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 1) Info sheet  2) Parent letter  3) School website   4) Make.

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Presentation on theme: " 1) Info sheet  2) Parent letter  3) School website   4) Make."— Presentation transcript:

1  1) Info sheet  2) Parent letter  3) School website   4) Make up work  5) Agenda on board

2 Lesson 1.1: Social Change

3  In this unit we will investigate the differences between economic, political, and social change. In addition we will explore how economic, political, and social changes impact the human experience.

4  Think of the phrase “social change.” What do you think social change means?

5  Social change refers to an alteration, or change, in the social order of society. The base of social change is change in the thought process of humans.

6  Let’s look at three examples of social movements that had a large impact on early Americans:  Women’s Rights  Civil Rights  Anti-War / Counter Culture

7  Traditional role of women….  “True Womenhood”  Seneca Falls Convention – Declaration of Sentiments  19 th Amendment  Rosie the Rivetier  Betty Friedan and “The Femine Mystique”  Margaret Sanger- Birth Control  Equal Pay Act of 1964  Title IX 1972  Roe vs. Wade 1973  Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993  2013 Defense Secretary Panetta lifts ban on women serving in combat roles.


9 Birmingham riots  Plessy vs. Ferguson (1896)  Leads to segregation  The Warren Court  Brown vs. Board of Educations (1954)  Segregation unconstitutional  Montgomery Bus Boycott / MLK  Non violent protest, win over the hearts and minds of American by showing passive resistance and willingness to go to jail and being subject to violence, but not partaking in violence.

10 MGg

11 hippies  Baby Boomers vs. Stability and Tradition  JFK assasination  Cold War / LBJ’s War (Vietnam)  Problems in Vietnam  Credibility Gap / Pentagon Papers  Student unrest  Kent State  Challenge Authority / Tradition / Society / Parents  tch?v=JhphiU8JFNw tch?v=JhphiU8JFNw

12  Complete the cause and effect chart on the counter culture

13  What are examples of social movements in recent history that have had a significant impact on American society?

14 feminists  Civil Rights  Feminist Movement  Gay Rights  Temperance  Anti-War Protests  Anti-Nuclear Movement  Environmental Movement  Global Citizens


16  Investigate the causes and effects of one of the social turning points in history below:  Occupy Wall Street  Gay Rights  Temperence Movement  Feminist Movement  Environmental Movement


18  Today I learned……..  In your Journal, respond to the following questions:  What did you learn today about social change? How is women’s rights, Civil Rights, and the counter-culture examples of social change?

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