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Hamiltonian Light Front Field Theory:

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1 Hamiltonian Light Front Field Theory:
Recent Progress and Tantalizing Prospects James P. Vary Iowa State University Light Cone 2011 Dallas, Texas May , 2011

2 Abstract Fundamental theories, such as Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) and Quantum Electrodynamics (QED) promise great predictive power spanning phenomena on all scales from the microscopic to cosmic scales. However, new non-perturbative tools are required to build bridges from one scale to the next. I will outline recent theoretical and computational progress to build these bridges and provide illustrative results for Hamiltonian Light Front Field Theory. One key area is our development of basis function approaches that cast the theory as a Hamiltonian matrix problem while preserving a maximal set of symmetries [1]. Regulating the theory with an external field that can be removed to obtain the continuum limit offers additional advantages as we showed recently in an application to the anomalous magnetic moment of the electron [2]. Recent progress capitalizes on algorithm and computer developments for setting up and solving very large sparse matrix eigenvalue problems. Matrices with dimensions of 10 billion basis states are now solved routinely in leadership-class computers for their low-lying eigenstates and eigenfunctions. This work was supported in part by US DOE Grant DE-FG02-87ER40371 [1] J. P. Vary, H. Honkanen, Jun Li, P. Maris, S. J. Brodsky, A. Harindranath, G. F. de Teramond, P. Sternberg, E. G. Ng, C. Yang, “Hamiltonian light-front field theory in a basis function approach”, Phys. Rev. C 81, (2010); arXiv nucl-th [2] H. Honkanen, P. Maris, J. P. Vary and S. J. Brodsky, “Electron in a transverse harmonic cavity”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, (2011); arXiv:

3 Ab initio nuclear physics - hierarchy of fundamental questions
Can hadron structures and their interactions be derived from QCD? Can nuclei provide precision tests of the fundamental laws of nature? What controls nuclear saturation - 3-nucleon interactions? How does the nuclear shell model emerge from the underlying theory? What are the properties of nuclei with extreme neutron/proton ratios? Jaguar Franklin/Hopper Blue Gene/p Atlas

4 Bridging the nuclear physics scales
QCD Nuclear Structure Applications in astrophysics, defense, energy, and medicine - D. Dean, JUSTIPEN Meeting, February 2009


6 Effective Nucleon Interaction (Chiral Perturbation Theory)
Chiral perturbation theory (χPT) allows for controlled power series expansion Within χPT 2π-NNN Low Energy Constants (LEC) are related to the NN-interaction LECs {ci}. CD CE Terms suggested within the Chiral Perturbation Theory Further renormalization is necessary since momentum transfers still too high, reaching ~ 0.6 GeV/c R. Machleidt, D. R. Entem, nucl-th/

7 A large sparse matrix eigenvalue problem
No Core Shell Model A large sparse matrix eigenvalue problem Adopt realistic NN (and NNN) interaction(s) & renormalize as needed - retain induced many-body interactions: Chiral EFT interactions and JISP16 Adopt the 3-D Harmonic Oscillator (HO) for the single-nucleon basis states, α, β,… Evaluate the nuclear Hamiltonian, H or renormalized Heff, in basis space of HO (Slater) determinants (manages the bookkeepping of anti-symmetrization) Diagonalize this sparse many-body H in its “m-scheme” basis where [α =(n,l,j,mj,τz)] Evaluate observables and compare with experiment Comments Straightforward but computationally demanding => new algorithms/computers Requires convergence assessments and extrapolation tools Achievable for nuclei up to A=16 (40) today with largest computers available

8 NOTE: No known limitations in principle on choice of
Hamiltonian Basis space Renormalization scheme


10 Note additional predicted states!
(CD= -0.2) Note additional predicted states! Shown as dashed lines P. Maris, P. Navratil, J. P. Vary, to be published

11 “Anomalous Long Lifetime of Carbon-14”
Objectives Impact Solve the puzzle of the long but useful lifetime of 14C Determine the microscopic origin of the suppressed β-decay rate Establishes a major role for strong 3-nucleon forces in nuclei Verifies accuracy of ab initio microscopic nuclear theory Provides foundation for guiding DOE-supported experiments 3-nucleon forces suppress critical component Dimension of matrix solved for 8 lowest states ~ 1x109 Solution takes ~ 6 hours on 215,000 cores on Cray XT5 Jaguar at ORNL “Scaling of ab initio nuclear physics calculations on multicore computer architectures," P. Maris, M. Sosonkina, J. P. Vary, E. G. Ng and C. Yang, 2010 Intern. Conf. on Computer Science, Procedia Computer Science 1, 97 (2010) net decay rate Is very small 11

