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WLE Engagement, Communication and Knowledge Sharing Strategy 2013-2015.

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Presentation on theme: "WLE Engagement, Communication and Knowledge Sharing Strategy 2013-2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 WLE Engagement, Communication and Knowledge Sharing Strategy 2013-2015

2 Contents 1.Highlights & gaps 2.WLE Engagement, Comms, KM strategy –New evolving areas –Emerging strategic areas of work –Operational strategy: Integration with IWMI Linkages to other partners Linkages to flagship sites 3. Priorities: next 6 months

3 Key Achievements/Highlights Development of new materials: –WLE Booklet Brochure – Slide decks: WLE Overview & Investment opportunity General slide deck and business plan slide deck –Support to developing AC briefs AC flyers

4 Key Achievements/Highlights Support to existing materials/processes: –Strategy document –IDO/IP process –Developing revised strategy –Revised publication and branding guidelines

5 Knowledge sharing: –Comms coffee chats within IWMI –Development of sharepoint (see this afternoon) –Support to irrigation workshop Partnerships –Opportunity Fund – 5 proposals selected and being funded Key Achievements/Highlights

6 Website & Agriculture & Ecosystem Blog Ag&Eco systems blog more visits than CCAFS blog in the first 6 months CCAFSAg & Eco CCAFS 1st 6 monthsLast 6 months Unique Page Views:10,11438,34616,248 Unique page views per post:200>600250 Most viewed Blog (unique page views) 858864 # stories ~12052 Returning visitors 57.50%36% Ave time on page 4:20 (2012)3.03 Comments250

7 Top Ten blog posts


9 Gaps/Issues Further defining the paradigm shift with stories and practical ideas Defining success stories/outcomes beyond IWMI Further developing our publication policy and strategy Finalizing SRP/AC brochures Integrating into SRP related workshops Using Blog to further discussions on key topics – bi-monthly themes starting with: –ESS & R –Moving to outcomes (IWMI/WLE/CPWF/AAS)

10 WLE “Engagement, Communication and Marketing Strategy”

11 New areas Replace “marketing” with engagement Renewed focus on developing ‘’flagship publications” Organization

12 Engagement Renewed focus on outcomes/impact: Engagement is a key way to integrate and ensure impact Using TOC and Impact pathway to ensure integration at different levels (global, landscape, regional)

13 Areas of intervention Synthesizing previous research Making outputs, datasets & information accessible Developing Knowledge Bases Management tools: Sharepoint, wiki Webinars Capacity development Workshop Facilitation Flagship assessments, publications, Blog Workshops/ Meetings Branding Material Development Website/Social media Repackaging Innovative ways to market promote program Comms & Marketing New Discourse Making Information Accessible Knowledge Sharing Embedding TOC and Ips in research processes Understanding Engagement platforms Integrated engagement at basin level Engagement & Information Development

14 Flagship publications: principles Publications committee: to ensure quality, consistency and long-term thinking –Quality of science should be managed by partners Flagship products –Flagship “state of” reports & books –Working papers –Briefing notes –Outcomes stories Templates and publication pipelines to ensure consistency and quality when partners publish

15 Organizing WLE Comms: Principles Build upon the potential of 11 partners: their capacities knowledge and experience Collaboration with IWMI –Using what is there/helping to fill gaps and build capacity –Use WLE comms as a testing ground for IWMI - institutionalize what works Use distributed/decentralized system with small, focused team at central level (requires full-time attention)

16 Program Level Operations Team + IWMI IKG + Core Partners input SRP Level Region/Flagship Level Overall Coordination Impact Pathway, TOC & engagement strategies Support global impact pathway Website & Information Systems Publications Repackaging Support to SRP communication Knowledge sharing between teams Engagement with events Engagement and facilitation Policy Communication Support to impact pathways Repackaging/translation Communication for impact Organization

17 Emerging focal points SRPs/Cross-cutting Irrigation Rainfed – CIAT/Africa RRR River basins Information ESS/R – Bioversity GP&I – Operations Support to IWMI led ones should be further addressed

18 Emerging focal points How to identify focal points in regions: Use of IWMI or partner regional organizations Bid out to partner organizations (like CCAFS has done) Appoint This needs to be decided

19 Plan for the upcoming quarter Engagement: IDO/Impact pathway development & Volta basin kick off KM: Sharepoint & webinars Discourse: Blog themes & Publication strategy finalization

20 Plan for the upcoming quarter Comms: AC brochures, branding and support at events Access to Information: Outputs repository Other: Finalize strategy, support various SRP workshops

21 Key questions Publications: –What are key flagship publication to focus on –Publication committee – who would be on/how to finalize Other gaps/priorities

22 World Cafe Three tables, each gets 8 minutes Tables 1.Publications: types of publications, current publications that are ready, strategy for funding 2.Articulating the paradigm shift: What stories exemplify the paradigm shift ? 3.Blog What suggestions does MC have on using the blog more effectively (topics, articles, etc.) ?

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