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1 Sharing Advisory Board Report from the MSIS Sharing Advisory Board Steven Vale Marton Vucsan MSIS may 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Sharing Advisory Board Report from the MSIS Sharing Advisory Board Steven Vale Marton Vucsan MSIS may 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Sharing Advisory Board Report from the MSIS Sharing Advisory Board Steven Vale Marton Vucsan MSIS may 2012

2 2 Contents   Governance (reminder)   CES/HLG-BAS vision and strategy   Results from last year (Demo)   Program of Work 12/13

3 3 Governance of the SAB Conference European Statisticians MSIS Sharing Advisory BoardMSIS steering group HLG-BAS

4 CES vision 4 Vision was endorsed In CES plenary meeting June 2011, Geneva Strategy to be endorsed In CES plenary meeting June 2012, Paris

5 Strategy HLG-BAS  Free up resources for new developments  Industrialise, use GSBPM and GSIM  Products must be simpler to produce  Exploit the available data  Measure e-commerce and globalisation  Use the internet resources  Organisational change will be necessary and inevitable 5

6 Strategy HLG-BAS: execution  HLG-BAS oversees groups reporting to CES  CES has initiative but:  Imperative to reach out to other regions  Yearly list of key-priorities  Agreed from long list  Discussed at November workshop  Assigned (with consent) to expert groups 6

7 7 Sharing Advisory Board Membership Canada (Karen Doherty[retired]), Italy (Carlo Vaccari), Netherlands (Marton Vucsan) (chair), Norway (Rune Gl ø ersen), Australia (Brian Studman) Eurostat (Georges Pongas), OECD (Trevor Fletcher), UNECE (Steven Vale), UNIDO (Valentin Todorov).

8 8 Operating procedures  Membership and Officers  7 members appointed by CES Bureau  Balanced specialisms and geographies  Governed by HLG-BAS group of the CES Bureau

9 9 Operating procedures  Methods of work  Bureau of CES will govern us through HLG-BAS  Proposals to be reviewed by MSIS  Annual report of work done to MSIS  Annual updated Program of Work  Annual report to CES Bureau and request for mandate

10 10 Program of Work (introduction)  The period covered is the interval between the joint UNECE / Eurostat and OECD Meetings on the Management of Statistical Information Systems (MSIS)  Items are prioritized using the MoSCoW prioritisation technique (Must, Should, Could, Wont) to make sure that even if completing the whole programme might not be feasible, the most important work gets done. The MSIS meeting is invited to actively give input regarding this program

11 11 2. Report on 2010-2011 Our Results

12 12 Our results (DEMO)  The wiki (available in 50 languages)  The Newsletter (room paper!)  Software inventory (maintenance)  Coordination  Reporting

13 13 Our Results (DEMO)  Follow up on CORA  CORE  Standards and Guidelines for multilingual support  Key Indicators: the list is growing…  Directory of experts (using LinkedIn)  Mapping of existing initiatives

14 14 2. Program of work for 2012-2013

15 15 Standards and Guidelines  Paper on Software for data integration  Architectural recommendations linked to GSBPM/GSIM  Encourage development of PlugAndPlay architecture  Study on prerequisites for sharing or multinational collaboration

16 16 Sharing Information  Wiki pages for sharing requirements, specs, evaluations and other stuff  Conduct survey about plans, projects to identify collaboration opportunities  Conduct survey about plans, projects to identify collaboration opportunities  Set up information hub for innovation on  Outputs and standards  Conforming to HLG-BAS strategy

17 Sharing Information  Set up information pages on Open Data on the wiki  Standards  Best practices  Licencing  Reports form NSO’s 17

18 18 Communication and Outreach  Make SAB outputs more accessible –measure by Wiki hits and publish on wiki  Explore new ways of communication  Webex, Twitter, LinkedIn etc.  Use and evaluate linking capabilities of WWW  Opportunities: instant translation, written and spoken.

19 19 Work with HLG-BAS  Participate in the November workshop –try to formulate strategy and ideas  Accept guidance and direction –and make it work

20 20

21 21 Questions

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