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Reproduction interdite © ALMA EUROPEAN CONSORTIUM Reproduction forbidden Design, Manufacture, Transport and Integration in Chile of ALMA Antennas Page.

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Presentation on theme: "Reproduction interdite © ALMA EUROPEAN CONSORTIUM Reproduction forbidden Design, Manufacture, Transport and Integration in Chile of ALMA Antennas Page."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reproduction interdite © ALMA EUROPEAN CONSORTIUM Reproduction forbidden Design, Manufacture, Transport and Integration in Chile of ALMA Antennas Page 1 Design, Manufacture, Transport and Integration on-site in Chile of ALMA Antennas Documents status at PM07 Dated April 6 th, 2006

2 Reproduction interdite © ALMA EUROPEAN CONSORTIUM Reproduction forbidden Design, Manufacture, Transport and Integration in Chile of ALMA Antennas Page 2 tCIDL extract delivered to ESO

3 Reproduction interdite © ALMA EUROPEAN CONSORTIUM Reproduction forbidden Design, Manufacture, Transport and Integration in Chile of ALMA Antennas Page 3  List of documents delivered by ESO since the PM06 ESO-AEM TM 030 (2006-07-13): Antenna Transporter Interlock –Action: AEM to note and update the design accordingly. (Reply with AEM-ESO-TM-026) ESO-AEM TM 031 (2006-07-13): FESS-FE air gap –Action: AEM to reply (Reply with AEM-ESO-TM-023) ESO-AEM TM 032 (2006-07-21): Utility Module Over temperature –Action: AEM to note and update the design accordingly.

4 Reproduction interdite © ALMA EUROPEAN CONSORTIUM Reproduction forbidden Design, Manufacture, Transport and Integration in Chile of ALMA Antennas Page 4  List of documents delivered by ESO since the PM06 ESO-AEM TM 033 (2006-07-29): Clarification of tolerance specifications (Reply to AEM-ESO-TM-012) –Action: AEM to note. ESO-AEM TM 034 (2006-08-04): Shape of Central Cone of Subreflector –Action: AEM to agree and or comment ESO-AEM TM 035 (2006-08-09): Tolerance on the Elevation Bearing (Reply to AEM-ESO-TM-012) –Action: None. ESO-AEM TM 036 (2006-08-09): FE Equipment / Thermal Interface. (Reply to AEM-ESO-TM-014 to 018) –Action: AEM to note

5 Reproduction interdite © ALMA EUROPEAN CONSORTIUM Reproduction forbidden Design, Manufacture, Transport and Integration in Chile of ALMA Antennas Page 5  List of documents delivered by ESO since the PM06 ESO-AEM TM 037 (2006-08-22): Nutator Electrical Interface (Reply to AEM-ESO-TM-015 and close it) –Action: AEM to note. ESO-AEM TM 038 (2006-08-23): ALMA/Receiver Flange interface (Reply to AEM-ESO-TM-020 and close it) –Action: AEM to note ESO-AEM TM 039 (2006-08-25): Antenna Cabling Plan / Spare Cables (Reply to AEM-ESO-TM-019 and close it) –Action: AEM to note. ESO-AEM TM 040 (2006-08-25): Quadripod Legs: Cladding and Others. (Reply to AEM-ESO-TM-021and close it) –Action: AEM to note

6 Reproduction interdite © ALMA EUROPEAN CONSORTIUM Reproduction forbidden Design, Manufacture, Transport and Integration in Chile of ALMA Antennas Page 6  List of documents delivered by ESO since the PM06 ESO-AEM TM 041 (2006-08-25): Metrology System-Use in fast Motion Mode (Reply to AEM-ESO-TM-013 and Close it) –Action: AEM to note. ESO-AEM TM 042 (2006-09-04): AZ Bearing requirements and verification procedure (Reply to email from MTA 18.08.2006 and Close it) –Action: AEM to note, to clarify some points, to update if comments are judged applicable. ESO-AEM TM 043 (2006-09-05): Electrical Installations ((Reply to AEM-ESO-TM-028 and don’t close it) –Action: AEM to note.

