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Human Anatomy and Physiology Reproduction in females.

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Presentation on theme: "Human Anatomy and Physiology Reproduction in females."— Presentation transcript:

1 Human Anatomy and Physiology Reproduction in females

2 Reproduction Production of egg and nutrition of embryo Hormones: estrogen (estradiol), progesterone, gonadotropic hormones 2M eggs at birth, 3 - 400,000 at puberty and 400 released during lifetime Menopause - follicles degenerate

3 Egg production (oogenesis)

4 Ovarian cycle Primordial follicle (1) Primary follicle (2) Secondary follicle (3-5) Vesicular follicle (6) Secondary oocyte release (7) Corpus luteum (8) Corpus albicans (9)

5 Ovarian cycle Two Phases Follicular (variable) Luteal (fixed - always 14 days duration)

6 Ovarian cycle control

7 Gonadotropic hormones Fluctuations in levels throughout the ovarian cycle Time (days)

8 Ovarian hormones Fluctuations in levels throughout the ovarian cycle Time (days)

9 Uterine cycle Fluctuations in thickness of uterine wall

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