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Kinetic Molecular Theory and Real Gases ROOT MEAN SQUARED, EFFUSION, REAL GASES.

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Presentation on theme: "Kinetic Molecular Theory and Real Gases ROOT MEAN SQUARED, EFFUSION, REAL GASES."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kinetic Molecular Theory and Real Gases ROOT MEAN SQUARED, EFFUSION, REAL GASES

2 KINETIC MOLECULAR THEORY OF GAS What is Kinetic energy? Energy of motion Kinetic theory of gases Assume molecules are point masses (possess mass but no volume) Constant random motion, collisions are completely elastic energy can be transferred, but total energy remains the same. Gas molecules are neither attracted or repulsed

3 KINETIC MOLECULAR THEORY: PRESSURE Pressure is created by collisions between molecules and the container.

4 DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: KINETIC MOLECULAR THEORY Do all your molecules hit the walls of their container with the same force? Justify your answer based on kinetic molecular theory.

5 DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: KINETIC MOLECULAR THEORY How does the frequency and force (respectively) of the collisions of the molecules of a gas with the walls of the container change as the temperature of the gas is decreased? Justify based on kinetic model of gases.

6 DISCUSSION QUESTIONS KINETIC MOLECULAR THEORY If you increase the molecular mass, the rms ____________. Justify your answer A) IncreasesB) DecreasesC) stays the same

7 Calculate the rms speed of an oxygen gas molecule, O 2, at 29.0 ∘ C.

8 Which of the two lines represents the sample at a higher temperature? Which of the two lines represents with a higher molecular mass? M1M1 M2M2

9 Explain how each of the below laws follow from kinetic molecular theory. Boyle's law, (P&V): Charles's law(V&T)/Gay-Lussac’s(P, T), Avogadro's law, (n&T) and Dalton's law (partial pressures)

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