7 Reproduction interdite © ALMA EUROPEAN CONSORTIUM Reproduction forbidden Design, Manufacture, Transport and Integration in Chile of ALMA Antennas Page 7  List of documents delivered by ESO since the PM06 ESO-AEM TM 044 (2006-09-06): Actions of MOM at OSF (Reply to AEM-ESO-TM-025 and Close it) - Action: AEM to note. We consider all actions above mentioned as closed. Please finalise the Work Area document with the necessary details. Please note that prior to manufacturing of the Work Area we will submit to AEM any relevant drawing for review. ESO-AEM TM 045 (2006-09-06): Electrical Installations: Emergency Lights (Reply to AEM-ESO-TM-028 and Close it) - Action: AEM to note the unacceptability of this suppression proposal. This closes the questions of TM 028

8 Reproduction interdite © ALMA EUROPEAN CONSORTIUM Reproduction forbidden Design, Manufacture, Transport and Integration in Chile of ALMA Antennas Page 8  List of documents delivered by ESO since the PM06 ESO-AEM TM 046 (2006-09-06): Product Assurance Plan (Reply to “Product Assurance Plan – issue B” [DRD04] – 08.08.2006 and Close it) -Action: AEM to note, and update the document as applicable. ESO-AEM TM 047 (2006-09-08): Computing ICD: Clarifications and completions –Action: AEM to review the issues mentioned ESO-AEM TM 048 (2006-09-08): ALMA ACU & RTAI/Linux – Action: AEM to take note of the answers provided and if appropriate organize a meeting with their Control System Subcontractor.

9 Reproduction interdite © ALMA EUROPEAN CONSORTIUM Reproduction forbidden Design, Manufacture, Transport and Integration in Chile of ALMA Antennas Page 9  List of TM delivered by AEM to ESO since the PM 06 AEM-ESO TM 013 (2006-07-17): Metrology System- Use in Fast Motion Mode. –Action: Receive from ESO an explanation about the operating ways and the laying requisites when the antenna is used in Fast Motion mode AEM-ESO TM 014 (2006-07-17): Vacuum equipment –Action: Please communicate were is positioned the vacuum equipment. In case the vacuum equipment is positioned inside the receiver cabin, please inform how much shall be considered in terms of thermal load w.r.t. its electric circuit (1kVA).. AEM-ESO TM 015 (2006-07-17): (Closed by ESO-AEM-TM-037) Nutator electrical interface. –Action: More and detailed information are needed. Nutator components data sheets can be also useful to assure a correct application of the requirements.

10 Reproduction interdite © ALMA EUROPEAN CONSORTIUM Reproduction forbidden Design, Manufacture, Transport and Integration in Chile of ALMA Antennas Page 10  List of TM delivered by AEM to ESO since the PM 06 AEM-ESO TM 016 (2006-07-17): Front end lightning protection. –Action: Please clarify. AEM-ESO TM 017 (2006-07-17): Front end thermal loads –Action: Please indicate the thermal loads of the FE. AEM-ESO TM 018 (2006-07-17): Indoor compressor control unit –Action: Please give the required spaces for the installation of the indoor compressor installation. To be explained the cooling/heating systems of which the system is equipped.

11 Reproduction interdite © ALMA EUROPEAN CONSORTIUM Reproduction forbidden Design, Manufacture, Transport and Integration in Chile of ALMA Antennas Page 11  List of TM delivered by AEM to ESO since the PM 06 AEM-ESO TM 019 (2006-07-20): (Close by ESO-AEM-TM-039) Spare cables / Cable wraps. –Action: Please confirm. AEM-ESO TM 020 (2006-07-27): (Close by ESO-AEM-TM-038) ALMA / Receiver flange interface tolerances –Action: Receive from ESO the agreement on proposed tolerances. Receive an agreement from ESO to suppress one of the positioning pins. AEM-ESO TM 021 (2006-07-27): Removing of the cladding –Action: Receive from ESO an agreement to remove the cladding system for all AEM antennas.

