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Year 7 Science: Acids and Metals

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1 Year 7 Science: Acids and Metals
Problem Solving Test Skill Red, Green Amber Extracting information Averages Table (extracting information) Bar graphs Experimental Procedure Name:……………………………………… Date: ……………….

2 S1/2 Science: Acids and Metals
Problem Solving Test Skill Red, amber green Extracting information (1a and 1b) Averages (1c) Drawing conclusions (2a) Table (extracting information) (2b) Bar graphs (3) Experimental procedure (4) Name:……………………………………… Date: ……………….

3 Acids and Metals: Problem Solving Test
Read the paragraph about steel and answer the questions below. An alloy is a mixture of metals and non-metals. The materials are mixed together to give the new alloy improved properties. Examples of alloys include bronze and steel. Bronze is a mixture of copper and tin – adding tin to bronze makes the alloy less brittle than copper on its own. Steel is made from iron and carbon – carbon is added to make the alloy harder. What is an alloy? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….... What mixture of material makes steel? ……………………………………… and …………………………………… The table below gives information about the mass of scrap steel imported into the UK Year Mass of scrap steel imported (thousand tonnes) 2004 200 2005 250 2006 228 2007 179 2008 191 c) Calculate the average mass of scrap steel imported for the years shown in the table. thousand tonnes

4 Acids and Metals: Problem Solving Test
2. A thin strip of zinc metal was tested by a S1 class by hanging different weights from it. As the mass of the weights was increased, the length of the material was measured. material No load 12 cm 18 cm 24 cm 36 cm a) Write down one conclusion that you can make from these results. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. b) Complete the table below to show the class’s results. Mass of weight ( __ ) ____________________________ ( cm)

5 Acids and Metals: Problem Solving Test
3. Minerals are naturally occurring materials. The hardness of a material is its ability to resist scratching and is measured on Mohs’ scale. The hardness of some minerals is shown in the table below. Mineral Hardness Talc 1 Glass 5 Quartz 7 Diamond 10 Complete the bar graph below to present the information shown in the table. Hardness Diamond Quartz Glass Talc

6 Acids and Metals: Problem Solving Test
4. Metals are good conductors of electricity but some are better than others. A group of pupils set up a series of electrical circuits using copper and zinc metal. battery meter Copper wire 10 cm long 4 mm thick Zinc wire 6 cm long 2 mm thick B A D C a) Which two experiments should the pupils use to find out which metal is the best electrical conductor? _______ and _______ b) What would the pupils be trying to find out if they compared experiments B and D? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

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