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Logging Mike Lamont Georges Henry Hemlesoet AB/OP Discussions with M. Pace & C. Roderick.

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Presentation on theme: "Logging Mike Lamont Georges Henry Hemlesoet AB/OP Discussions with M. Pace & C. Roderick."— Presentation transcript:

1 Logging Mike Lamont Georges Henry Hemlesoet AB/OP Discussions with M. Pace & C. Roderick

2 Accelerator databases On-line database Data needed instantaneously to interact with the accelerator Database is between the accelerator equipment and the client (operator) LSA – Accelerator Settings database MDB – Measurement database LDB – Logging database LASER – Alarms database E-Logbook – electronic logbooks CESAR – SPS-EA controls TIM – Technical Infrastructure Monitoring database CCDB – Controls Configuration –(well,... semi-on-line) Off-line database Data not needed directly to interact with the accelerator Database serves as source for on-line databases Synchronization mechanisms propagate the data for consistency Layout database Assets (MTF) Documentation (EDMS) Drawings (CDD)

3 Purpose of logging system Need to know what’s going on in and around the LHC by logging heterogeneous time series data, in order to –manage information required to improve the performance of the machine and individual systems; –meet specific INB requirements to record beam history; –make available long term operational statistics for management; –avoid duplicate logging developments.

4 History Logging Service (est. 2003) –Backend infrastructure exists since 2004 –requirements have changed and scope has greatly enlarged (from LHC machine  experiments, injectors, and expert data) Measurement database (est. 2005) –Provides Java clients with short term persistence and data filtering; produces accelerator statistics –Requirements evolving, mostly due to LHC HWC –Shares infrastructure with the Logging service LSA Accelerator Settings database (est. 2005) –Data store of all accelerator settings and related information for operation –Performance and availability directly impact accelerator operation –Shares infrastructure with the Logging service since 2006

5 max 10’ data loading max 1Hz data sampling LDB MDB Equipment – DAQ – PLC Equipment – DAQ – FEC Logging - conceptual view ffffffffffff fff f ffff filter for data reduction Measurement DB 7-day persistence Logging DB 20-year persistence f ELEC COMMCV EAU TIM f Filtered data transferred every 15’ Filtered data transferred every 2h METER browsing & data extraction TIMBER browsing & data extraction fff f QPSPIC SU Coll CNGS Exp Cryo CIET WIC VACRad BLM BETSBIC BCTBPM PC MSMK VAC max 5” data loading max 2Hz data sampling

6 Logging – Current Situation Measurement Service Data persistence of 1 week Data loading not more frequent than once every 5 seconds per client Data sampling at 2Hz max per variable Java clients from the pub-sub world  Mainly cyclic beam-related data from injectors  Intensities, profiles, losses,...  Commissioning of LHC Individual system and integrated HWC data  Power Converters, Kickers, Septa, RF, Radiation Monitors, Vacuum  Beam Instrumentation to come Filtering towards logging every 15 minutes for each variable –Logging toggle, dead band, dead time, fixed frequency METER interface for rapid data browsing, data extraction Logging Service Data persistence of 20 years Data loading not more frequent than once every 10 minutes per client Data sampling at 1Hz maximum per variable Clients  Measurement Service (filtered)  Injectors, LHC HWC  Derived data, statistics  PVSS Industrial systems  Cryo, QPS, Collimators, Survey, Vacuum, PIC, WIC, Experiments, CNGS, CIET  TIM database (filtered)  Technical services No filtering between PVSS and logging TIMBER interface for off-line correlation, data extraction

7 LDB MDB Equipment – DAQ – PLC Equipment – DAQ – FEC Possible evolution: Dedicated HWC MDB ffffffffffff fff f ffff filter for data reduction Measurement DB 7-day persistence Logging DB 20-year persistence ELEC COMMCV EAU TIM f fff f QPSPIC SU Coll CNGS Exp Cryo CIET WIC VACRad BLM BETSBIC BCTBPM PC MSMK VAC max 5” data loading max 2Hz data sampling HWC MDB 5Hz data sampling Clone HWC Measurement DB persistence period TBD f

8 Data estimation Latest estimation as presented in Nov-2006 Expected to reach the benchmark of 1 Terrabyte of data in June 2007 Actually logged data Predicted to-be-logged data