12 Descriptive Science Predictive Science

13 “Proton-Dripping Fluorine-14”
Objectives Impact Apply ab initio microscopic nuclear theory’s predictive power to major test case Deliver robust predictions important for improved energy sources Provide important guidance for DOE-supported experiments Compare with new experiment to improve theory of strong interactions P. Maris, A. Shirokov and J.P. Vary, Phys. Rev. C 81 (2010) (R) V.Z. Goldberg et al., Phys. Lett. B 692, 307 (2010) Experiment confirms our published predictions! Dimension of matrix solved for 14 lowest states ~ 2x109 Solution takes ~ 2.5 hours on 30,000 cores (Cray XT4 Jaguar at ORNL) “Scaling of ab-initio nuclear physics calculations on multicore computer architectures," P. Maris, M. Sosonkina, J. P. Vary, E. G. Ng and C. Yang, 2010 Intern. Conf. on Computer Science, Procedia Computer Science 1, 97 (2010) 13

14 Recent noteworthy accomplishments of the
ab initio no core shell model (NCSM) and no core full configuration (NCFC) Described the anomaly of the nearly vanishing quadrupole moment of 6Li Established need for NNN potentials to explain neutrino -12C cross sections Explained quenching of Gamow-Teller transitions (beta-decays) in light nuclei Obtained successful description of A=10-13 nuclei with chiral NN+NNN potentials Explained ground state spin of 10B by including chiral NNN potentials Developed/applied methods to extract phase shifts (J-matrix, external trap) Successful prediction of low-lying 14F spectrum (resonances) before experiment Explained the mystery of the anomalous long lifetime of 14C, useful for archeology

15 Light cone coordinates and generators
Equal time “Instant Form” x0 H=P0 x1 Light front variables from Frank Woelz’s lectures in the light front school proceedings Run the tex file pro96_jpv.tex under textures P1 3

16 Some perspectives on Hamiltonian applications to LFQ
1+1 dimensional theories DLCQ initiated many applications (Review: Brodsky, Pauli, Pinsky) Spontaneous symmetry breaking (Chakrabarti, Martinovic, Harindranath,…) Critical phenomena - e.g. kink condensation (Chakrabarti, …) Zero modes, boundary conditions, regulators, …(Bassetto, McCartor,…) QCD SU(3) color singlet structures (Hornbostel) 2+1 dimensional theories QCD - Bloch and SRG Heff treatments (Chakrabarti, Harindranath) 3+1 dimensional theories QED - LF wave equations (Hiller, Chabysheva, Brodsky, …) QCD - Transverse lattice (Dalley, van de Sande, Chakrabarti,….) SRG approach (Wilson, Glazek, Perry, … ) DIS - Q2 evolution (Zhang, Harindranath,…) “Near” LFQ (Franke, Prokhvatilov, Paston, Pirner, Naus, Lenz, Moniz, .…) Consistent quantization (D. Kulshreshtha, U. Kulshreshtha,…) Renormalization/Reg’n (Ji, Bakker, Karmanov, Mathiot, Smirnov, Grange’, …) DVCS (Brodsky, Mukherjee, Chakrabarti, …) BLFQ (this talk) QED - BLFQ approach (Zhao poster at this meeting)

17 Discretized Light Cone Quantization (c1985)
Basis Light Front Quantization* Orthonormal: Complete: => Wide range of choices for and our initial choice is *J.P. Vary, H. Honkanen, J. Li, P. Maris, S.J. Brodsky, A. Harindranath, G.F. de Teramond, P. Sternberg, E.G. Ng and C. Yang, PRC 81, (2010). ArXiv:0905:1411

18 Set of transverse 2D HO modes for n=0
J.P. Vary, H. Honkanen, J. Li, P. Maris, S.J. Brodsky, A. Harindranath, G.F. de Teramond, P. Sternberg, E.G. Ng and C. Yang, PRC 81, (2010). ArXiv:0905:1411

19 Steps to implement BLFQ
Enumerate Fock-space basis subject to symmetry constraints Evaluate/renormalize/store H in that basis Diagonalize (Lanczos) Iterate previous two steps for sector-dep. renormalization Evaluate observables using eigenvectors (LF amplitudes) Repeat previous 4 steps for new regulator(s) Extrapolate to infinite matrix limit – remove all regulators Compare with experiment or predict new experimental results Above now achieved for QED test case – electron in a trap H. Honkanen, P. Maris, J.P. Vary, S.J. Brodsky, Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, (2011) Improvements: trap independence, (m,e) renormalization, . . . X. Zhao, P. Maris, J.P. Vary, S.J. Brodsky, poster at this meeting

20 Symmetries & Constraints
Finite basis regulators

21 Hamiltonian for “cavity mode” QCD in the chiral limit
Why interesting - cavity modes of AdS/QCD Λλ

22 Non-interacting QED cavity mode with zero net charge
Photon distribution functions Labels: Nmax = Kmax ~ Q “Weak” coupling: Equal weight to low-lying states “Strong” coupling: Equal weight to all states J.P. Vary, H. Honkanen, J. Li, P. Maris, S.J. Brodsky, A. Harindranath, G.F. de Teramond, P. Sternberg, E.G. Ng and C. Yang, PRC 81, (2010). ArXiv:0905:1411

