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Google Search Powerpoint

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1 Google Search Powerpoint
Esperanza M.

2 Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Franklin Delano Roosevelt was an American President. He was born in January 30,1882 and died in April 12,1995.

3 Blu-Ray Disc I got about 88,200,000 hits in 17 seconds when I searched Blu-ray disc on Google.

4 Jethro Tull Jethro Tull is a British band that had influence in the evolution of rock. The first album they released is called Stormwatch; it was released in The first song on the album is called “North Sea Oil.”

5 Definition For Frootle
The word footle means to engage in in fruitless activity; mess about

6 Definition For Obtreperous
The word obtreperous means noisy and difficult to control.

7 Pedagogy When you go to they show you a lot of results. The first result was 21st century Pedagogy.

8 Square Root of 18,496 The square root of 18,496 is 136.

9 Answer for 78-5/36 The solution for 78-5/36 was

10 How Many Miles Per Hour Is The Speed of Sound?
There are miles per hour in the speed of sound.

11 How Much is $20 in Poland? In Poland, $20 is $61.96 cents.
So if you go to Poland and you exchange a $20 bill you will have $61.96 cents.

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