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2012 General Test Security Resources New Test Security Items Highlights.

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Presentation on theme: "2012 General Test Security Resources New Test Security Items Highlights."— Presentation transcript:

1 2012 General Test Security Resources New Test Security Items Highlights

2 Test Security Resources Test Security: 2012 Test Security Supplement Three Online Training Modules

3 Building Oath Changes ONE for the year for Classroom Teachers ONE for the year for Technology Staff ONE for the year for other building staff (no more Oaths before & after every test) Exceptions: TELPAS Raters & TAKS-Alt still have separate Oaths. Signed prior to handling secure materials

4 Oaths Oral Test Administrators sign this as well Classroom Teachers Technology Staff

5 determined by districts IF cheating determined, district MUST invalidate (“other”) the test report as an irregularity If cheating is suspected, what is the first step you take? Student Cheating Contact Building Coordinator!

6 Procedural vs. Serious  new terms  same reporting procedures for Humble ISD 2 Categories of Testing Irregularities Procedural Irregularities -reflect minor errors, minor deviations in testing -do not represent severe breaches in security or confidentiality - require an accurate summary of event -must be submitted within ten working days -DTC reports to TEA through online report

7 Serious Irregularities - constitute severe violations of test security or confidentiality - can result in the responsible indivdual(s) being referred to the TEA Educator Certification and Standards Division for consideration of disciplinary action - must be reported to TEA by DTC as soon as the coordinator is made aware of situation - Coordinator is responsible for investigating, filing incident report, and submitting required documentation in a timely manner

8 Highlights Seating charts - require start and stop times - record names of all assigned test administrators who are actively monitoring in any testing room. This includes hall monitors and relief staff who may give a short break to the assigned test administrator. - districts keep for five years Honor statements - STAAR, STAAR L, and STAAR Modified EOC exams Maintain test security materials for 5 years - signed test administrator and technology staff oaths - seating charts Investigations - conduct as quickly and thoroughly as possible in order to ensure that state investigations, sanctions, and corrective actions are conducted in a fair, expeditious, and equitable manner

9 Confidentiality Requirements Before handling secure test materials and/or TAMS, all testing personnel must be trained and sign an oath. No person may review, reveal or discuss the contents of a test booklet or online assessment before during, or after a test administration unless specifically authorized to do so. No person may duplicate, print, record, write notes about, or capture by any means any portion of a secure assessment instrument without prior approval from TEA. No individuals other than students during an assessment may perform calculations, solve, or respond to test items. Test administrators conducting an oral administration must be aware that they are viewing secure content, and that responding to test items, recording the information they see, or discussing the content of the test at anytime is strictly prohibited. Oral test administrators must sign a separate section of the oath. All tests must be administered in strict accordance with the instructions contained in the test administration materials. No person may review or discuss student responses or STAAR Alt performance data during or after a test administration unless specifically authorized to do so by procedures outlined in the test administration materials.

10 Penalties for Prohibited Conduct Any person who violates, assists in the violation of or solicits another to violate or assist in the violation of test security or confidentiality, and any person who fails to report such a violation, may be subject to the following penalties: Placement of restrictions on the issuance, renewal, or holding of a Texas educator certificate, either indefinitely or for a set term; Issuance of an inscribed or non-inscribed reprimand; Suspension of a Texas educator certificate for a set term; or Revocation or cancellation of a Texas educator certificate without opportunity for reapplication for a set term or permanently. Release or disclosure of confidential test content could result in criminal prosecution under TEC §39.0303, Section 552.352 of the Texas Government Code, and Section 37.10 of the Texas Penal Code. Further, 19 TAC §249.15 stipulates that the State Board for Educator Certification may take any of the above actions based on satisfactory evidence that an educator has failed to cooperate with TEA in an investigation. Additionally, irregularities resulting in a breach of test security or confidentiality may result in the invalidation of students’ assessments.

11 Security Measures by TEA June 2007, TEA implemented a 14 point security plan designed to assure parents, students, and the public that tests are meaningful and valid. 2012 Test Security Supplement available online Maintaining the security and confidentiality of the Texas state assessment program is critical to ensuring valid test scores and providing standard and equal testing opportunities for all students.

12 Web Based Training Modules Updated to reflect the implementation of STAAR Required of all Building staff. These supplement this mandatory security training. May be viewed in a group (sign in sheet), or individually (certificate is given to CTC) Module 1 – Active Monitoring Module 2 – Distribution of Test Materials Module 3 – Proper Handling of Secure Materials 1) View the Modules 2) Return a copy of certificates


14 Make sure that you sign in Make sure that you completed the correct Oath Classroom Teacher Technology Staff Other Building Staff (include your supervisor)

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