12 Reproduction interdite © ALMA EUROPEAN CONSORTIUM Reproduction forbidden Design, Manufacture, Transport and Integration in Chile of ALMA Antennas Page 12  List of TM delivered by AEM to ESO since the PM 06 AEM-ESO TM 022 (2006-08-09): Subreflector mirror (Reply to ESO-AEM-TM-034) –Action: AEM requests ESO to release a Change Request for this technical deviation by confirming the definitive structure & profile of the central cone for the secondary mirror. AEM-ESO TM 023 (2006-08-11): FESS- FE air gap –Action: ESO update the proposed design accordingly. AEM-ESO TM 024 (2006-08-16): Alma Monitor and Control Bus Interface Specification –Action: ESO to take note and answer ASAP

13 Reproduction interdite © ALMA EUROPEAN CONSORTIUM Reproduction forbidden Design, Manufacture, Transport and Integration in Chile of ALMA Antennas Page 13  List of TM delivered by AEM to ESO since the PM 06 AEM-ESO TM 025 (2006-08-21): Actions MoM at OSF –Action: Please review and comment. AEM-ESO TM 026 (2006-08-18): Transporter_interlocks –Action: ESO to take note and answer ASAP. AEM-ESO TM 027 (2006-08-18): ALMA ACU & RTAI/ Linux –Action: ESO to take note and answer ASAP, in particular concerning for the provision concerning remote access to the ALMA network. This will give the opportunity to AEM to freeze the H/W configuration of ACU.

14 Reproduction interdite © ALMA EUROPEAN CONSORTIUM Reproduction forbidden Design, Manufacture, Transport and Integration in Chile of ALMA Antennas Page 14  List of TM delivered by AEM to ESO since the PM 06 AEM-ESO TM 028 (2006-08-18): Electrical installations –Action: ESO is kindly requested to send to AEM the following information: Indicate the maximum 3-phase short circuit current I"K (or the short circuit power/currents at the same point) at the Antenna Station Sockets-Outlet (Interface point). Indicate the acceptance of the elimination of the Emergency lighting in Receiver Cabin. Indicate if possible to use also other characteristic curves whether well justified. Type of protection (characteristic curve and residual current setting) on the power line coming from the transporter. Review and integrate the attached power budget.

15 Reproduction interdite © ALMA EUROPEAN CONSORTIUM Reproduction forbidden Design, Manufacture, Transport and Integration in Chile of ALMA Antennas Page 15  List of Documents delivered by AEM since the PM06 Annexe-4 of ANTD-3300000-1-034-REP Document Status List

16 Reproduction interdite © ALMA EUROPEAN CONSORTIUM Reproduction forbidden Design, Manufacture, Transport and Integration in Chile of ALMA Antennas Page 16  WAND PDM Activities The PDM Tool is operational and can be used by all the AEM co-partners and ESO according to the dedicated access rights of each user A synthetic procedure for the Wand access is delivered to ESO during the Progress Meeting 271 documents are loaded in the Wand Database and set up the ALMA Document Status List. The Wand Document numbering respects the ALMA documentation standards amended by the AEM-ESO-TM-006 (2006/03/30) approved by ESO

17 Reproduction interdite © ALMA EUROPEAN CONSORTIUM Reproduction forbidden Design, Manufacture, Transport and Integration in Chile of ALMA Antennas Page 17 Reminder: ANTD-33PPPPP-X-SSS-TYP ANTD-33 is the fixed part of the reference number for ALMA ANTENNA  PPPPP is the product to which the document is attached, the value of this field is provided by the Product Tree.  X is the company value (ex: Consortium = 0, AAS-F= 1, AAS-I = 2, EIE=3, MT-A =4)  SSS is the sequential number. This field is a sequential number per product item.  TYP is the document type, the value of this field is provided by the document type table.

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