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1 ShareScope How investors evaluate company performance Tim Clarke General Manager, ShareScope.

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Presentation on theme: "1 ShareScope How investors evaluate company performance Tim Clarke General Manager, ShareScope."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 ShareScope How investors evaluate company performance Tim Clarke General Manager, ShareScope

2 2 The market Why invest in shares?

3 3 Private Investors Merchant Banks / Fund Managers Stockbrokers SELL SIDEBUY SIDE Stock Market Structure of the market

4 4

5 5 Minefield Continuous operations Exceptional items GAAP Practical considerations


7 7 Profitability

8 8

9 EPS = Earnings per Share 9 Profitability

10 10 Profitability

11 11 Profitability

12 12 Profitability

13 13 P/E = Price/Earnings Ratio Price EPS

14 14 Price/Earnings Ratio

15 15 Price/Earnings Ratio

16 16 Price/Earnings Ratio

17 17 Price/Earnings Ratio

18 18 PEG = PE / Earnings Growth PEG

19 What are dividends? Expressed as a yield (dividend/price) Income Compound interest 19 Dividends

20 Reinvested Dividends According to a Barclays study, £1000 invested in shares in 1945 would now be worth £2,960, adjusted for inflation. If the investor had re-invested the dividends, this figure would have risen to £45,770. Einstein described compound returns as the “eighth wonder of the world”. 20 Dividends

21 21 Dividends

22 GM = Gross Profit / Turnover (Sales) 22 Gross Margin

23 OM = Operating Profit / Turnover (Sales) 23 Operating Margin

24 24 Debt Gearing = Debt / Net Assets

25 25 Cash Flow & Liquidity

26 26 Returns

27 27 Discount/Premium to NAV

28 28 City Expectations

29 29 City Expectations

30 30 City Expectations

31 31 City Expectations -16%

32 32 Was Tesco a good investment?

33 33 Stock Screening Search the stock market Use understanding of financial metrics to find attractive investment opportunities Criteria to use depend on the type of investor you are

34 34 Growth - Warren Buffett Capitalisation above £250m Exclude property stocks Below average PE in subsector EPS has increased in four out of the last five years Operating margin is trending upwards Net gearing below 100% Interest cover of 1.5 or more Cash flow higher than EPS ROCE of at least 12% for last three years ROCE trending upwards over last three years Ideally above average in sub-sector for most of PE, ROCE, Op margin, Net Gearing, Price to cash flow Stock Screening

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