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Creating Widespread Institutional Dialog Buran Haidar, San Diego Miramar College Dianna Chiabotti, Napa Valley College.

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Presentation on theme: "Creating Widespread Institutional Dialog Buran Haidar, San Diego Miramar College Dianna Chiabotti, Napa Valley College."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating Widespread Institutional Dialog Buran Haidar, San Diego Miramar College Dianna Chiabotti, Napa Valley College


3 The Context of Student Learning in College

4 The entire college impacts student learning!

5 Higher Education Primary Role Instruction & Services Student Success

6 Higher Education Primary Role Admissions Counseling Instruction Student Services Student Success


8 Higher Education: What We Do Instruction & Services “Quality” Education (Student Learning) Student Success


10 Ongoing Parallel Processes Evidence-informed Self-evaluation Self-reflective & Dialogue Modification of Instruction, course, assessment, or Service Improve quality of student learning

11 Student Learning Student Success Instruction & Services Improve quality of Student Learning Evidence-informed Self-evaluation Self reflective & Dialogue Modification of Instruction or Service

12 Accreditation Standard II: Student Learning Programs & Services A.Instructional Programs 1.c. The institution identifies student learning outcomes for courses programs, certificates, and degrees; assesses student achievement of those outcomes; and uses assessment results to make improvements.

13 II. 2. b. – The institution relies on faculty expertise… identify competency levels and measurable student learning outcomes for courses, certificates, programs….and degrees.

14 II. 2. f. The institution engages in ongoing, systematic evaluation and integrated planning to assure currency and measure achievement of its stated student learning outcomes for courses, certificates, programs including general and vocational education, and degrees. The institution systematically strives to improve those outcomes …..


16 Brain Storming Activity (part 1) List as many of the “others” who have an impact on student learning in your institution Identify those with direct primary contact with the students- write their generic names on the provided cards Identify those who influence the interaction of the faculty and others responsible for student learning and for achieving the stated outcomes

17 Brain Storming Activity (part 2) Discuss how you would set incremental college-wide discussions, in a perfect world and with 20/20 hind sight. Develop a communication network and a mapping diagram

18 Brain Storming Activity (part 3) What gaps did you find? How might they be addressed?

19 According to the AAHE… “Assessment fosters wider improvement when representatives from across the educational community are involved.”

20 ASCCC… “Outcomes assessment is a process that should involve all appropriate participants at each level of the college, not just select groups or individuals.”

21 Including…. Department/Discipline faculty Part time faculty Researchers College Staff Administration

22 Strategies for Dialog Need to Be Clear Simple Institution Wide Sustainable


24 Discipline Faculty Discipline Faculty Staff PT Faculty Researcher Admin. Discipline Faculty Discipline Faculty

25 Discipline Faculty to Discipline Faculty Usually the simplest level Where: – Department meetings – Emails – Faculty teaching same class – conversations How? – Take notes and save in same location – Create email folder – Log phone conversations

26 Across Disciplines Critical if – Linked by prerequisites/corequisites Identify which disciplines need to talk Where and How can this happen?



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