9 OP Logging Logging systems operational today Logging systems operational today Acquisition & BufferingLogging Java Logging Client (All devices except PVSS and TIM) Main source for operation diagnostics PVSS (Vacuum, LHC Cryo, QPS, PIC, …) TIM (Cooling, Ventilation, Electricity) LOGGING DB

10 Main Goals Applications Applications –Reconstruction of a past event –Surveillance of a parameter’s evolution –Beam statistics –CNGS : events’ counting from neutrino beam interactions –LHC Post Mortem –Means to analyse and improve machine performance Constraints Constraints –High availability service: 7 day / 24 h during machine operation –Zero loss tolerance for critical applications Beam statisticsBeam statistics LHC eventsLHC events –High scalability

11 Evolution of Coverage Outstanding enlargement of scope since 2004 Outstanding enlargement of scope since 2004 2003-2004 2003-2004 –TT40-TI8 Beam Runs 2005 2005 –LHC HWC (FGCs) 2006 2006 –SPS + CNGS –Executed CYCLEs –Allowed to reach data stamping standardization in front end 2007 2007 –PS Complex BCT + VACUUM –LHC injection lines –New services (cf. later slide)  Coverage extended to ALL machines Data volume today > 60 10 6 records in DB / day Data volume today > 60 10 6 records in DB / day

12 Standard Configuration CONTINUOUS logging CONTINUOUS logging JAPC MONITORING publishes to Logging JAPC MONITORING publishes to Logging Each acquired value is transferred to Logging Each acquired value is transferred to Logging Configuration from XML Configuration from XML –Apply to 95% Clients –Pre-defined list of parameters in XML file Configuration from LSA Configuration from LSA –Apply to LHC HWC FGCs –When a SOC is modified/enabled/disabled, logging automatically re- configured XML / LSA configuration maintained by AB/OP XML / LSA configuration maintained by AB/OP LSA DB LHC HWC Operational SOC XML file Parameter List Acquired VALUE FixDisplay LOGGING JAPC MONITORING JAPC Java API

13 Customized Configuration ON DEMAND logging ON DEMAND logging –Data logged when decided by Operator Acquisition Module : any Java Application Acquisition Module : any Java Application Used by CESAR Application Used by CESAR Application Generic Java API provided by Logging Generic Java API provided by Logging LOGGING Java API JAPC MONITORING JAPC Acquired VALUE ANY Java Application Any module Acquired VALUE On request Logging Acquired VALUE

14 Data Data Source Data Source –Any client supporting JAPC Data Type Data Type –Scalar, Vector, String Data Rate Data Rate –Synchronous subscriptions On userOn user –Asynchronous subscriptions Operational limit: 2 HzOperational limit: 2 Hz TimeSeries TimeSeries –{Acquired value, time stamp} pair –Time Stamp UTC time in millisecondsUTC time in milliseconds cycleStamp if device is cycle-awarecycleStamp if device is cycle-aware acquisitionStamp if device is NOT cycle- awareacquisitionStamp if device is NOT cycle- aware japc-tgmjapc-cmwjapc-fgcJapc-dim Acquired VALUE MEAS DB TimeSeries JAPC LOGGING JAPC Monitoring

15 Data Grouping and Shaping Data processing may be asked by Clients Data processing may be asked by Clients Data Converter : implemented where it is most suitable Data Converter : implemented where it is most suitable Data Grouping before writing to DB Data Grouping before writing to DB Buffering in Logging module –Writing at specific client- defined frequency JAPC MONITORING JAPC LOGGING Japc-tgmJapc cmwJapc-concentrator Converter MEAS DB Converter GROUPING FixDisplay

16 Already operational Transfer Line HWC Soc Power supplies TIM measures PVSS (Cryogenics) –QPS

17 Under test Will be deployed soon –LHC RF –LHC BLM –LHC BT (Kickers) Already defined –DIP (Data interchange with experiments)

18 Challenges for this year Integration of the new features –Scalability test – Instrumentation & other hardware Integration –Logging on demand (Programs) –Definition of things to be logged Machine protection, timing –BPM Concentrator –Converter modules Deployment of new Hardware –For HWC and beyond

19 Conclusions System already operational Clarification of responsibilities needed –CO / OP / Specialists –HWC main user Big redesign in progress –Hardware –Software Will need a lot of attention of the operation –In term of performance (risk of private logging) –In term of amount of data (Already 1TB of Data for HWC of 1 sector) –Data accessibility

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