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PBIS Planning and Implementation in CT Juvenile Justice Settings Karen Mooney Student Services Supervisor Donna Morelli Education Specialist.

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Presentation on theme: "PBIS Planning and Implementation in CT Juvenile Justice Settings Karen Mooney Student Services Supervisor Donna Morelli Education Specialist."— Presentation transcript:

1 PBIS Planning and Implementation in CT Juvenile Justice Settings Karen Mooney Student Services Supervisor Donna Morelli Education Specialist PBIS Trainers

2 CREC 111 Charter Oak Ave., Hartford, CT 06106 2 PURPOSE Provide overview of features, practices & systems of positive climate for EVERYONE.

3 Today’s Goals Facility Team Update Develop PBIS content fluency Review updates from Facility-Wide plans to teach expectations to youth Develop Data-based Procedures for monitoring Facility Wide PBIS Develop a Facility-Wide Continuum of Positive Behavior Supports Data

4 Education Program Housing Units Other Programs Facility-wide Systems Positive Behavior Support Systems in Secure Facilities Individual Youth

5 PBIS Refresher Activity

6 Refresher Activity Directions 1.Count off 1-8 2.Get into your small groups (1,2,3, etc..) assign a reporter, timekeeper and recorder 3.Work together to answer the question on the activity card you were assigned (3 mins) 4.Determine which poster around the room represents your question (1 min) 5.Report out the whole group the answer to your question (1 min)

7 Step 6: Develop Continuum of Procedures for Encouraging Facility- Wide Expectations Handbook Section I; Section 9

8 Acknowledging Facility-Wide Expectations: Rationale To learn, humans require regular & frequent feedback on their actions Humans experience frequent feedback from others, self, & environment –Planned/unplanned –Desirable/undesirable W/o formal feedback to encourage desired behavior, other forms of feedback shape undesired behaviors

9 Are “Rewards” Dangerous? “…our research team has conducted a series of reviews and analysis of (the reward) literature; our conclusion is that there is no inherent negative property of reward. Our analyses indicate that the argument against the use of rewards is an overgeneralization based on a narrow set of circumstances.” –Cameron, 2002 Cameron & Pierce, 1994, 2002 Cameron, Banko & Pierce, 2001

10 Reinforcement Wisdom! “Knowing” or saying “know” does NOT mean “will do” Youths “do more” when “doing work”…appropriate & inappropriate! Natural consequences are varied, unpredictable, undependable,…not always preventive

11 Why Develop a Facility-Wide Reward System?  Increases the likelihood that desired behaviors will be repeated  Focuses staff and youth attention on desired behaviors  Fosters a positive facility climate  Reduces the need for engaging in time consuming disciplinary measures

12 Acknowledge & Recognize

13 FW-PBIS Procedures for Encouraging Behavior Expectation Activity Workbook/handout Section 9 pg. 27, 28, 66

14 Predictable work environments are places where employees: Know what is expected Have materials & equipment to do job correctly Receive recognition each week for good work Have supervisor who cares & pays attention Receive encouragement to contribute & improve Can identify person at work who is “best friend” Feels mission of organization makes them feel like their jobs are important See people around them committed to doing good job Feel like they are learning new things Have opportunity to do the job well (Buckingham & Coffman 2002, Gallup)

15 Rewarding Staff  Keeping staff motivated is just as important to the PBIS process as motivating youths  Utilize community resources and local businesses  Incentives for staff that have worked at other facilities include: Gift certificates Special Parking Spots Recognition at meetings

16 Reward System Guidelines  Keep it simple  Provide staff with opportunities to recognize youths in common areas who are not in their living corridors  Include information and encouraging messages daily  Rewards should target 85-95% of youths  Brainstorm Staff rewards too! Sec. 9


18 Review Procedures for Discouraging Behavior Rule Violations JDC Existing Procedures Brainstorm preventive approaches

19 PBIS Data Teams

20 LET’S COLLECT SOME DATA… As a table, collect data on: The combined total of your shoe sizes The total number of pets you own The total number of years at your facility

21 The Data Team Process Introduction for May Training 1. Collect and chart data (“Treasure Hunt”) 2. Analyze strengths and obstacles; Prioritize 3. Establish SMART goals 4. Select strategies 5. Determine results indicators 6. Monitor and Evaluate Results

22 Facility-Wide Evaluation Tool (SET) Research quality tool for assessing Universal/Facility-wide PBIS Donna or Karen will spend 2 hours at facility reviewing documents, interviewing staff, and interviewing youth Measures 7 critical features of PBIS Information utilized by facility to assist the facility in their planning and implementation of PBIS

23 Seven Critical Features of SET Seven critical features of PBIS listed, defined, and scored within SET: –Behavioral Expectations Defined –Behavioral Expectations Taught –On-Going System for Rewarding Behavioral Expectations –System for Responding to Behavioral Violations –Monitoring and Decision-Making –Management –District-Level Support

24 School-Wide Evaluation Tool (SET) Interview with Administrator Interviews with Staff and Coach Interviews with Youth Observations of the Facility Review of Materials –PBIS Action Plan and Facility-Wide Improvement Plan –Lesson plans for PBIS expectations –Copy of discipline referral form –Documented systems for rewarding youths and dealing with behavioral violations

25 Action Plan Finalize and Present to Staff: SW/CW expectations and Matrices Reward System Continuum of Consequences Please bring to Day 6 of training

26 Interim Tasks Schedule and Meet Monthly Present all work to Faculty and get feedback Finalize Primary Prevention Tier Implementation Steps 6-7 Review Data

27 Communication How will this be shared with staff? When will this be shared with staff? Who will do it?

28 C ONTACT I NFORMATION Karen Mooney Donna Morelli

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