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#1 Greater Than Graves’ 2012. #2 Fast Facts: The Graves’ Disease and Thyroid Foundation Founded in 1990 by Nancy Patterson Recognized as a 501 C(3) tax-

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Presentation on theme: "#1 Greater Than Graves’ 2012. #2 Fast Facts: The Graves’ Disease and Thyroid Foundation Founded in 1990 by Nancy Patterson Recognized as a 501 C(3) tax-"— Presentation transcript:

1 #1 Greater Than Graves’ 2012

2 #2 Fast Facts: The Graves’ Disease and Thyroid Foundation Founded in 1990 by Nancy Patterson Recognized as a 501 C(3) tax- exempt non-profit international charitable organization. (Donations are tax-deductible). The only non-profit organization that provides personalized service to Graves’ and thyroid patients.

3 #3 Programs and Services Offered… Toll-free hotline for information and support Web site with free informational publications Online forum for patient questions Online physician registry Conferences and educational events E-newsletter and print newsletter Local support groups

4 #4 Facebook: Twitter: @GDATF Linked :'- disease-&'- disease-&-thyroid-foundation YouTube: GravesAndThyroid Social Media

5 #5 Web Site -

6 #6 Patient & Family Conference 2012 Conference: San Diego, CA Oct. 26-28

7 #7 Prior Conference Topics Dr. Terry Smith – “Overview of Graves’ Disease” Dr. Alon Kahana – “ My Approach to Evaluating Patients with Graves' Eye Disease” Dr. Raymond Douglas – “Surgical Rehabilitation of Thyroid Eye Disease” Dr. Lawrence Wood – “What happens to Graves’ during pregnancy?” Dr. Andrew Gianoukakis – “How I treat hypothyroidism”

8 #8 Additional Conference Highlights Support Group meetings for connecting with patients and/or family members Two “ask the doc” sessions Opportunity to network with attendees and presenters

9 #9 Donation Options Secure Individual donations can be made via web, phone, or regular mail Corporate and Foundation Donations Planned Gifts* * Planned gifts may be made in many forms: cash, real estate, stocks, bonds, qualified retirement plans, personal property or life insurance. Please contact the Foundation office for additional guidance on planned giving.

10 #10 Questions?


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