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The British Isles Copyright by Olivia Gregg The British Isles are an island group containing Great Britain and its outlying islands, plus Ireland, the.

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Presentation on theme: "The British Isles Copyright by Olivia Gregg The British Isles are an island group containing Great Britain and its outlying islands, plus Ireland, the."— Presentation transcript:

1 The British Isles Copyright by Olivia Gregg The British Isles are an island group containing Great Britain and its outlying islands, plus Ireland, the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands.

2 These are where the countries are in the British Isles and their flags.

3 Symbols, Flowers, Animals And Coats Of Arms In The British Isles. Source Wikipedia Source Wikipedia CountryPatron SaintNational flower National animal Coat of Arms MottoNational Anthem EnglandSt. GeorgeTudor RoseLion ScotlandSt. AndrewThistleUnicorn WalesSt. DavidLeek/ Daffodil Red Dragon Northern Ireland St. PatrickShamrock / Flax None IrelandSt. PatrickShamrock/ Flax JerseySt. HelierNoneCrapauds GuernseySt. PeterGuernsey Lily Donkey Isle of ManSt. MaugholdCushag/ Fuchsia Manx Cat None God and my right None In Defence Wales forever None Wherever you throw it, it will stand God save the Queen Flower of Scotland Land of my Fathers My Normandy Sarnia Cherie O Land of our birth None A Soldier's Song

4 A Selection Of Food & Drink Specialities Scotland: Haggis Wales: Black Treacle Scone Northern Ireland: Irish Stew Irish Guinness England: Fish ‘n’ Chips Sticky Toffee Pudding Toffee Banoffee (yummy!) Treacle pudding Battenberg (delicious!) Yummy Malt Loaf

5 Some of the sights around the British Isles Big Ben with the London Eye, England Edinburgh Castle, Scotland Caernarfon Castle, Wales Giants Causeway, N. Ireland Dublin by night

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