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Central Florida Partnership Board of Directors Meeting January 16, 2013 Alex Martins Chair Leadership Council Report #2.

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Presentation on theme: "Central Florida Partnership Board of Directors Meeting January 16, 2013 Alex Martins Chair Leadership Council Report #2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Central Florida Partnership Board of Directors Meeting January 16, 2013 Alex Martins Chair Leadership Council Report #2

2 Online portal is live and in routine update mode

3 Statement of Intent The Central Florida Partnership intends to build on success by renewing its roster of regional priorities and responding to the call for a new round of decisive actions for the coming years. With the thoughtful engagement of our fiduciaries, investors, all “Lines of Business” (LOBs) and our Community Partners, we will ensure our actions are driven by sound research and data. We will rely on our regional leaders and teams throughout the Partnership to find the right answers; and ensure that we are in a focused and well-structured position to take decisive actions. We will orient leaders to the strengths and successes of the Partnership, and leverage its assets towards success. With the help of a disciplined Leadership Council of regional leaders, we intend to move forward with the following values in mind:  Speed  Clarity  Simplicity  Transparency  Early leader engagement for long-term ownership  Ever-evolving diversity of participation, perspectives, and ideas  Connections between and among all moving parts of the Partnership  Sound execution in existing projects and priorities as we move forward.

4 January 2013 Status Report One of your top expectations, as we shared in our last Board update, is to be provided updates in every Partnership Board meeting – Today is another step in meeting that expectation Leadership Council has completed three formative meetings Requests for Insights have been structured and sent to “lines of business” and others – Lots of enthusiasm and commitment Portal is up-and-running: you will find it by clicking the “Turning the Page” tile on “line of business” home pages, the Partnership’s home page, or directly by going to At least 12 workshops, discussion groups, or meetings have already been scheduled

5 January 2013 Status Report Members of this Board are expressing great interest in “workshopping” these questions on their own once we have gathered data from our process o You have my commitment this will happen. We will take a look at a workshop resource in a moment. We continue to emphasize that organizations desiring to consider the Requests for Insights should utilize their own systems, approaches, and cultures to take on the questions The Leadership Council will check-in on progress at our next meeting on February 5th, and I will have another update for you at this meeting in February The Partnership is creating additional platforms for discussion in March o Nine meetings during the week of the 25th. More on that next month. We are on-track for a prospectus for your attention in the spring; and the next time we meet, I will have recommendations on when this Board is in the best position to conduct its own workshops

6 “Turning the Page” Special “Breakout Session” Central Florida Young Professionals Advisory Council Thursday, January 17, 2013 “Turning the Page” Special “Breakout Session” Central Florida Young Professionals Advisory Council Thursday, January 24, 2013 “Turning the Page” Special “Breakout Session” Central Florida Young Professionals Advisory Council Thursday, January 24, 2013 “Turning the Page” Workshop BusinessForce Board of Directors Monday, January 28, 2013 Leadership Council Meeting Tuesday, February 5, 2013 “Turning the Page” Workshop Leadership Orlando (Class 84) Thursday, February 7, 2013 “Turning the Page” Workshop Friday, February 8, 2013 “Turning the Page” Workshop Central Florida Roundtable for Community Based Organizations Tuesday, February 12, 2013 Central Florida Partnership Board of Directors Meeting Wednesday, February 20, 2013 “Turning the Page” Workshop Board of Directors of Orlando, Inc. Thursday, February 21, 2013 Leadership Council Meeting Thursday, March 7, 2013 Central Florida Partnership Board of Directors Meeting Wednesday, March 20, 2013 “Turning the Page” Meetings and Workshop Dates

7 What are the key questions in our Requests for Insights? Item 1: What One to Three Regional Priorities are Most Likely to Unify and Inspire Central Florida for Success? Item 2: What One to Three Regional Priorities will have the Most Impact on Solving Other/Additional Problems? Item 3: What One to Three Regional Priorities do the Most for the People Who Call Central Florida “Home”? (or Consider Your Stakeholders for this Response, i.e. Entrepreneurs, Employers, Constituents, Members, Customers, etc.) Item 4: Why? Why does the Your Organization Feel the Regional Priorities Identified Above Matter Most? Item 5: Barriers? Does Your Organization have any Barriers to Participating in the Priorities? Item 6: Other Perspectives? Considering Your Priorities, Who Else Must be a Part of this Discussion?

8 How are “lines of business”, committees, councils, and Community Partners innovating? Workshop Workbook

9 Central Florida Partnership Board of Directors Meeting January 16, 2013 Alex Martins Chair Leadership Council Report #2

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