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Coming to America The trip across the Atlantic Ocean.

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1 Coming to America The trip across the Atlantic Ocean

2 Daily Agenda Notes on immigrant travel to the United States ▫Visual Discovery during notes Journal Assignment Objective: Analyze the social, political, economic and environmental factors that have contributed to human migration now and in the past.

3 Across the ocean Except for immigrants from Mexico and Canada, all immigrants from 1820-1924 came by passenger ship. ▫Traveled in Steerage- Crowded, poor sanitation, less food  This turned many voyages into nightmares for the passengers

4 Life at sea Voyages would last weeks No dining room- food provided was minimal at best Everyone was crammed into the same area- there was no privacy No room for hand baggage No bathtub or shower Toilets remained un-cleaned throughout the trip


6 Voices of Immigrants “ Most of those who had died of Ship-Fever (An infectious disease that broke out on ships) were delirious, some a day, others on a few hours previous to death…” “ Our water was reduced from 2 quarts a day to 1 quart per day for an adult and 1 pint for a child”

7 Voices of Immigrants “ First of all, everybody got sick…” “ There were also rats on the boat. I was on the upper bunk, and there were pipes above. And the rats were just running back and forth on those pipes”

8 Assignment You are to write a journal entry as if you were aboard a ship coming to the United States during the 1800’s. ▫Entry should be written as a journal entry ▫Entry should be at least 8 sentences ▫Will be turned in at the end of class

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