23 Comment based on Stan Glazek’s, Craig Roberts’
and Stan Brodsky’s presentations Operator SRG (Glazek) appears to be a natural route to obtain the effective (Q-dependent) qluon mass invoked for the Dyson-Schwinger approach (Roberts) If the “gluon condensate” indeed exists only within the hadron and is representable by the gluon mean field, as is consistent with LFQ approach, then the mean field of the glue could be defined (derived?) at a given Nmax ~ K ~ Q. We would then increase the number of gluons until convergence is reached at that scale Q. That is, we adopt the scale Q as defining the border between dynamical gluons and high momentum gluons that define the gluon mean field. For such calculations we initially retain one parameter for the strength of the SRG mean field interaction Vmf between pairs of constituent quarks and gluons. Is the gluon mean field always a color singlet? Compare with J. Spence’s developments.

24 Elementary vertices in LF gauge

25 Initial application to QED*
** *H. Honkanen, P. Maris, J.P. Vary, S.J. Brodsky, Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, (2011); X. Zhao, H. Honkanen, P. Maris, J.P. Vary, S.J. Brodsky, poster at this meeting ** T. Heinzl, A. Ilderton and H. Marklund, Phys. Lett. B692, 250(2010); arXiv:











36 Electron in a transverse harmonic trap*
Initial QED problem Electron in a transverse harmonic trap* Invariant M2 spectra *H. Honkanen, P. Maris, J.P. Vary, S.J. Brodsky, Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, (2011); X. Zhao, P. Maris, J.P. Vary, S.J. Brodsky, poster at this meeting

37 Extended and Improved QED Calculations
Xingbo Zhao, Heli Honkanen, Pieter Maris, James P. Vary and Stanley J. Brodsky – Poster Session Corrects some implementation errors Implements sector-dependent renormalization of mass and charge Decouples trap frequency from basis frequency to improve convergence Preliminary results lead to a puzzle in the electron anomalous magnetic moment => Spurious CM motion? 5. Working now on alternative setup with external field removed completely to verify Schwinger moment Stay tuned for the paper!

38 g-2 for Electron in Harmonic Trap
δμ=(g-2)/2 vs. basis ω (at Ω=0.5MeV): δμ=(g-2)/2 vs. trap potential Ω: Convergence reached at large ω or Nmax δμ should be independent of the choice of basis in the limit of Nmax->∞ ? Each point is the extrapolated result at Nmax->∞ δμ decreases with the strength of trap potential Extrapolated value at Ω=0 larger than the result from perturbation theory Contribution from center-of-mass motion in truncated HO basis? Remove center-of-mass KE from Hamiltonian!

39 Additional recent progress
Derivation of all HQCD vertices in momentum representation and HO basis spaces (Harindranath, Honkanen, Zhao, Wiecki, Li) Comprehensive notes under development (All) Jun Li’s color singlet code transferred to Wiecki and is undergoing verification tests. Programming of additional QCD vertices under development (Zhao, Wiecki, Li) Commencing initial applications to quarkonia

40 Hadron Optics! Applications of LF amplitudes to experiment - DVCS
S.J. Brodsky, D. Chakrabarti, A. Harindranath, A. Mukherjee, and J.P. Vary, Phys. Letts B641, 440 (2006); Phys. Rev. D75, (2007) Hadron Optics! Key to graphs x Bjorken variable  invariant longitudinal impact parameter  invariant conjugate longitudinal momentum M++ Helicity non-flip DVCS amplitude FS Fourier Spectrum F2 DIS structure function

41 Applications of LF AdS/CFT amplitudes to experiment - DVCS
S.J. Brodsky, D. Chakrabarti, A. Harindranath, A. Mukherjee, and J.P. Vary, Phys. Letts B641, 440 (2006); Phys. Rev. D75, (2007)




45 Observation Ab initio approaches maximize predictive power & represent a theoretical and computational physics challenge Key issue How to achieve the full physics potential of ab initio theory Conclusions We have entered an era of first principles, high precision, many-body and quantum field theory for strongly interacting systems Linking hadronic physics and the cosmos through the Standard Model (and beyond) is well underway and LFQ could play a leading role Conjecture - weakly bound case may provide case where FCI truncation yields faster convergence than NCSM truncation Check the 12C results.

46 Collaborators on BLFQ Thank You!
Avaroth Harindranath, Saha Institute, Kolkota Dipankar Chakarbarti, IIT, Kanpur Asmita Mukherjee, IIT, Mumbai Stan Brodsky, SLAC Guy de Teramond, Costa Rica Usha Kulshreshtha, Daya Kulshreshtha, University of Delhi Xingbo Zhao, Pieter Maris, Jun Li, Paul Wiecki, Young Li Heli Honkanen, University of Jyvaskyla Esmond Ng, Chou Yang, Metin Aktulga, Philip Sternberg, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Thank You!

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