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Board of Trustees December 7, 2012 Update for Academic and Student Affairs Committee.

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Presentation on theme: "Board of Trustees December 7, 2012 Update for Academic and Student Affairs Committee."— Presentation transcript:

1 Board of Trustees December 7, 2012 Update for Academic and Student Affairs Committee

2 Student Success: Recruit, Retain and Graduate Recruitment Strategies – Traditional UG student population Scholarship shift, yield, new programs – Non-traditional UG student population Leverage articulation agreements, focused regional strategy, “finish what you started” campaign – Graduate Students (full-time and part- time) Marketing, allocation of scholarships, New programs – International Grad and UG Embassy visits, leveraging alumni, ESL programs

3 Historic Freshmen Retention Rates (%) Fall 2011 (As of fall 12) Fall 2010 (As of fall 11) Fall 2009 (As of fall 10) Fall 2008 (As of fall 09) Number of new students3,8603,8993,1423,054 BGSU average retention % of all FTFT Freshmen69.2%71.8%76.6%73.1% Ave. retention % of declared major during first year71.8%73.6%78.9%75.6% Ave. retention % of academic learning communities79.2%82.3%84.2%83.1% Engage the student….retain the student

4 Retain and Graduate Academic and Administrative Policies and Procedures Support and Feedback for Students Progress Reporting, Learning Commons Academic and Career Advising (including programs for undecided majors and pre- professional) Academics Linked Courses, First-year Academic Seminar Assessment of Student Learning Expanding internship programs Faculty Support and Development (grants and integration of centers) Alignment of teaching space to support active learning pedagogy

5 Student Affairs Retention Data Background Information Assessment Data and General Data Collection Purchase of Campus Labs Software First Year of Cohort Data Collection Collecting Fall 2011 to Fall 2012 Retention Data on First Time, Full Time Students Involved in Specific Student Affairs Programs and Experiences Sidney A. Ribeau President’s Leadership Academy 1998- 2008

6 President’s Leadership Academy 1998 through 2012 - 393 students 245 have completed the 4 year PLA program 99 are still enrolled 85% retention rate within the 4 year PLA program 224 students have completed degree programs 90.5% graduation rate

7 One Year Retention Data Leaders in Residence - 139 students - 83.5% retained to second year Club Sports participants – 115 - 86.1% retained for second year Students of Color in Leaders in Residence - retained at 80% compared to 58% who were not in the program Students of Color in Club Sports - retained at 93.8% compared to 58% who were not in the program 100% of 33 first year student employees in Rec and Wellness returned for fall 2012; achieved an average GPA of 3.05 Leadership Academy - 84 students - retained at 96.4% 67 students enrolled in UNIV 1510 Multicultural Success Seminar; retained at 100%

8 First year students who joined a Greek organization – 83% retention rate First year students of color who joined a Greek organization – 76.5% retention rate First year male students who joined a fraternity – 77.3% retention rate First year female students who joined a sorority – 87.9% retention rate

9 Observations Data supports research data indicating that students who become involved during the first year are retained at a higher rate. Data supports research data that students of color who become involved in an organization during the first year are retained at a higher rate. Purchase of Campus Labs software was a good decision; will allow us to track this type of data on an annual basis.

10 Facilities Update Health Center – Project is moving along well – Staffing transitions taking place – Design and construction on schedule – Significant student input Student Rec Center – Planning and design moving along well – Significant student input – Beginning to define a timeline Mc Donald East – Construction is underway – On schedule for completion by fall 2013 – New main entrance to the quad – Two story main lobby – New front desk and offices – New student room furniture – Electrical upgrades



13 Academic Facilities Update Process Specific Academic Projects – Prototype teaching space in Olscamp Hall opening Fall of 2013 – Active learning spaces – Health and Human Services, Math/Statistics, Media and Communication, Business, Architecture/applied design

14 New Program Development Strategic initiatives leveraging existing strengths – UG Forensic specializations– Chemistry, Biology and Criminal Justice – UG and Grad Analytics program – Business, Statistics and Information Systems – Specialized master level business programs – Sales, Healthcare – Joint graduate programs with international partner universities New alternative delivery program – Media and Communications online professional masters – Blended Masters in Educational Administration


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