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TEMPERATURE AND HEAT Thermal Energy. T EMPERATURE VS. H EAT What is the difference between temperature and heat?

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Presentation on theme: "TEMPERATURE AND HEAT Thermal Energy. T EMPERATURE VS. H EAT What is the difference between temperature and heat?"— Presentation transcript:


2 T EMPERATURE VS. H EAT What is the difference between temperature and heat?

3 T EMPERATURE VS. H EAT  Early scientists thought that heat was an invisible fluid, which they called caloric.  They thought this fluid flowed from hot materials to cold materials, producing a temperature change.  Daniel Bernoulli proposed that gases consist of great numbers of particles moving in all directions, and that what we experience as heat is simply the kinetic energy of their motion.

4 T EMPERATURE VS. H EAT  The temperature of a substance is the average kinetic energy of its particles.  The greater the average kinetic energy of all of an object’s particles, the higher the object’s temperature.  Heat is the energy transferred from a warmer object to a cooler object  heat, like work, is energy transferred between substances or objects

5 K INETIC M OLECULAR T HEORY The kinetic molecular theory of matter states that matter is made up of particles (molecules, atoms, or ions) that are in constant random motion.  These particles are continually vibrating and rotating.

6 K INETIC M OLECULAR T HEORY  Thermal energy is the total internal kinetic and potential energy of the particles within an object.


8 T HE K ELVIN S CALE  The Kelvin Scale connects temperature to the kinetic molecular theory of matter.  The Kelvin Scale report temperatures based directly on the substances kinetic energy

9 A BSOLUTE Z ERO  Absolute zero is the lowest temperature that is theoretically possible.  At Absolute zero, molecular motion and energy would be minimal, though there would still be at least some small quantity of energy.  Absolute zero cannot be reached on Earth or in a laboratory, but cooling can cool atoms to temperatures within a billionth of a degree of absolute zero.

10 H EAT

11 T HERMAL E NERGY T RANSFERS  Thermal Energy can be transferred in 3 ways 1. Conduction 2. Convection 3. Radiation

12 C ONDUCTION Conduction is the transfer of thermal energy through direct contact between the particles of two substances, without the particles moving to a new location.

13 C ONVECTION  Convection is the transfer of thermal energy through the bulk movement of particles from one location to another.  Convection occurs in fluids(liquids and gases), where the particles have freedom of movement

14 R ADIATION  Radiation is the transfer of energy as electromagnetic waves or fast-moving particles.  The energy transferred in these waves or particles is called radiant energy.  The most common types of radiant energy are visible light and other sorts of electromagnetic radiation, such as infrared and ultraviolet radiation.



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