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„ Strengthening Readmission and Sustainable Reintegration in Kosovo ” KS 11 IB JH 02 C.2.1. Develop a pilot project for an Information campaign in one.

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Presentation on theme: "„ Strengthening Readmission and Sustainable Reintegration in Kosovo ” KS 11 IB JH 02 C.2.1. Develop a pilot project for an Information campaign in one."— Presentation transcript:

1 „ Strengthening Readmission and Sustainable Reintegration in Kosovo ” KS 11 IB JH 02 C.2.1. Develop a pilot project for an Information campaign in one EU-MS Csaba Borsa pol. Lt. colonel Senior expert National Police of Hungary An EU funded project managed by the European Commission Liaison Office to Kosovo and delivered by the Government of the Republic of Austria in cooperation with the Government of Finland and the Government of Hungary

2 BACKGROUND Foreign national categories in Hungary:  persons with the right of free movement and residence  Third-country nationals  Asylum seekers and persons enjoying international protection

3 AD-HOC QUERY VIA EMN HU NCP 1.Does in your country live significant number of Kosovo citizens? If yes, could you provide statistics on them? 2.Could you provide statistics on the number of irregular Kosovo migrants in your country? 3.Has any media campaign/awareness campaign launched in your country which aimed the return of irregularly staying Kosovo migrants? If yes, could you provide more information on them? 4.Is there any NGO which supports voluntary return of irregularly staying Kosovo migrants? If yes, could you list the relevant NGOs (and their contact details, if there are available)? 5.Has any program/project launched by the relevant governmental organisations/institutions supporting the voluntary return of irregularly staying Kosovo migrants? If yes, could you provide a short descriptions on relevant projects?

4 WHY? Has been no information campaign aiming at specifically to the return of Kosovar citizens in any country at all. Only Italy, Poland and Luxembourg indicated that they have similar initiatives in that field.


6 VOLUNTARY RETURN PROGRAMS GERMANY: URA 2 The support of URA 2 facilitated the reintegration of people returning to their home country and have in many cases – especially through vocational trainings, job and job-creation placements, business start-ups – contributed to a sustainable reintegration. URA 2 will offer assistance wherever possible and necessary to achieve a long- term self-responsible implementation of the reintegration of returnees through the Kosovo state. ITALY: Family tracing programme Funded by the Ministry of Labour and implemented by IOM. This project targets unaccompanied minors (UAM) from Kosovo, Egypt, Morocco, Albania, Serbia, Montenegro and Moldavia who are residing irregularly in Italy.


8 Detention or freedom The person who is detained spend minimum 30 days at the detention centre before go home In 2013: 6845 kosovian citizen were apprehended by the Hungarian National Police. From this number 5507 person asked asylum and 893 person were transported back to Kosovo according to the bilateral readmission agreement

9 Do you want to go back to your home country? Doni të ktheheni në shtëpi?


11 Facebook, Skype Useful links and connections Free Hotline +36 80 205 018

12 Return by plane from Hungary to Kosovo -3 times 300 person -They were voluntaries -Not practiced flight passengers

13 VOLUNTARY RETURN PROGRAMS IN HUNGARY 1. Hungarian Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration (HAVRR) Programme EVA/2012/1.1.1. 01 JAN 2013 – 30 APR 2014 2. Hungarian Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration Programme for Migrants EVA/2013/1.1.1. 01 MAY 2014-30 JUN 2015 The programme consists of two components:  a operational return component  the IOM reintegration component

14 Further steps in this field developing and sharing the information exchange between EU member states and Kosovo Extend the program for everyone without any time limit Involve more NGO’s in this activity Creating and sharing the best practisies

15 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION An EU funded project managed by the European Commission Liaison Office to Kosovo and delivered by the Government of the Republic of Austria in cooperation with the Government of Finland and the Government of Hungary E-mail:

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