics. 6. Identify the sources of sediments discharging into the reservoir. 7. Investigate methods to prevent/reduce reservoir sedimentation impacts.

9 Baird III. Project Re-licensing Relevance Sedimentation within the project reservoir and downstream river can have a significant impact on recreational uses, shoreline development, and project generation. Identification of where sediment accumulation may be most pronounced will provide information relative to the development of potential control measures, if needed.

10 Baird IV. Project Tasks u Directly follow Objectives and Sedimentation Study Plan u Developed during the scoping and study plan drafting phase of the Claytor ILP process. Baird

11 Objective 1 Tasks Update surface area and storage volume curves 1. Review existing curves 2. Develop new area/volume data 3. Develop new area/volume curves 4. Determine changes in area/volume

12 Baird Updated Bathymetric Data Analyses

13 Baird

14 Objective 2 Tasks u Determine areas of sediment accumulation u Compare existing and updated storage-volume curves u Determine at what elevation storage losses occur

15 Baird Task 3: Sedimentation Changes

16 Baird Generate “shoaling” maps to illustrate potential areas where sediment may be exposed at various water levels Upper Pool Limit Lower Pool Limit Other conditions ?

17 Baird Objective 3 Tasks Determine sediment accumulation rate during existing and new license terms 1. Existing rates calculated from results of Objectives 2 and 6. 2. Future rates - develop hydrodynamic reservoir sedimentation model. 3. Model calibration & validation. 4. Conduct sedimentation simulations 1. Existing conditions 2. Future scenarios l Land use change l Climatic variability / change

18 Baird Model Validation and Calibration 1. Model calibrated to measured reservoir currents 1. ADCP – spring, summer 1. five units deployed, 2. measure currents in all directions, 3. exact location and logistics TBD 2. Reservoir levels 3. Watershed inputs (Obj. 6)

19 Baird Hydrodynamic Reservoir Model

20 Baird Hydrodynamic Reservoir Model

21 Baird Sedimentation scenarios 1. Future watershed alternatives (Obj. 6) 2. Coordination with shoreline erosion u wave climate, boat traffic, etc 3. Climatic variability 1. Observed period of record 1. Typical 2. Extremes 4. Redistribution of sediments

22 Baird Objective 4 Tasks Determine flow modification impacts on downstream sediment dynamics, including; 1. assessment of how altered sediment dynamics affect downstream channel morphology, 1. Standard federal methods (USGS, USFS, COE) 2. Conduct field survey of river sedimentation 1. Geomorphic river condition survey 2. River habitat survey 3. Hydraulic and sediment transport survey 3. Determine hydrodynamic and sediment flux regime 4. Characterize fluvial processes 5. Characterize morphologic response

23 Baird Geomorphic survey

24 Baird Geologic controls on fluvial system Geologic Control w/significant Tributary Alluvial River Geologic River

25 Baird Geomorphic survey 1. Sites 1. Hydraulic controls 2. Access 3. Existing surveys 4. Other studies  IFIM  Erosion  Water quality 2. Field reconnaissance 1. Width, Depth, Area 2. Slope, Length 3. Sinuosity

26 Baird Example of typical morphological results

27 Baird Example of typical habitat results For illustrative purposes only, actual habitat survey methods and results may be coordinated with other studies.

28 Baird Hydraulics & stability u Number of methods u Hydraulic analyses  WIN-XSPRO  SIAM (U.S. Corps of Engineers) Sediment Impact Assessment Model u Stability analyses  WIN XSPRO  Channel Stability Tool  SIAM (U.S. Corps of Engineers)

29 Baird Hydraulics

30 Baird Channel Stability

31 Baird Objective 4 Tasks Determine flow modification impacts on downstream sediment dynamics, including; 1. assessment of how altered sediment dynamics affect downstream channel morphology, 2. Identify how physical changes impact beneficial uses, 1. Literature review 2. Incorporate results from other studies 3. Summarize results from VDEQ

32 Baird Objective 4 Tasks Determine flow modification impacts on downstream sediment dynamics, including; 1. assessment of how altered sediment dynamics affect downstream channel morphology, 2. Identify how physical changes have impacted beneficial uses, 3. and characterize attenuation in sediment impacts from Claytor Dam to Rte. 460 Bridge at Glen Lyn. 1. Develop mapping of field survey data 2. Construct sediment flux/property profiles for along river transect 3. Construct river morphologic profiles along river transect

33 Baird Morphologic controls Geologic Control w/significant Tributary Alluvial River Geologic River

34 Baird Downstream sedimentation features Deposition patterns Bars Mid-channel Point bars Pool Deposition Island

35 Baird Downstream Impacts

36 Baird Changes in Sediment sizes & frequency

37 Baird Objective 5 Tasks Identify the extent of problems associated with the accumulation of sediments within the reservoir and downstream of the dam, including impacts on recreation, the fisheries, and aesthetics. 1. Literature review 2. Review relevant, local media sources 3. Review results from similar re-licensing projects 4. Incorporate results from other Claytor studies 5. Summarize results from VDEQ

38 Baird Sedimentation Impacts

39 Baird Objective 6 Tasks Identify the sources of sediments discharging into the reservoir. 1. Develop watershed sedimentation model 1. Future development scenarios 2. Impervious surfaces 3. Climate change / variability 4. Upstream dams - Buck & Byllesby, Fries 2. Characterize erosion from upland sources 3. Develop watershed sediment budget 4. Summarize sources by type, frequency, and magnitude. 5. Identify “hot-spots” of erosion and sediment yield within the project area.

40 Baird




44 Development and impervious surfaces

45 Baird Appalachian climatic variability – precipitation and streamflow rainfall energy

46 Baird Sediment sources – Influence of dams

47 Baird Objective 6 – modeling dam influences

48 Baird Objective 6 – Erosion vs. Sedimentation

49 Baird Objective 6 – Spatial modeling

50 Baird Objective 6 – example results

51 Baird Objective 7 Tasks Investigate methods to prevent/reduce reservoir sedimentation impacts 1. Evaluate existing sediment control measures. 2. Identify potential measures that may be adopted to reduce future sedimentation. 3. Preserve watershed resources 1. Soil resources 2. Aquatic ecosystems 3. Reservoir longevity

52 Baird

53 settling area with filtration Area Reduction broad based dip culvert removal Out-sloping roads D.O. – ditch obliteration

54 Baird V. Sedimentation Study Schedule

55 Baird Sedimentation Study Schedule

56 Baird III. Reporting u Pre-Project Meeting in January u Two interim progress reports – tentatively scheduled for May and November, 2007. u Draft final report (~Jan., 2008). u Final report (~ April/May, 2008) 1. Bound 2. Digital 3. DVD’s with all data, models, results, etc.

57 Baird ? Q U E S T I O N S ? Claytor Hydroelectric Project Sedimentation Study Application for New License FERC Project No. 739

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