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Bacterial Survey – Gram negatives 2) Aerobic bacilli and cocci Pseudomonas Legionella Neisseria Rhizobium Agrobacterium Methanobacterium.

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2 Bacterial Survey – Gram negatives 2) Aerobic bacilli and cocci Pseudomonas Legionella Neisseria Rhizobium Agrobacterium Methanobacterium

3 Pseudomonas Large taxon; K/K on TSI “garbage disposals” of the MO world Ubiquitous; assoc. with nosocomial infections Resistance and virulence factors/traits Opportunistic; can affect compromised hosts –Burn patients –Cancer patients –Transplant patients

4 Legionella Recently discovered (1976) at Legionnaire’s convention Found in cool waters Transported by aerosols Produces mild-severe respiratory infections –High fever, cough Diagnosis by immunoflourescence

5 Neisseria I Diplococci  diagnostic N.gonorrhoeae – produces urethritis –> cystitis -> pyelonephritis 80% males show signs Female signs inconsistent Dysuria, polyuria, pyuria Ascending infections –Vas deferens blocked –PID Systemic infections –Gonorrheal endocarditis –Gonorrheal arthritis –Eyes/pharynx – opthalmia neonate Co-infections with Chlamydia

6 Neisseria II N. meningitidis – causes ~30% of childhood meningitis Initiates as throat infection -> sepsis -> meningitis Endotoxin effects to blood-brain barrier High mortality


8 Rhizobium symbiotic N 2 -fixer in the roots of legumes (clover, alfalfa, vetch, peas, beans) Expresses nitrogenase at low O 2 tension in roots Reduces N 2  NH 2 for incorp into amino acids Major route for N into the biosphere Root nodules on legume species

9 Agrobacterium associative N2-fixer Plant pathogen – causes “crown gall” produced by T i (tumor- inducing) plasmid Ti plasmid is used as a DNA vector in biotechnology –nitrogenase genes –other genes

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